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Everything posted by mikeyhwk

  1. Why would you think that? Donor grafts are finite, every one that you place that goes above and beyond what is needed to get a quality result is a graft that you can't place elsewhere. If you're a low nw and don't project to be a high norwood down the line then you have the luxury of chasing density and over spending in a particular zone but if you're projecting to be a higher norwood you'll need every graft you can get just to get some coverage and may find yourself short even with good asset management.
  2. I have no opinion on whether they fake counts or whatever, never used them don't have a clue. I think it is naive however to say that if all they wanted was more money that they could just raise the prices and keep their estimates lower and balance out that way. Reality is that would kill their bottom line. He is a talented doc who does great work so he will always have work but a big draw is you can get extra grafts, still save pretty big money from having to go to Belgium, and huge money on going to Spain or the US. You're essentially getting a top 5 fue doc for pennies on the dollar. Take away that incentive and you would eat into his business significantly. Furthermore given the instability in Turkey, he's already probably seeing a slow down, make him go head to head with other comparable docs on price and he's in an unfavorable situation. It's easier for him to price himself lower and make it back on volume, than it is to just charge more. The client feels better about it too, at the end of the day he can go to Belgium and get 2k grafts or he can go to turkey and get 3k grafts and spend the same and in theory get more hair out of it if the graft counts are accurate. If you have the grafts it's a pretty sexy offer.
  3. What hsrp and Matt said, it's a little too straight across. It doesn't look bad by any means or one that stands out as an obvious transplant, nothing that drastic. Just for aesthetic effect it could be taken down in the middle a touch to add a more natural look. Your hairline makes me think John Corbett the actor, he was in my big fat greek wedding, and he's got it dipping just a bit in the center and I think that's what you need.
  4. I put it on a dry scalp and my derm said 15 minutes so I have always let it sit 15 minutes. Then I wet it a bit lather it up and wash it out. My derm told me I have 0 inflammation left at this point so I was good to stop it so my last wash with it was a couple days ago and that'll be it. He's given me a bunch of refills on it and left it to my discretion to use it again if I feel any symptoms of inflammation come back up but if I do I'll just check with him again at that time, for the time being I'm good. I used it twice a week for 14 weeks in total. In truth I could have stopped it earlier as there was no inflammtion earlier but this was the earliest appointment I could get with him and he assured me that even if the inflammation went away earlier that there was no harm with the frequency and dose I was taking to continue so I stayed on the treatment plan.
  5. I don't have lpp but I did have some minor inflammation pre surgery and they put me on clobex shampoo as well. Dr B recommended it in consultation with his other doctor who was a dermatologist. I came back home post surgery and checked with my derm and he also said the same thing that it was safe and I've been using it twice a week since week 2 and it's now about to hit the 4th month mark. Hasn't affected my growth, least I don't think it has as my hair seems to be coming along nicely. I saw my derm yesterday by sheer coincidence and he was commenting on how good my hair was looking so definitely don't be afraid of the clobex.
  6. I haven't heard about it during a hair transplant but shivering when coming out of a general anaesthesia is common, I had it coming out of a shoulder surgery and they just gave me a hit of morphine and it chilled me right out. It's possible due to it being a larger procedure and having to use of lots of anaesthesia it may have caused a similar effect for you.
  7. nonsense. Dr Bisanga is one of the most respected docs in the industry and his overall body of work is excellent. Even here with the temporal point problem the patient is happy enough with his hairline work to go back to him, that says something. If most people made a top 5 fue docs list you'd probably find names like Bisanga, Feriduni, Erdogan, and all of them will do 2 procedures a day max under the right conditions. Diep im told does 2 procedures a day, one being fut and the other fue but it's still 2 per day. That could be the top 4 of most peoples top 5 fue surgeons lists seeing more than 1 patient a day.
  8. Well it kinda make sense doesn't it. A lotta people say their native hair grows back slower after a transplant, you don't have a lot of transplanted hair kicking in yet, potential shock loss that hasn't grown back yet... so it's going to look thinner till everything catches up. Don't stress it. Give it time.
