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Posts posted by Portugal25

  1. 4 hours ago, RonBurgundy said:

    but why you always recommend Ferreira? without real cases on forum?

    You do have real cases on the forum like @Rolandas thread. My friend @PT#31 that had his surgery aborted in Turkey with Pekiner is now 2 months post-op from Dr. Ferreira and so far he`s over the moon.

    I reccomend him because he’s affordable and I know he`s highly skilled which is to be expected from a Doctor that works at Dr. Lorenzo clinic in Madrid.

  2. @Houseofwolves the diagnosis you received are ridiculous and scary because one clinic actually includes repairs so I assume fuc**ng up is normal for them.

    In the UK there`s 1 doctor getting a steady flow of good results who is Dr. Reddy but he`s overpriced for his level or results.

    The quote you got of 4000 grafts is actually much less than I would expect because looking at your pictures you should have around 125cm2 of area to fill in and rebuilding the frontal hairline requires higher density so I would say you need at least 6000 grafts split into two surgeries. Also, your hair is blond and thin which makes it a challenge for most Doctors.

    My friend @PT#31 has similar hair to yours and had his surgery aborted by my doctor in Turkey (and he is one of the TOP 3 in Turkey) after 250 grafts were extracted and most were miniaturized. @PT#31 asked for a second opinion to @Dr. Bruno Ferreira and ended up having his HT in May with him with steller results so far (he will be posting soon as I`ve been nagging him to do so).

    @Rolandas also lives in the UK has similar hair to yours and also went with Dr. BF you should check his thread.

    You should consider FUT because it would allow you to optimize your donor area thus getting more grafts (your donor area is limited and every graft is precious so chose a proper doctor that won´t waste grafts). Feriduni and Muresanu ate the kings of FUT in Europe and H&W are the Kings of North America. 

    Dr. Muresanu would be a better option for you should you go with the FUT route because he`s more experienced with FUT mega sessions and could probably do the grafts you need in just 1 surgery.

    If you want to know prices you can check the list I made when I was doing my research.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Runandy said:

    Melvin has repeatedly said that he would not advise anyone to go to Turkey for a hair transplant. He has written off the whole country. I have said there are reputable clinics there that get great results at a much lower cost. Cost should not be the only factor, of course I agree. 

    In the whole of Turkey I found that there`s just 3 doctors achieving truly natural results and out of the 3 only HLC is a safe bet.

    Keser doesn`t use a microscope during surgery and Pekiner aborts surgeries if he finds miniaturized hairs.

    Sure there are others doctors geeting decent results like Demirsoy but for truly natural results using highly skilled techniques I found those 3 Doctors to be the best and only options.

    However, HLC at 2.5€/graft makes zero sense to me because for that exact same price we can get Dr. Ximena Villa or Dr. Bruno Ferreira in Europe.

    I have to agree with @Melvin-Moderator that Turkey should be the last place to consider because it`s truly the wild west out there but it`s also a fact that the 3 doctors I stated above are getting truly natural results and should be a option if a patient is made aware of their limitations beforehand and the price makes sense.

  4. @experion the question was who’s the best in Europe and while I think Dr. BF is cheap for the highly skilled surgery he does I can’t rank him (yet) in the same level as his colleague Lorenzo or the other FUE Icons I stated as the best.

    If you ask me who’s the best and most affordable then it’s “my mate” (that I never met and only exchanged diagnosis emails) Dr. Bruno Ferreira.   

  5. 24 minutes ago, Dodocc said:

    Premium = Hairline implantation by the doctors and not technicians 

    @Dodocc are your certain about this? Hairline implantation by technicians is something I will never recommend so if this is accurate I will only recommend Eugenix for the Premium Package at 2.9€/graft from this day forward which makes them more expensive than Dr. BF and Dr. Ximena Villa (that I myself consider better options if BHT is not necessary).

  6. 3 hours ago, Dodocc said:

    Can you share the link @Portugal25? I couldn't find it..

    I saw some nice results on this forum for this clinic and read all over that if you consider a low cost doctor - you should see him.

