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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Hello all, Long time lurker here...a bit about me - 64 years old - thinning since my 30's so I figured 30 years is long enough to wait before I take the 'plunge'. Being 64 puts me squarely in the 'Beatle era' which means I went through the 'hair wars' in my teen years - fighting with Mom and Dad and High School about my hair. Crew cuts were the name of the game back then until we all let it grow out. So even though I am now an old crotchety guy, I still want my hair. I visited many clinics in the past 10 years - from the mills to the one-off guys, but I settled on Dr. Chao in Redondo Beach. I've read the reviews here and walked into his office with eyes wide open. Of course, I had the obligatory consultation with Rob D'Angelo which was at no time high-pressure, close the deal. Rob was more concerned about MY expectations and whether HairLab was right for me. By the way, I can be long winded as I am a writer so if you're looking for soft short post, this is not it. I tell ya, that Rob's got a head full of hair to be proud (probably courtesy of Dr. Chao) and he's a businessman that has found his niche. Flat Rate Pricing may be controversial in some professions - I can see it certainly is in the HT industry - but coming from a contracting service background, it has a lot of advantages and seems to work for these guys. CAVEAT EMPTOR - Buyer beware - please do your own research and feel confident in it. HairLab's website and social media presence is certainly not all that attractive and very generic. It is what it is and as long as Rob and Dr. Chao can properly read their P&L statements and run a clean and lean operation, kudos to them. Anyway, that all said, I had my FUT on 2/21/2014. I'm 49 days Post-Op, 7 weeks, and I feel that I need to just get involved here at the discussion boards and share. The procedure was very smooth, we built a nice age-appropriate (ouch) hairline I was happy with, I had minimal pain, absolutely no swelling, and all the post-op after care has been boringly *normal*. The experience is one thing, the results another - and this is a results oriented community by it's very nature - so I will keep posting follow ups. I made a matrix picture for all - For today, there's not much more to report as I enter the wait and see period for a couple of months. Your mileage many vary but so far, so good.!
  2. That's now a great looking head of hair for a man in his seventies! You should both be very happy!
  3. voxman

    48 Days Later

    INCREDIBLE DRAMATIC RESULTS ~ somewhere on this website but not here !!- it's only been 48 days and now I enter that *dark* period. I'm back to the old Voxman, a few stagglers from the HT are still there, some shock loss of native hairs, a pimple visited me recently. From what I've read, it's all just predictably *normal*...! Normal is good - too many blogs and posts a from frantic posters claiming disaster and bewilderment. I'm just chilling and buying barretts for the winter.
  4. voxman

    Week 4 pics

    One day shy of 4 weeks. As I mentioned earlier, I an m 64 and wanted an age appropriate hairline and based on result so far , I think I will be happy. I still have blond hair along with the grey and light brown so it should blend well and look clean. I can *imagine* what it will look like in 4-6-9 months based on my pics.
  5. The next couple of weeks went pretty much as expected. The crusts/scab all came off and my head started to return to normal color - still a bit tender but overall healing nicely. Wife took out my stiches and the scar is clean and clear - in fact there was no bleeding from day one there. It looks like shedding has started week 4.
  6. voxman

    First Week

    Cant say too much about the next few ensuing days - I was given anti-swelling and antibiotic meds and I had NO swelling througth the entire week, period. Did the cup wash for the first 5 or 6 days. All scabs gone by day 9 or 10. Guess I'm a model patient. No pain, no swelling, spent all my days reading about others experiences. Top view and front view.
  7. voxman

    Day of Procedure

    ..so to continue, I had a 2551 FUT procedure with Dr. Chao in Redondo Beach. Others who have been report of first class treatment and others have had discouraging words about his flat rate pricing strategy - YMMV. Coming from the Contracting world, Flat Rate pricing is not a bad thing if you can conduct your business as such, can control overhead and expenditures, and know how to read a simple P&L statement. I had an absolute great experience adn I will tell you that Dr. Chao is a gentlemen who batttles (possible...as I am not 100% sure) MS in his legs but comports himself professionally and personally as a pro. End of his story. This is mine ~ I have a tight scalp so 2500 graft was about it for me. We drew in an 'age-approproate' hairline that I fully agreed with and the procedure was easy as could be. Here's night one.
  8. voxman

    ..When I'm 64.

    Hello all, My story will be not so different that the others I have read here. Let's cut to the chase and just say that after almost 30 years of slow hair loss, I finally took the plunge and had a FUT a little over three (3) weeks ago. This is me a month ago.
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