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Everything posted by mikeyhwk

  1. Everything is relative so to guys with more loss it may seem like you have a great head of hair and it's not terrible by any means but all that ultimately matters is what you think of it and if you think it's a problem, then it is. I'm a diffuse loss patient and my hair was there like yours tho mine was probably a little further adanced in its loss than yours but had thinned in parts to the point where it made styling a pain in the ass tho I still had coverage. I got 2500 into the front hair line and there was no problem at all with permanent shock loss just pick an experienced surgeon who can dense pack and has experience with working between native hairs. Dr Koray has that experience so he would be a fine choice and you could achieve the result you're looking for.
  2. Just my 2 cents, as I said earlier I dont begrudge any doc charging a consultation fee but I do begrudge a doctor not willing to take it off the final price if you decide to go with him. That for me would be something that would stop me going to a doctor. I can afford the money, the money is a non issue so lets stop harping on the amount this is about the principle ...to me that they make a stink over what amounts to peanuts is concerning, part of the reasons I chose the doctors I did for my surgeries is their passion for what they do and I avoided docs who seemed more motivated by the finances involved. I get a lawyer feeling from a doctor that insists on billing like this..like any discussions are on the clock and that they think their time is so important that in the future after the transplant I may have trouble reaching them and may end up working my way up thru middle men, and reps etc to get questions answered because their time is so valuable. Now is that going to for sure be the case no and I know that but that is the impression that I get and I dont want to feel that way going into a surgery nor should I have to question that... god forbid what if something goes wrong in the healing process or the result is subpar then what hassle am i going to potentially face if hes nickle and diming me now. Are they going to be sticklers on the repair and fight me, just thoughts that pop up and are red flags for me. I want to feel the process is about the hair not the money.
  3. you should post your pics if you can. Dr Wesleys work from what ive seen has looked excellent, just dont see a ton of patient experience reports with him unfortunately.
  4. beware the entering of vehicles. Car roofs love taking grafts, other than that you should be okay
  5. credit where credit is due, this is very well done. It's good to see this clinic on the upswing but trust is a hard thing to earn back. I hope in time with consistent results like this you find it.
  6. I think you're going to find more people with regrets that they didn't wait for Konior than you'll find regrets of people who went with him. Advice, rest easy you made a great choice
  7. I see both sides. I understand the doctors need to not waste their time with every lookieloo who has a passing curiosity but it is fair to get to meet and find out if the doc youre choosing for this costly surgery is somebody you feel comfortable with and being charged for that seems greedy. The good news is, in the hair community the information is pretty out there so you tend to hear who has character issues etc so if you like their body of work the consults usually just a formality. I haven't heard of anybody racking up multiple costs in consults. So if youre interested exclusively by Feriduni, drop the fee and get it done. Ive never heard of a consult fee not being taken from the total if you go ahead with the op.
  8. Your options should never be down to dr Doganay, very poor short list if hes on it. I would go to Bhatti over him 100 times out of 100 and Bhatti wouldn't make my own personal short list but this isn't even a question between the 2, only one delivers consistent improvement. You really should research Doganay more he's done some serious damage to members here as for the question, Ive used 2 docs who both handle it differently and both are world class. The answer lies in the experience of the techs involved. If doc A has a tech that has been extracting for 10 years and is as adept at it as the doc which allows him to focus on implanting that is a good scenario, or vice versa years implanting allowing doc to extract...but it doesnt matter how good the doc is at his part of the surgery if the tech is shit at their part.
  9. 100% agree with Ernie. My god the protein shake is a bad joke. They skimped out on the key ingredient, the protein, added a few cheapie vitamins like Biotin in miniscule amounts to get away with calling it a hair product and then jack up the price by a ridiculous amount because it's hair doctor approved. Course the doc raves about it, they're making a cut off the sale, look at the site it asks you which doc referred you. Scam product
  10. Dr Lorenzo believes very strongly in fin and says that is the only must but he encourages vitamin usage, the standards, biotin, vitamin b, e but no extra measures needed to help fight mpb or to accelerate growth so I'm just going along with his recommendations. As well the clobex once a week, starting in week 3.
  11. Im not taking it as combative, nor am I trying to be combative in return. tone is hard to pick up online but doing my best just to answer.
  12. If you know more than the docs I'm happy to listen to ya and relay your points of view to the doc and see if he has anything to counter but my previous experience was positive and thats all I can offer and what Ive been told. Regarding many transplant docs and derms not being MDs, thats not true,MD is the basic only requirement to be a hair transplant doc, It is that easy, get your md degree and you're technically qualified... you're not allowed to do any cutting without a medical license which is why almost every doc will punch and score but farm out extracting and implanting if theyre able. Even in the wild west in turkey with all the hair mills they have an MD on top to give the appearance of legitimacy. Dermatology is 4 year residency after your md program so not sure where you're getting that. I did use minox post op my first procedure upon dr Bisangas advice and I hated it, dried out my hair and scalp but stuck to it, he did my hairline only and the minox wasn't applied there. Had a very good result and my hair grew in quick. Just had my 2nd procedure 3 days ago and have stopped minox and my crown was done so I will see if it has any noticeable effect on growth as that is where I was applying minox. Re: Nizoral. dr Lorenzo doesn't recommend it any time. Waste of time and largely ineffective unless you have an issue with a fungal infection.