    The problem for me starts when comparing to other quotes I got, most of the doctors spoke about 3000-3800 grafts (some even suggested to start with 2200)

    and Erdogan suggested 4500-5000...(all quotes are based on the same pictures)

    You can check below what recent ASMED patients are saying:

    @munich experience and quote:

    “Now they operate 8 patients per day. If you are lucky you get the good techs. Dr. Koray just draws the hairline and makes the cuts. 
    They promise a growth rate of more than 90% but they can't keep this promise anymore as you could see in many cases here in this forum. “

    @dust78 experience and quote:

    “unacceptable is the attitude they are having with me. I sent the photos to show the conditions of my donor. The doctor did not even deign to answer me personally, as usual he delegated his consultant who with a message via whatsapp told me that it was all right and that it was all normal. Furthermore, as he had done previously, at the slightest hint of dissent he immediately made me understand that if I didn't like it I had to see it with their lawyer! “

    @miko experience:


  7. 22 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Comprehensive Package

    Cost of Rs. 75/graft*:

    Planning, designing, and crucial slits are done by Dr Arika Bansal.

    Cost of Rs. 120/graft*:

    Planning, designing, and 100% slits are done by Dr Arika Bansal.

    Premium Package

    Planning, designing, and 100% slits are done by Dr Pradeep Sethi or Dr Arika Bansal.

    Cost of Rs. 210/graft*:

    Prices are exclusive of taxes ie 18%.

    latest prices ! 


    so even the top price will be just under 3 euro(incl tax) , which for such a excellent clinic is pretty good in my view.


    This is cheaper than it was at the beginning of the year.

    So Dr. Arika is now charging 1,65€/graft with tax (great price for such a highly skilled surgeon and technique).
    I don’t understand the Premium Package at 2.9€/graft with tax because the diference is that you may or may not have Dr. Sethi involved, why pay more for something that is uncertain? 
    @Dodocc are these the prices you also got?

  8. 2 hours ago, 83mjs said:

    @Dodocc I agree 2000 USD isn't a big difference!

    I was under the impression (largely thanks to @Portugal25's frequent reminders!) that Eugenix are about 1.8 Euro per graft so unless you're talking about only getting 560 grafts in total, then something isn't right with that maths.

    Dr. Arika does charges 1.8€/graft (with tax) but if you chose the option with Dr. Sethi is goes up to almost 4€/graft. These were the prices at the beginning of 2020 and they were increased this year.

    Ofcourse they could have reviewed the prices so it’s always good for people to inform the prices. 


  9. Just now, Dodocc said:

    Any thoughts about Asmed clinic - Dr. Koray Erdogan ?

    Check HRN latest post on this high price hairmill.
    You have patients stating they have 8 tech run surgeries per day and several botched patients complaining from lack of response, one said he was threatened by lawyers.

    My advise is to stay far far away. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, Marat Ledok said:

    Hey, just because I found this review site these days and I found because of the second guy who posted here from the same clinic. This site is not popular in Russia, I found it on google, if I knew before I would start from the beginning. I was showing these pics on my instagram stories.  But I found it now when I am 6 months post op so started no and posted all photos I have. You can check me on instagram:  marat_ledok to get sure I am a real person

    If in 12 months you are still here contributing regularly about your experience and results then you will fall under those rare 1% that aren’t paid reps!
    I will be here to see if that happens.

  11. Thats the second time someone registers at HRN to post a before and after result from Bellus Clinic. 

    This seems like another paid representative from one of the thousands Turkish  hairmills. He already posted a before and after thread. 

    Real patients post their results over several months and actively share and discuss their experience over the course of said months.

    @Melvin-Moderator can confirm this happens all the time and 99% of the time it’s paid reps.

    I only trust real patients posting at HRN from the beginning to the end of the growth cycle. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Raphael84 said:


    Just to clarify in regards to Dr Bisanga and pricing. This information is inaccurate/misrepresented.

    Dr Bisanga charges a different price point depending on the source of the grafts. i.e. Scalp donor is cheaper than body hair donor.
    To give an idea, scalp donor with Dr Bisanga is 33% less than the €6.05 stated here.

