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Everything posted by Pbaird98

  1. It’s not without risks of course, but many do get a transplant without using meds. Just be prepared for further loss and plan accordingly. As a heads up I wouldn’t personally consider Dr Yaman with you’re hair type, You should look at Dr Mwamba, Dr Bisanga and @DrTBarghouthiand get consultations done with them also. And under no circumstances consider the likes of Asli Tarcan, HOI…
  2. Very nice write up, excellent pics, work looks fantastic! All good bro 👍🏿
  3. It’s always worth saving more If needed to get the right Dr/Clinic, if you spend time here looking around you will see that repairs are unfortunately common place. Get it done right from the off, you’re future self will thank you. Dr Turan or Dr Gur are very affordable while still doing good work, I see that only Dr Turan is forum recommended at present, but Dr Gur is well regarded here and elsewhere too. HDC is another consideration, depending on the Dr it’s about €2 per graft upwards.
  4. As a NW6 you can forget my Keser & Pekiner suggestions lol they don’t really cater for the higher Norwoods. Fuecapilar is a good option, I don’t know you’re budget but did you also look at Dr Pittella/Fuegenix/Hattingen & @DrTBarghouthijust some more names to consider that seem to do solid/consistent work with the high Norwood levels. I’m on the fence with Eugenix, seen some great work sure, but also some questionable ones, and yeh of course no clinic is without the not so good results on occasion.
  5. Keep researching and rule out 99.9% of the low cost/mills in Turkey, If you’re basing this on cost then it won’t end well. If you’re looking for affordable and still have Dr Involvement and best chance of a good result then consider Dr Keser, Dr Pekiner, Dr Bicer and Dr Turan/Dr Gur. If you spend anytime researching here then you won’t find people recommending Long Hair Clinic, you can do so much better. Difficult to recommend someone when we don’t know anything about you, can you post pics etc?
  6. If it’s the same chart I have seen, it’s well and truly out of date. The pricing for H&W is on a sliding scale depending on FUT/FUE and how many grafts, it decreases once you go over 2k. Both of the Drs charge the same amount.
  7. Only time will tell, it’s going to be a waiting game. It’s unusual for grafts to grow really early on (not Impossible but unlikely) you could be seeing the scabs shedding and giving the impression they are growing, when they are just being pushed out/shed.
  8. I’m agreeing with you, I just want the poster to reveal himself if he’s actually a Dr, @DrTBarghouthiis definitely elite and his advice is always very good, you’re absolutely correct in saying that Drs will use different punch sizes and will use different techniques. When I said this is true I was concurring with what you had written.
  9. This is true, I could be wrong but I think the above poster is actually a Dr (who’s posted as a Dr before) maybe @AhmadChaudhrycould confirm this?
  10. What the OP had on Reddit was the overboard response, it’s a much more measured response here thankfully 🙏🏿
  11. If you can’t find a Dr in the Philippines then yeh you’re going to have to go further afield. As mentioned above you could consider the options in Thailand, Dr. Kongiat Laorwong & Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, both are very experienced/skilled and have lots of results here.
  12. Yup, try and get a refund, do what you can and stop any future payments.
  13. Online reviews are not worth sh*t as they are easily faked, just about every single clinic worldwide has 5 star reviews.
  14. Yeh this was my guess for the amount of grafts. No way is it 2k Plus. And in a way thats better as the more grafts not used the better.
  15. Was it a chain like clinic like Bosley? Or a independent? Im sad and angry that this work still flys in 2022. I cant disagree with whats been said already, its difficult to get the balance right between calling out poor work and not going overboard with the criticism.
  16. And yes the donor area does show that more grafts have been taken than they implanted. Was this someone who side lines in doing hair transplants? I would be surprised if they are doing it full time. I guess I’m just wondering how much experience they have?
  17. I’m so sorry to see and read this. Unfortunately I have to say I can’t see 2k worth of grafts. And yes it’s not good work, it’s not refined and the implanted grafts are not likely going to make any real visual impact, I have absolutely no pleasure in having to write this. There is positives though, the next procedure you get (whenever that may be) you will much, much better informed and it’s better they didn’t actually take 3.8k of you’re finite donor area. The plan should have been to provide adequate cover at the frontal third, and then another procedure for the crown, not both with such few grafts, which I would only guesstimate around 1500-1750 max. Please do say who the Dr/Clinic was, it would be a help to anyone who could be looking to book a procedure with them, now or in the future.
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