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Everything posted by voxman

  1. I would be more concerned about the type of BBQ's you get invited to from now on. WTF?
  2. I wouldn't be happy at all with that scar. Until you can decide the final outcome or do a revision, stop wearing your hair so short.
  3. I would imagine that once the project is done, you will be able to view the process on Dr. Mohebi's webite.
  4. I had my TP done over a year ago now and I have not yet cut any of the transplanted hairs! Not that that helps your question, I was just looking for an excuse to tell everyone.
  5. I wish there was a Hair Transplant website that would just support whatever fantasy I have about getting a good cheap procedure in a far away land from clinics no one has ever heard of.
  6. I don't know what a calic is but a cowlick is a section of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair that stands straight up or lies at an angle at odds with the style in which the rest of an individual's hair is worn. Cowlicks appear when the growth direction of the hair forms a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral pattern. The term "cowlick" originates from the domestic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovine's habit of licking its young, which results in a swirling pattern in the hair. The most common site of a human cowlick is in the crown, but they can show up anywhere. They also sometimes appear in the front and back of the head.
  7. Honoring that flight is apparently of greater importance that what will happen to your hair for the rest for your life? This is a recipe for unhappiness that will start with - 'But I had the Ticket".
  8. Will my recent Heart Attack affect my future Hair growth? In typical Voxman methodology, that's my way of telling you all I had a Heart Attack last Friday. I am home today resting well - they had to do an emergency Stent into a 100% blocked Artery, and have one more suspect artery that will require work. I am lucky to have finally diagnosed the stupid symptoms and called 911 in time. I am sure the 100% blockage was the culprit, but seeing Spanker's photos last week could have been a contributing factor.:cool:
  9. Tom's got that blonde thin hair that's receding but now I can do better than that!
  10. One Year - what a time ! I know I am not in the Spanker Hair Superstar Category, but from a 6A a year ago to today, I am a very happy 65 year old Rock and Roller. I'm gonna give Tom Petty a run here soon...
  11. how to avoid looking stupid when grafts grow in ? I carried around a copy of George Orwell's ANIMAL FARM - that made me look extremely smart! Ulysses by James Joyce is good too.
  12. This is like SUPERMAN hair. I hereby resign from this forum.
  13. Following my consultation I have decided to use Dr. Mohebi for my planned future 2nd procedure anyway.
  14. I think his next trip should be to the eye doctor. Looks like a reasonable use of the 1200 grafts to me.
  15. As a musician, and as one who grew up in the 60's, I can unequivocally state that hair is still totally important to me - especially since I am still performing onstage. I am going to go down fighting and not surrender to the backwards baseball cap or beret look to hide a balding pate. Every time I see a guitarist with a hat on , I know HE'S BALD!! Phooey on that. HT not Rock and Roll? It's like putting a big sock in your crotch - come and prove me wrong!:cool:
  16. Perfectly suitable choice - it should be an interesting enough case to present for the Dr.s film. I hope he gets involved here and will document his progress for us all. Thanks for all of your support as homies ~ nothings changed for me - still happy and optimistic and glad to contribute.
  17. refuse2lose - that was a an insightful and thoughtful post. So many stories and so many possibilities. Complicating the whole process is that we see the need of almost each contestant, but Dr. Mohebi also has to decide which procedure will demonstrate 'on camera' his goals for making the film - as well as making sure the candidate/winner has the correct potential for success, which procedure he want to highlight, etc....Not an easy task. Win or lose, that Roger guy is obviously the most handsome of the bunch.
  18. Wait a minute - doesn't everyone get asked to take their clothes off? :eek:
  19. Well, there you have it folks - your voice counts now - here or on Facebook. I will go on record as stating that if you support my entry or any other contestants entry, your input will be greatly appreciated - and in no way will I endeavor to sway a popular or 'stuffed ballot' opinion simply because I participate here. Share your opinions and choices with the Dr. And let's all enjoy this journey.
  20. You just couldn't say no to yourself, huh? Don't sweat it, you're good. I has sex twice the night after mine with no ill effects. Of course, when I got home the next day my wife gave me hell...
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