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Everything posted by voxman

  1. I have posted pics of my progress from day one back in Ferbruary and I have take 100's of pics of my hair since the HT. Insane! It's all too much. I have to stop and I will. That's it ~ no more pics until about, say month 9. Or maybe 8.
  2. To the day - 6 month mark. No haircuts planned for a while.
  3. Can the mods please remove this spam? Hey, peterpuis, go away with your illegal and criminal document service. It's ILLEGAL. Get it? Low life like you are what causes all of the BAD THINGS in the world.
  4. Now this is what I've been saying all along folks! Only with pauses, commas, periods, and word flow that makes sense! 5-4-3-2-......
  5. Just what is a 'fat graft'? They take fat from you and transplant it to a skinny area?
  6. Probably not, so....don't forget to mention it! Don't assume anything.
  7. It will be 6 months on Friday and I am critically assessing my results. I believe my current state falls into the 'very good' category - the growth at the 4-6 month mark has been good. The new hairs still remain a bit curly/kinky. My native hair is very straight and lays down nicely when it gets to the 2-3 inch long mark, whereas the new hairs are approaching 2 inches and are still a bit fuzzy and unmanageable. The color variation is unnoticeable. I only had 2551 grafts and concentrated on the hairline and mid scalp. It is not at all dense by any stretch but my style and length play well into the illusion. I do not use any concealers or thickeners or drugs. I let the wind blow when it does. I did not use a coalition Doc. I do not think I will need any follow up work. My hairline is perfect for this 64 year old rock and roller. May it grow long, young dudes!
  8. Hairline? Ha! Real GuitarB:Dys let their hair hang down
  9. Taurusrisen, you're not rude and I am just gently ribbing you - believe me - I took a loooong time before I went under the knife. 20 + years...! I just want to give you a little push. One way or the other. As far as the six year thing, one can easily look up all the posts one has made here in a matters of seconds (well, a matter of minutes now given the speed lately). Just think of me as the little guy on your left shoulder... You'll make the right decision. I'm sure.
  10. I don't mean to be insensitive, but you 've been saying this for six years! :rolleyes: There is no guarantee - period. There are ways to eliminate risks - such as going to a world class surgeon with documented results (other people's heads, of course...) - there is just finally making an educated decision and sticking to it. Just imagine, if you had done this back in 2008, you'd be lying on a beach with a beautiful island girl, she combing your long luxurious locks, you a successful multi-millionaire. Like me.
  11. Congrats! Thanks for the detailed update. Sounds like everything is proceeding accordingly. No complications or weirdness! That's good. It's all normal! You'll be bored in a month but before you know it, you'll see hair and start thinking you can audition for Def Leppard.
  12. We have no way of knowing what you have experienced. All we can know about you is your posts and user profile. According to your user profile, you stated that you had not even had a HT?
  13. Perfectly normal, nervous. Follow the suggestions above. Relax now and spend your time reading all the posts in this forum about post-procedure timelines. You will find the answers to all your future questions.
  14. AB2000, if you have a free hour, visit this thread started by the OP. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/172143-19-years-age-norwood-2-3-there-anybody-out-there.html
  15. Hey Herman, I agree. Studies of hair, transplant doing FUE or FUT style procedure, indicators point towards a variety of methods all design to provide results when used in proper way tireless research have proved. In addition Coco Oil help naturally prevent.
  16. Ha ha - like I don't post every time I get a pimple. Seriously, just out of the shower and for 5 month 1 week, I think it's coming along pretty good. I still expect some thickening and straightening in the next 5 months and a few areas are still coming through. But in a few month I'll be 65 and it's a weed patch, man.
  17. Looking good for sure but I would stay away from Barber Shops - they have been known to inhibit growth.
  18. Are you under a Dr's care or medication for your HBP? I have had HBP since my mid 30's and I keep it under control with simple daily meds. Consequently, when I had my HT, my BP was perfectly normal. With that said HBP is known as the 'silent killer' there are little to no signs of it and it does need your attention. Now.
  19. Interesting topic - surprised by the lack of responses. For me - I would say +1. No , no - it's not what you think. The HT has added a spring in my step and more that a few admiring glances in the mirror , but my life was/is pretty great with or without hair. I receded in my early 30's but was already successful in my field, was in a great relationship, and building a wonderful life. I did not lack any confidence or esteem and plowed ahead with whatever adventure my heart desired. The HT was a, well, wtf, why not, and I'm happy with it but I'd still be where I am today - looking forward to many more good time with my family and friends and life.
  20. I wouldn't be too worried about it. People will know something is going on but after you tell them you had 3000 grafts in your crown , they will most likely leave you alone.
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