    It is a shame when pricing for other doctors is stated inaccurately and misrepresents their structure and in doing so influences other individuals.

    By all means if anybody would like to understand pricing for FUE with Dr Bisanga more specifically for themselves, by all means reach out to the clinic or myself.

    @Raphael84 I was informed it was 5€/graft plus 21% tax = 6.06€/graft for the first 1000 grafts and then its 3€ plus 21% tax = 3,63€/graft.

    Please confirm that the price per graft with Dr. Bisanga is actually 33% cheaper = 4,55€/graft (including 21% tax) so I can update my excel sheet. 

    Only interested in final prices with tax as I can’t charge a HT to a company and I don’t think we can get a tax refund at the airport for showing a receipt of a surgery.


  13. 3 hours ago, Dodocc said:

    I would say that I'm about in between NW stage 3V - 4 so I don't think BHT is necessary.

     At my stage would you still highly recommend Eugenix ? they are at a much "fair" price point than those that replied to me until now (still waiting for some replies)...

    As mentioned at the beginning, I'm not trying to find the cheapest doctor but I do have a budget at the end of the day and doing an FUE procedure for 36,000 USD (like one doctor quoted) is really out of my ballpark...


    If you are a NW3V I wouldn’t place Dr. Sethi from Eugenix in my Top 3 HT Docs (Konior leading this list) and if you are scared of needles and anesthesia then your best bet would be Dr. Lorenzo because I know he does a pain free surgery.

    My friend @PT#31 had a HT with to the other Doctor working at his clinic (Bruno Ferreira) after being aborted by Pekiner (mid-surgery) and explained that with Pekiner he felt the anesthesia and needles from beginning to the end of the  very short surgery (that was aborted) but with Dr. Lorenzo anesthesia technique he only felt the first needle. 

    Probably the other elite doctors also use the same painless anesthesia technique but I’m only certain of this about Dr.Lorenzo and his colleague Dr.BF.

  14. Eugenix is good but not on the same level as the FUE ICONS you contacted.

    Other icons are Bisanga, Lupanzula, Muresanu, True&Dorin and Ron Shapiro.

    You should check real patient results from all these doctors before making a decision as you might find you like the hairlines and techique of one over the others. 

  15. Price is always a very important factor to consider and I myself was price driven in choosing the Doctors for both my hair transplants. 

    Dr. Rahal gave me a better price than all other Doctors in his league in 2008 so I chose him and Pekiner gave me a better price than any other Doctor with great BHT results. 

    When I looked at results from Doctors that are involved in every step of the surgeries I knew I was safe to expect a similar result if I chose that Doctor. 

    The problem is that people fail to realize that we can’t look at results from surgeries performed by technicians and expect to have similar results because we don’t know if we will have the same tech team that achieved that good result performing our surgery. 

    Still every week I have to explain to friends or family members that just because they have friend that paid 2000€ and got a decent result with a tech run surgery that doesn’t mean he will also get a decent result because that tech team may not even be working at that clinic anymore and on the day of the surgery he can get a poorly skilled tech team (it’s down to how lucky he is to get good tech team).

    This is why I rather recommend Turkish nurses with real patients results that are involved the whole surgery rather than tech run surgeries. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Tjphelps said:

    Thanks for explanation. Portugal25 seems to copy paste same comment in several topics. Yes, I saw the general complains, I mean hairline is always ok. I wish there was a perfect doc :) 😥 hesitating goes on....

    @Tjphelps I use the same phrases because there’s seem to be more and more people posting about low cost all inclusive surgeries and my warning will always be the same.

    If you are looking for a budget Doctor you should consider Demirsoy (1.25€/graft) or spend a bit more with Dr. Arika (1.8)/graft) for a highly skilled technique. 
    If you are looking for all inclusive low cost then instead of having unknown technicians performing your surgery at Cinik (or any other low cost clinic) go with the nurses Esma&Serkan Tetik because they have dozens of real patients on the Turkish forum with good results and charge 1500€ for DHI (all inclusive). Better going with nurses with real patients results than unknown technicians with no medical background.

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