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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Hi Dr. Mohebi, Would you consider 2nd procedure clients? In So Cal, of course. With IMBD credentials, in a Band? And 65? Who looks similar to this guy? Wait...do I even need anymore hair?
  2. Masturbation definitely causes loss of spelling skills, that's for sure.
  3. Thanks all - the Cheap Trick comparison is quite a compliment. Robin Zander needs to get on here ....:cool:
  4. Yep...bit of crown still visible but not a big deal to me. And just for you loyal Voxman followers a video of my band, too!
  5. It's been a hair (hee hee) over 9 months for me - I feel fortunate in that I healed well and graft growth has been almost 100%. I only had a 2500 FUT but being of the generation that vehemently avoids barbers, my scar has never been a concern (although it is extremely pencil thin). The new growth is approaching the 4 inch mark and now the fun is really beginning. I look a mess in the morning (yea!). I could do one more if so inclined and that's an option but I am very happy with what I have. More pics after the New Year!
  6. 8 months to the day and I am happy with the results and progress. No haircuts planned for me. Gonna let it grow over the ears and down the neck. I had a buzz cut once. Back when I was 18 and in the Army.
  7. 1000's of discussions/arguments have arisen over the opening chord to The Beatles A HARD DAY'S NIGHT. At discussion boards, an audible GROAN is heard whenever it is brought up . Again and again and yet again. Like FUE/FUT! here's just one. Beatles hard days night mystery chord Solved with Fourier analysis
  8. Smoking supposedly restricts blood flow and your head needs good healthy blood to stimulate and heal the procedure area. That alone should be enough of a reason if you are spending 1000's of whatever to look good. I stopped 37 years ago and am 64, healthy, active, and had a great procedure. That should egg you on. OF course, another reason is that you don't want to end up like my sister who died a slow miserable death at 57 of jaw cancer. But it's really your choice, isn't it?
  9. Has anyone here ever head of 'The Chord" argument on music sites? This FUT vs. FUE is the equivalent.
  10. WITH HAIR!! Ha Ha . Here I am with the debut of my new band yesterday. That's me next to the bald guitarist. Did having hair again make me sing or play better? No. But I felt secure in my look and confident in my abilities in front of 100 staring eyes. Now it can just keep growing longer! See kids, there is life after 60.
  11. For you I heartily recommend the oldest Hair Loss Remedy 'Hot Black Bear Saliva dot Com' . First you smear honey on your head, then sit near a Bear cave for awhile. That tingling you feel goes away quickly once you lose consciousness.
  12. Please don't lower your hairline - as you mature, it will naturally move back a bit and you will be chasing it for the next 40 years if you lower it. Concentrate on a healthy natural looking hairline. And give your girlfriend her shorts back.
  13. Thanks for the kind remarks, I had a plan going in and a 'look' I wanted to achieve. It was quite simple - I wanted to look like the average 64 year old who still had most of his hair and had experienced a little loss. A natural look and progression. So far, mission accomplished. NEXT STEP: The new growth is approaching 3 inches in length (avg abt. 1/2 inch a month)and I have kept the sides in check so that I can achieve a final length of about 6 inch on top and about halfway down my ears overall, just below collar length in the back. This is really the fun part now - seeing it all come together. It's fun in the shower these days! Of course, it always has been....
  14. It's been a long 7 months - but fast, too! With all the talk about failed HT's and FUT vs FUE, and so on and so forth - I feel really good about my procedure and how it has come along. Here I am today at 7 months.
  15. Looking good and I agree with the comment by KD2020. I am in The same place as you for my timeline and having a great time.
  16. Just got back from the Barbers - had a trim and a shave. Since just before my HT, I discovered a local lad who is a great Barber and knows how to do a stellar straight razor shave. We've both been having fun watching the progress. I got a mini-trim - clean it up, thghten the loose ends, etc...because the master plan is to grow it out long, but wanted the new growth to start catching up to the sides and the length to be managed properly. Anyways, a quick snap for you all. I am at 6.5 months post and am happy as can be.
  17. It's especially gratifying as I'm a old dude. But I'm going for the Justin Hayward look anyway..:eek:.
  18. Amongst all the angst about the pain, the healing, the ugly duckling phase, the 'did I lose a graft' and 'when will the itching stop' etc....it's all worth it when you hear what I did yesterday. "Dude, you look younger every time I see you!"
  19. You sound like you are under a lot of stress. I have stress too, but it sounds like you are easily 2 - 5 times more stressful than I on a daily basis. Look in the FAQ's section here and do some research - all is not lost. There are medicines available - you should find a Hair Transplant specialist and get a real live consultation - it's free and will do you a world of good for peace of mind! So zip up and educate yourself!
  20. I'm glad you guys like a laugh once in a while. Life is too short. I found a pic from last year and re-created it today. My hair was a little bit longer on the sides in the 2013 pic, but now I got top action going on D'oh! I forgot about the no more pics promise. Oh well.
  21. Looking really good - and the best is still to come! You've got the best of both worlds now - you can grow and style it or you can buzz it - versatile!
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