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Everything posted by Pbaird98

  1. Smile isn’t a clinic I like, but if I gave them the benefit of the doubt then maybe you have a scalp issue that wouldn’t have been detected. But what’s more likely is it was poor surgery, so handling of the grafts or techniques etc, so many different things can cause poor to no growth. Pretty much all clinics will ask for patients to wait until 12 months, that’s understandable, but in certain cases such as your’s then it’s clear that something is wrong, the extra few months isn’t going to suddenly produce any miracle growth. Smile will see this thread and most likely contact you, they have eyes everywhere and are known to get less favourable reviews/results removed if they can.
  2. It’s true everyone is different, but this is beyond that, you should have seen at least pretty much all of the grafts break the surface at this point. Did a Dr do the incisions?
  3. Have they given any kind of response to this? Even the slowest of growers would have seen more growth at this point.
  4. @SaturnGood luck Bro, solid choice of Dr. What’s the plan? FUE or combo FUT/FUE? I see some pretty awesome cases from Medispa. Look forward to seeing the subsequent pics and write up 👍🏿
  5. Please do update here, personally I don’t see it having any benefit or impact whatsoever, as @Gatsbymentioned it’s money that could be used in a hair transplant instead. And yeh I have to agree with @BurnieBurnsof course they will say and do all the right things when selling, typical sales techniques.
  6. Give your scalp the best chance of a decent result and swerve this hair mill. Keep researching, and don’t trust any online reviews or “best of/in” as well as the middle men medical tourism type websites. What reviews are best? Well real patient journeys such as you will see here, or on other hair loss forums. Consider Euro options, and not just “Turkey/Istanbul” of course there’s a few decent clinics but try and focus on who will suit your particular needs, and not who is the cheapest.
  7. Yeh absolutely guaranteed they have read it and just don’t want to address any of the concerns. Decent/ethical clinics/Drs have no problem addressing concerns either privately or publicly, this shower obviously prefers the la, la la fingers in ears approach..
  8. So sorry to see that you don’t really appear to be having growth, the clinic might a poor choice/hair mill but usually patients get a reasonable yield. Do you have any pre and post op pics? 5k was a lot in one hit.
  9. The more I see from this Dr the more I like, we so need a good option here in good ol blighty..
  10. Seems to go through phases, not so many recently, this one looks particularly impressive. Please can we have some more @L0ke👍🏿
  11. At NW2 aged 44 this guy was already in a good spot, some of the pre op shows either damp or product in the hair. Not a huge fan of this one, but every patient has different goals.
  12. Keep on researching bro, maybe share some more details/pics, don’t go for a hair mill/tech based procedure. And don’t just look at the cheaper options.
  13. This is strange for me to read, normally Eugenix don’t seem to go overboard on the graft count, this does not look like you need In excess of 2k… Like others have mentioned, to me it doesn’t seem like you a transplant is particularly warranted at this stage. But anyway you’re booked in and going ahead so I will be interested to see how many grafts get implanted.
  14. You had a very good result a few years ago, I hope this touch up gets you to the point you want. Just be careful seeking perfection, you may be using some of you’re finite donor area that could be needed in the future. Im not going to debate the ASMED issue as it’s already been mentioned, most of us are aware what they have become.
  15. Yeh don’t get it done in Turkey bro, consider Dr Mwamba, Dr Bisanga and @DrTBarghouthias some good options.
  16. Few are so adept at both FUT/FUE, long admired this Dr, definitely belongs on the recommended list. 👍🏿
  17. I would seek out another Dr yes, you will find much better looking here on the forum. You have a good idea of how it will end up around 9 months, the last few are maturing and thickening mostly, most of the growth would have already taken place. You’re experience with the Dr was good, but I don’t think the planning was right, to address a frontal third with 1800 grafts wasn’t ever going to provide good density imo.
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