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Everything posted by Pbaird98

  1. Yeh so many red flags, the usual worthless “Guarantee”, the ridiculous boasts like “No complaints” , 99% performance rate? They are just another run of the mill(hair mill) which should be avoided.
  2. Yeh to me it was all about the planning, I tagged @Eugenix Hair Sciencesin a earlier post and they didn’t respond unfortunately. Much as Eugenix have really good results here it’s doesn’t mean to say we can’t discuss what seems like poor planning on their behalf.
  3. A lot of clinics offer the same, but why choose a low cost/hair mill type clinic at all? At least look at some of the better options, Dr Turan/Dr Gur or even Yaman or Demirsoy would be better choices. Can you find a single real result from Hermest? Like one on a forum, not cherry picked, or on a faceless review such as Google/Trustpilot etc.
  4. Nah it’s all good, lookin at the pics it seems that you’re destined to end up a NW6, are you on a med regime.
  5. Bro these are hair mills, you need to consider saving up more to get a better option. Yeh Dr Turan/Dr Gur or Dr Bicer are considerations in Turkey along with a few others, but you really need to be looking at as many results as possible. This question gets asked on the daily, 100s of similar threads, do plenty of research here. Plenty of actual real patient posting, yeh you’re right to be suspicious of online reviews, easy to game. At least here people are posting full journeys and you will see the same Drs/Clinics names been repeated that are doing good work.
  6. Yeh another good option, best to look at as many results as you can find from all the different Drs we have mentioned, and reach out and get some consultations in.
  7. I think Dr Konior will be mentioned with good reason… Yeh please do post some pics!
  8. Wow 😯 incredibly natural looking result here!
  9. Dr Pinto, Dr Ferreira, Dr Freitas, HDC, Fuegenix and Dr Pitella as just some that come to mind. Definitely worth researching further than the recommended list, some really good options that are not on it.
  10. Dr Raja is doing some good work, let’s hope we now a decent UK option people can consider. 🤜🏿
  11. This is coming on well for very early days! Enjoy seeing work from Fuegenix 👌🏿
  12. Yeh head shots like he had could actually cause concussion, maybe I should have mentioned that… good point 👍🏿
  13. This was posted in one of the Fuegenix result threads (Jan 22) by the Dr himself: The price varies roughly between €3,25 - €3,75,-/ graft. (This is going to change in the future though).
  14. Hattingen has a sliding scale for costs, which differs for FUT/FUE. Heitmann is 6, CHF per graft (FUE), Hattingen is less for both FUT/FUE yeh, quality wise? Tough call.. unfortunately we don’t see many results on this particular forum, need to look elsewhere.
  15. Severe head trauma may cause “temporary” loss but that’s extreme, from what you have described it’s incredibly unlikely. And as you mentioned you was worried that you have done permanent damage to the follicle’s I would have to say that’s even more unlikely. The brusing/bump will subside before long.
  16. Its just not that easy to lose hair, follicles are deep under the surface, bumping/brusing your head isn’t enough.
  17. No you won’t have lost any hair from this incident, if you recently had a hair transplant then it might have been a different story.
  18. Spend some time here looking at the Drs/Clinics that are being recommended, not just by the forum itself, but also from other members, some really good choices in Europe and further afield. Apart from the names I already seen mentioned I also see good work from Heitmann, Fuegenix, Pittella and @DrTBarghouthi. Yeh the question gets posted often, the most common being “please best/cheap transplant in Turkey/Istanbul” but at least you’re considering travelling elsewhere. What’s you’re own situation, are you on meds? How old are you? You was quoted a lot of grafts so I’m guessing you have extensive baldness already.
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