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Daniel A

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  1. Hello, Really nice to see an HT result after 10 years. May I know how recent did your temples started thin? If it happened quite suddenly, it might not be because of DHT. What I’m thinking is a synchronized telogen phase for your transplanted hair or telogen effluvium. Your non-transplanted hair was thick so if telogen effluvium happened, they might still look thick. But your transplanted area wasn’t really thick, so after TE the area looks thin. If it has been thinning for a while and your hair thinned slowly, then it’s another atory. And please take my opinion witha grain of salt, I’m not a doctor.
  2. Since it’s been a month, I think it will be fine. But let’s hear from the professionals.
  3. Honestly bro, from what I see you don’t need any work done. Your hair doesn’t look to be thinning to me. But if it is thinning, you should consider medication first. If you have work done on such a small area and the surrounding area thins out, IMO it might look weird. Also, other members might ask you to show pictures of your crown from years before just to compare if it’s thinning or not.
  4. Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I’m personally not expecting great crown coverage. I have lived with an almost bald crown for years. That’s why as long as there’s a substantial difference, then I am happy. I just want to know if I will have considerable improvement in the upcoming months.
  5. You can purchase it from Freia Medical in Novena. They have various doses as well.
  6. Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I did have around 1400 grafts transplanted to my crown. I’m almost 5.5 months post op and I’ve had a good growth in the last month. I just want to know if I still have lots of growth ahead or what I have now is quite close to the final result. I have attached the picture of my crown last month (4.5 months postop) vs now. I did have 1800 grafts transplanted to the front as well. And I think my front is growing much better. My family members think it is a huge improvement from pre op.
  7. Hello, I heard that the crown takes longer to grow. How many months does it take for the crown to have a decent growth? When can we expect to have like 50% of the growth? Thanks all.
  8. I think most members would say that you should wait a year taking the medication before considering a transplant. Just so you can see how your hair reacts. But I think while waiting you can have consultations with surgeons. There are many recommended surgeons here in the forum. You should have a consultation with a few of them.
  9. Honestly man, in my opinion the density looks low. But I could be wrong. Let’s hear what other members say.
  10. I really enjoyed my hair during 2-3 weeks post op. Hoping that it would come back to the thickness then soon. I’m just worried something happened to my grafts between then and now.
  11. Thans all for the reply. I’m around 3.5 months post op. I only see a little bit of thick stubbles. But I see some thin hairs growing. It sucks to be waiting. But I guess that’s the game.
  12. I read that initally transplanted hairs grow as thin fuzzy hairs. Is that true? Or do some of them grow as thick as normal from the start? Thanks all.
  13. That’s interesting. I read that transplanted grafts are put 3-3.5mm below the surface of the skin. So microneedling wouldn’t reach the follicles.
  14. Hello everyone, does anyone know when I can do microneedling after an HT? Is 2 months enough time? I usually do 1mm microneedling but stopped after my HT.
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