  9. Sweet I'm in for beta tester, who wants to pay for me to go to Dr Cuoto?
  10. I think it's fair to say we have all felt bad for you Sam but you're killing that compassion with these repeat posts every few days. The docs here clearly have no answer as they haven't responded in all this time or have nothing new they can say to you, and the rest of us aren't qualified so go spend the money and travel to an expert if they're not in your area as you say they aren't. I'm sorry to be a dick about this but you need help that we can't give you on the forum. You asked a question about accutane, I responded but if you don't have a specific new question there's no point in saying the exact same thing again and again. Start emailing and calling some specialists abroad get your pics and actual scalp in front of their eyes, dermatologists, transplant surgeons get opinions and set up appointments and go see them. You aren't solving anything but posting about how you wish you can take it back and why nobody told you this and that. You're a grown man, you've had your pity party now go and get some real help for it.
  11. if you can afford Lorenzo you can afford the Belgians, I would look hard at any of them, they are all talented doctors with tons of fue examples out there with outstanding reputations. I would say Bisanga, DeVroye, Feriduni and Lupanzula can all deliver work in the same range of any of the docs you mentioned.
  12. Always happy to see examples of Dr Gabels work. It always looks top notch! happy growing
  13. 3,5 year waiting list, Wow, makes dr Koniors waiting list look short . I guess it's time to get on the waiting list now for my next surgery just in case I decide to go with him lol Prices are very fair if his results are that good.
  14. Dolph, did he give you any idea as to what kind of density he thought you could achieve post this surgery in the transplanted area?'
  15. hairs are coming along, the next few months should be exciting. happy growing
  16. He is underrated, I think it has to do with him not being flashy. His style is conservative and he has a very long term approach to transplanting. He uses enough grafts to get the job done and looking good but he won't throw extra grafts at a hairline to wildly dense pack it just because you want that if that isn't in your best interest and he won't do huge numbers of as you said the mega sessions so he isn't going to have the same number of results that just blow you away. He just does consistently excellent work and stands behind it. Even in the case of the temple which was brought up on this forum, he was willing to fix it . That was really one of the only examples of a screw up I've seen from their clinic and all docs got them. I went with him as my doc and I asked every doc I consulted with who they would go to for fue if they had to get it for themselves, his name came up the most. That was a good sign to me. I'm only 3 months post op but do feel like I was in great hands, time will tell.
  17. I hear ya, the regret afterwards about not getting everything you wanted done is a b*tch. I got the same thing, my hairlines alright but I held off on doing a minor patch up on the crown as I was told that I should give meds more time to work. Now I'm almost 3 months post and kicking myself for not doing it and having to do the whole shave down wait it out process again down the road. Be careful who you choose, there's a couple threads lately about temple points being done incorrectly and having to be redone. It's a small procedure but not an easy procedure and one that not every doc wants to do. It's not quite as straight forward as a hairline so if you're not going to Keser again, try to find some pics of their work in that area or ask for some.
  18. Given that your level of loss looks minor you should be able to add some temple points like that fairly easily without it eating away too many donors. one of the members here had his done while he had his hairline done and I think he was around 250 grafts per temple point but dont quote me 100% on that id have to check with him to be sure. On you I think it would look natural and would finish off your hairline region.
  19. I used the bandana, and it was cake, it never caused any issues for grafts. You tie it so damn loose that its barely on anyway but enough that people just think you have bad style rather than a big gaping wound on your head lol
  20. I've used Accutane a couple times in my life, and it's a harsh drug but the side effects for me were never that bad. For you, I'm not so sure, the way you come across you sound depressed already and it's been known to cause people to have some serious mood swings and depression, suicidal thoughts, and I don't know if you're mentally in a place to use that medication but you would know that better than I would. About the scarring, it has an effect on scars healing properly but those would be new scars, not ones that are years old suddenly getting worse. I'm not sure if it would help you or not, if it is excess sebum then it could, in your shoes if i was mentally stable I would try it, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain if it works. Listen to your doctors intstructions while using it, it is liver toxic so when they say avoid drinking and stuff like that do it.
  21. how forward were you thinking, can you draw it on to one of your pics to give an idea.
  22. filling in and getting thicker, you're past the hellish part now and just cruising towards a great result now. thank you for the update.
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