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Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Pete-from-Farjo

  1. Looking great and what a transformation from your pre op pics! Congratulations.
  2. Glad you had a good experience Mue. All the best with it
  3. Certainly seems to be some early growth there Khaled. The next few months should be when the magic happens and I look forward to seeing this one develop.
  4. This looks promising Pma. On course for a really nice result.
  5. Nice write-up. Sounds like it was a long day but I'm sure it will prove worthwhile in a few months time. Look forward to your updates.
  6. That's an awesome response to the meds Dr. Parsley. Looking at him you'd swear he'd had a couple thousand graft surgery.
  7. This patient is in his mid 40's and was concerned with his sparse crown and continual hair loss. He elected to use Propecia to start, and combined this with hair surgery to the back only. The harvesting was done using both manual tools as well as the ARTAS FUE Robot. 1554 follicular unit grafts (approx 3500 hairs) were transplanted. Here we see the outcome at eight months post surgery. The patient is pleased with the result so far. Note how Propecia seems to have helped the lower crown where no new hair was added. Link to video: Farjo Hair Institute | Galleries | Male galleries | Ciaran rowlands
  8. Congrats Thomas. Excellent choice. Wish you all the best with it.
  9. Looks like a large area you've addressed there Baldie. (feels slightly insulting calling you that but hey - you chose the username:D). You've got some nice coverage there and as you say, you're only at six months so hopefully plenty of maturing/thickening still to come.
  10. Looks to be progressing nicely strikey. Thanks for posting.
  11. Looking good! Noticeable improvement from last month's pic.
  12. Good to hear stinger. Next few months should be exciting.
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