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Everything posted by JayLDD

  1. I agree SMP is an option, that comment was overly harsh but at the same time if people were more adamant about what is an appropriate decision making process to hair transplants and were more outspoken on surgeon selection you wouldn't get as many bad results. Quality SMP is hard to come by and I don't think this person should be spending more on transplants. If it hasn't worked out after that many mistakes it should be avoided entirely. After 5 poor decisions on clinics, can you really assume after recommending SMP that it won't go the same way? There's a point where one has to say enough.
  2. This is why you don't go to garbage cheap clinics. Why did you keep going back to the same clinic if they gave you bad results? Senseless. Your situation isn't fixable. Buzz it off.
  3. Booked a second surgery for late April with ASMED, going for 2000-2500 mainly to close off the temple areas in the hairline a bit more, add density to the frontal third and throw some in the crown too.
  4. I had huge changes from 5-7 which continued up until around month 9, add a bit more length to that as well and this should be a strong result.
  5. If you don't have the intellectual maturity to attempt finasteride (barring any good reason to do so beyond a 2-5% chance of short term side effects) then you shouldn't get a hair transplant. The risks of hair transplantation particularly on a diffuse thinner are laughably larger, and you're going to get far more benefit from finasteride in the long run than a few transplants.
  6. You made a good choice, once you've gone through with it you'll be very glad you did. Get excited.
  7. Just go to Erdogan. Everything I have seen of Kaan is impressive and as are his credentials but there really isn't enough on any forum to conclude he's worth going to. And why would one pick Kaan over Keser or Oztan who have long term proven track records and in my opinion still visibly better results on average than Kaans? OP is not a stick and place case, he is a 3000 graft megasession case requiring full frontal third restoration. There is no other doctor in Turkey that is a better option for this case than Erdogan. Go to Erdogan OP. Problem solved. And as hsrp10 mentioned, people get aggressive here because anyone who has flicked through forums for even ten minutes sees plenty of people throwing away tens of thousands along with butchering themselves cosmetically and their potential for future procedures. Don't take advice from Alex84 for example who acts like a pillar of reason when he went to a no-name hospital clinic in Turkey with horrible results and subsequently chose Doganay who is notoriously unethical in multitudes of ways and has been for years, as backed by hundreds of forum complaints.
  8. And your choice of doctor shows a lot about your decision making abilities. A decision maker who chooses a doctor who reused equipment that was supposed to be thrown away after the procedure, caused infections, outright avoided performing any of the surgery on various patients and left it all to technicians, left untrained technicians to work on patients, had likely over 100 bad (or worse) results over a period of a few years, destroyed donors and refused to repair any of this on many occasions or offer refunds. Noticeably you also went to a no-name clinic with bad reviews and very little available information on it online for your first procedure. One with zero presence on major forums either. You're the definition of a terrible decision-maker. Don't act like the word moron isn't justified or that its out of place here, we're adults and this is the real world. Peoples lives are ruined by bad transplants and unethical doctors like yours. Time to grow up mate.
  9. Don't consider or go to Doganay. Only a moron would. We aren't talking about one bad result or one instance of unethical conduct. It was systematic and went on for years.
  10. Oztan is well worth looking into as well. Using stick and place technique similar to Keser and involved throughout the full procedure. Personally I think that unless you're a NW2 Erdogan is the best option in Turkey, a transplant isn't horrific but at 500-750 grafts a day I don't think I could endure that with Keser even if I think Keser offers among the best FUE results in the world and that stick and place will in general provide better results.
  11. You picked your doctor and ready for one yet? You've been around a bit and know your stuff so surprised you haven't pulled the trigger yet. Agree this is the greatest hair transplant result(s) of all time.
  12. Don't overthink it. If you want the procedure then go for it, if you feel you're moving up one norwood over 12 yearsish then I think you can answer your own question. If the time and finances (and for any potential future procedures down the track) are there then get off the forum and book a procedure rather than wasting more time. I think you were looking at Bisanga so no issues there.
  13. Wish you all the best. Post updates if you can especially around the 3-6 month mark, interested to see how it turns out.
  14. If you have another 10k for future procedures you should be fine. The work and ethical conduct of Baubac is top notch from what I have seen and with another 10k spare you're in a very safe position. The fact that you're on finasteride will help you maintain long term as well, you're unlikely to lose a significant amount more of hair at your age while on it.
  15. You point of a deposit is to protect the one providing a service. You can't just willy nilly ask for it back because you don't feel like it anymore. If you want the surgery, you've chosen a highly proficient surgeon and should go through with it.
  16. I understand the concerns particularly with the clinic association, but I haven't seen any valid concerns with his work or consistency, which genuinely appear top notch in every case I have seen. Sure the marketing is questionable, but the same can be said for the entire sector. What matters is results. He also guarantees a repair which is more than can be said for a number of doctors recommended here. Look at his results for yourself I suspect your mind will be swayed. From what I have seen no one in the United States is doing better FUE work aside from potentially Konior, who only has maybe 10 FUE results available to view online so proper judgement is difficult.
  17. Haha thank you, +1 for Baubac too, definitely worth the consult. Wish there were more examples of his work on this forum but what I have seen of his hairline work is immaculate, and good reputation for ethical conduct + consistency at this point.
  18. Total transplant porn. Rahal still one of the GOATs for naturalness of hairline design.
  19. Why are you so focused on being discreet about it? Are you after a cosmetic improvement, or to pay for a surgery where no one can see difference? When you have an entire thread of people telling you you're making a stupid mistake (mostly people who have experience with the procedure) then you should certainly listen. Again for you not to have consultation with other doctors like Feriduni, Konior, Erdogan or Lupanzula for example again is just stupidity. Particularly consult online with some Belgian doctors like Feriduni, Lupanzula and Bisanga who are close. It seems as if you are more interested in coming to this forum to spite and disagree with everyone having already made up your mind than to legitimately enquire about your options. You will not under ANY circumstances get 3000 hairs with a hairline procedure either as at least 200 hairs will likely need to be single hair grafts for good results. Another reason why it is clear Reddy is being disingenuous. You could opt for quite frankly a better surgeon and a more ethical surgeon with fair prices for half what you're paying while getting full coverage. Ridiculous. Wish I had the money to piss dollars down the drain willy nilly like yourself.
  20. Go to a good doctor like Keser, Feriduni or Hasson and get the surgery and you will likely get a good result. Go to one of the shitty doctors you keep bringing up and you will almost definitely get a mediocre or bad result. End of story. If you feel so strongly you should get the surgery, but don't be ignorant and go to a shitty doctor just because you're unwilling to accept new information. It's not about price either, you can pay $20 per graft it isn't going to get you a better result than with the doctors I mentioned. Pak and Rassman are behind the times and you will regret it if you go there, especially because you require a dense packed hairline procedure with a high yield or else you may look worse than you began. Stop asking stupid questions and listen.
  21. You're are very, very bad at picking surgeons. Trust people here who have experience. Look at Feriduni, Hasson, and especially Keser in Turkey. You're already in a very good situation, go to that idiot Pak and it's likely you will look worse than you started off with.
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