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Everything posted by Pbaird98

  1. Damn they went in and pretty much exhausted that area in particular, seems like a case of over harvesting and then shock loss on top, yeh it will recover somewhat, but how much it’s difficult to say. So unfortunately it’s now just a waiting game.
  2. Pre and post op pics would be helpful if you have these. Maybe a combo of over harvesting and shock loss, that was a hell of a lot of grafts in one session, shock loss wouldn’t be at all surprising and nor would the over harvesting. I think this will improve but it may take a while, at least a few months until you start to see some proper regrowth. Was it someone like HOI or Asli Tarcan?
  3. I really think it should have been a higher amount of grafts for the frontal third, Possibly at least 2.5k+ for the amount that’s been implanted you do at least seem to be getting good growth. See how you feel after 12 months, you can always have a second procedure, maybe look at a different Dr/Clinic though.
  4. Hope it all goes well, look forward to seeing the pics 👍🏿
  5. True ^ And for the price he charges just to do the incisions you could go to one of Europe’s elite…
  6. Yeh every clinic has the sub par results, mostly see ok or good results from him, but like i said the best option is to cancel altogether and start considering the better, more reliable clinics. The online reviews such as google, Trustpilot get swamped with fake reviews (usually from one review posters) and they go out of their way to remove the negative ones.
  7. This is night and day looking back on where you started out from, nice pics Bro! More to come….
  8. None of the above, not on any of the different package options. Dr Yaman who is forum recommended would be a much better choice, but to be honest it would be better to lose the travel cost if it’s too late to cancel than risking one of the hair mills you listed. Right now it’s not too late to save yourself from the risks of a possibly sub par procedure, it looks like you was originally going for the cheaper options. Glad you actually saw for yourself it’s not the way to go forward.
  9. Just 4.5 months? 😳 very nice indeed!
  10. Very nice work Dr, no wonder this lady is happy 😉Out of curiosity what is your rate per graft? I believe it’s around €5+
  11. Not checked his prices for a while now, used to be €3.5 dropping to €2.5 after first 1000 grafts, no doubt it’s more now…
  12. FUE manuelle 4.00€/graft (3000 UF) FUE Patchy 4.00€/graft (1000 UF / day) Afro hair 5.00€/graft (1000 UF / day) FUE unshaved 5.00€/graft (1000 UF / day)
  13. Yeh i saw that, on another forum it was less but the graft count was higher.
  14. True, defiantly more than €3.50, how much more im not sure, pricing seems missing from most results.
  15. Agree 100% shouldn’t be excused at all, I really can’t understand why it was planned like this.
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