  13. as Dr Feller likes to say, you're a layman to this argument, I'd probably defer to the doctors and their experience on this one. What is your medical background? And it's not regularly, Dr Lorenzo wants me on it once a week, I'd have to check my notes to see what my protocol was with Dr B I dont remember anymore but given the right conditions I don't think its nearly as harmful as youre making it out to be. I tend to agree that for redness it seems overkill but for dermatitis as I got from minox its applicable. as for why he hates minoxidil, skin irritation and reaction, lackuster results, he finds the negatives outweigh the benefits, and he's not the first doc to tell me that either, dr Hasson advised me to stop it as well. Dr Hasson told me it was horrible on the scalp and makes it tougher and worse to transplant into.
  14. I appreciate your personal experience but sounds like you may be the outlier here and not the norm. Dr Bisanga recommended clobex for me and I used it with no issue and that was on his experience and that of Dr Meyer who he consulted with before issuing me a script for it, dr Meyer was a dermatologist before entering into hair transplants. I just had a 2nd procedure done with Dr Lorenzo and he also advised me to use clobex as a result of minoxidil irritation. He for the record hates minoxidil, told me to stop it but hes said hes recommended clobex for years to use as needed and its never had any adverse effects on transplanted hair growth. I think for the majority that it is safe to use. I don't think it's necessary in the case of redness as in this case, but in actual cases of dermatitis it can be beneficial without harming the end result.
  15. that 8-12 week period was a bad one for me too, just got worse before it got better but it gets way better. Its just the process and you have no choice but to bear with it. The hairs will pop up regularly between months 3 and 6 and beyond and they're so tiny that you'd drive yourself crazy trying to count up how many are thru but theres lots and many you dont even notice yet or theyre on there way so patience. Have they recommended clobex?
  16. unless something has changed in the 10 months since my procedure this isn't true. Dr B doesn't do all the extracting, he punches all the grafts and he starts extracting a few but then a tech takes over the rest of the extraction process.
  17. Well if you've developed a legit case of body dysmorphia then you need to seek a mental health expert who can help you work through it. In the case of dysmorphia you'd likely still be unhappy after even a well done procedure because that is just how bdd works, you obsess over a perfection that cannot exist or your bdd will move on to a new focus because bdd once rooted doesn't just get fixed by the obsession being improved enough it just migrates to new obsessions. You need to get the body image issues under control first before you consider any further procedures.
  18. Im not sure why but my itch wasn't that bad but a buddy who went thru a transplant around the same time had serious itch and he found relief with an anti itch spray, apparently it was very gentle and made it bearable. You'd want to check with you doc to see if it'd be okay but my buddy was with Dr Diep and he ok'd it. Benadryl makes one.
  19. I wouldn't stress it yet, at 4 months my hair looked like a whole lot of nothing. I was well behind where i started off. Looked awful, my native hair was long the new hairs were in all stages of growth, some came out early, some just started to come out and some hadn't come out at all so I was so uneven and wondering what the hell would come from it. Now at almost month 10 my hairline is thick and getting better as the quality of hair gets better. You're making progress, just get used to these emotional peaks and valleys, you're going to have periods where you feel great and then you'll crash again lol... right now it doesn't feel like all the hairs are growing then you'll see a bunch and feel happy...then you're going to start freakin out again because while the hairs show up you still see peak thru and start wondering if it'll be dense enough then it'll slowly start to get denser so you said it, you just have to be patient.
  20. What body hair is Dr B utilizing, is he sticking to beard or does he use chest hair as well? I look forward to seeing some of those results as it seems like there are so few great docs who do body hair work and having dr B as an option for that would be awesome.
  21. I don't know how huge the discount is for Dr Villnow but Dr Bisangas clinic I just saw is offering 30% off during this month. When I was researching docs, which was before Dr Lupanzula was approved here, his rep said I could be given a discount if I kept a log up for a year, so it's not abnormal for a clinic to offer a deal or discount on occasion, it can be a mutually beneficial arrangement at times. It's more suspect if a clinic keeps bombarding you with spam emails and special offers every week type thing . Dr Villnow has a few examples in here and his work has looked quite good and he has worked on a few footballers and celebs, that much has been documented. If you're prepared to document your own journey,and you like his work then there is no reason not to consider him just because he offered a discount, if anything bonus lol
  22. Spex said this : "Ive really not seen any PRP results to make me consider it as a long term solution. Ive had a great deal of feedback on it too over the last few years and nothings ever excited me" and he's working with clinics so I imagine if it was worth it, he'd have it done and could probably get it free or at least discounted so if he couldn't be bothered, you probably shouldn't either.
  23. There just isn't much to say. You're just past 6 months along, peoples hair grows at different rates and hair thickens up over time so while it looks gappy right now, we don't know what the finished product is yet. My hair thickened up significantly between months 6-8, upto that point lots of hairs but they were thin and looked weak. It's easy to stress out but you gotta be patient. I'm gonna guess even your docs gonna say wait a year, and then see where you're at so there isn't much advice we can give you right now.
  24. Im happy to hear this doc has hired somebody to handle emails on his behalf. His work has always looked very good but the communications were an issue. Now that hes gotten that resolved, he should be a very sought after option. Congrats on the procedure, and happy growing!
  25. geez 6k grafts in one day, that's huge. I don't know arenamed, who was the doc who did the operation? it looks clean, happy growing!
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