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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Contest closed - lots of 11th hour entries for the Dr. to look at. Will be interesting to see who is chosen, how it goes and works out, and how the Dr's Film turns out. Win or lose, I will still have the same head on me. As in too big.
  2. The Doctor who did my 1st TP (Dr. Chao) does do a number of freebies throughout the year as part of his community outreach to help those in need for a variety of reasons. I would assume there are others who also volunteer their very specialized services that we have no knowledge of, nor would we need to know. Now keep in mind, Dr. Mohebi is not only doing the procedure for free, he is paying an L.A. Film Crew to document the process - that cost alone is waaay above what a TP would cost - not to mention his daily overhead costs. He is doing this for educational and business purposes. I was called in (as a contestant) for a full consultation. I have met the good Dr. and his Staff- and he did a full evaluation of my suitability. I am certain that Dr. Mohebi has specific parameters of information that he wants to make sure the document conveys - my needs aside, it's his film and I am sure he has specific topics and procedures he wants to have in the final product. Good luck to all who have put themselves out there ~ if I am fortunate enough to be chosen, I will serve as ambassador for the HTN and document behind the scenes for you all.
  3. That a great hairline....for a 63 year old.
  4. It's perfectly normal to have lingering redness on the scalp following a Hair Transplant for 2-3 months in some cases depending on skin tone and condition, so I do not see this as being unusual on you recipient area.
  5. Actually, 1 week shy of 11 months. Just got a trim yesterday and it's all good. We will see what's in store for me if I get a 2nd TP. I am thinking a bit of mid scalp and fill in and a lower hairline of about 1/16 in. :confused: Nothing too radical of course, just the frosting on the cake.
  6. That scar is his LEAST embarrassing thing based on that video.
  7. Nero ain't got nothing on me. I'm a better fiddler.
  8. Hey, it got me chicks at the Toga party....
  9. As much as I hate to increase the odds of me representing the HRN if I win this great contest, I would feel totally selfish if I didn't encourage anyone to submit a video. Good luck if you do! :cool:
  10. Looks great, you Lucky Bastard*! (*term of endearment in Southern California)
  11. Your hairstyle is what I call the "FU Baldie" cut. It's like the complete opposite of what a bald guy has.... On you it looks good!! Great outcome. I guess you won't be recruited into my 'anti-blade' movement, but that's okay. You rock it!
  12. Your hair looks good and a little length in the back suits you too - just stop that razor madness! I'm starting a movement ! Just Say NO to blades!!
  13. I think the post originated in North Korea.
  14. Killer - you're cured. Grow and be fruitful.
  15. A lot of it is dependent on your complexion - I am fair skinned also and it was a good two months before my redness subsided. You probably need a good alternate excuse if you feel you have to explain it, ie: Got too close to Mom's Bacon Grease on the stove Kids buried me up to the neck in the sand at the beach Allergic reaction to my girlfriend's makeup I had Lice People are surprisingly forgiving and really only care about how they look
  16. Another Hippie... Don't these guys realize the whole purpose of a HT is to then shave to a 1 or 2 so you can look bald but just no be bald?? Great look !
  17. No one has ever asked me if I have any work done. Mine is completely natural and realistic. Of course, I TELL everyone who'll listen...
  18. I'm in. You can expect a video from me! Voxman is no shrinking violet - I think a community member winning the HT from Dr. Mohebi would be great.
  19. Yep - a few as Producer/Director/Writer. I posted the above query as a lark, but given that next Feb makes it 1 year since my 2500 FUT , and I heal well, I wouldn't say never to some mid scalp and a bit of crown work as well and finalizing the density of my hairline. So I would be a good candidate as any. Heck, why not! "Start with the end in mind"
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