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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Melvin is correct - so basically your decision will be based on your preferred hairstyle for the remainder of your life. Obviously, if you like a #1 cut on the back and sides then FUT is not for you. The short baller style is all the rage and has been for a while so FUE is your best choice.
  2. Yeah...you're 16 and your hormones are going crazy in all directions so you are obsessing over nothing. Wet hair will naturally clump and separate and 'appear' thin as we see the scalp. Dry it's the real deal. Currently it sounds like you have nothing to worry about. I doubt you have actually damaged hair follicles by the scratching but you can certainly irritate your scalp - get some good dandruff shampoos and keep your hands off your head!!
  3. Major Dodger fan here, Melvin. I was at the 88 WS when Gibson hit the famous home run. I've been living and dying with these guys for over 55 years. The two best teams in each league finally met and it was a great series. I certainly feel badly for Snell, but I've felt even worse for Kershaw in 17 and 18. But he really came through big time in 20!! With their lineup now they could well be in contention the next 10 years.
  4. Now that you have received extremely good solid advice on your scheme let me add....NO.
  5. I would suggest you wait until 25 like Melvin says - meds are up to you - you have a good head of hair and it may just be developing into an adult hairline - by 25 you wil hav3e a better idea. 22 is too soon and a waste of your money.
  6. Have you even seen his before photos? This is a really good result.
  7. If he went all Richard Branson, this post wouldn't exist.
  8. A quick dunk in the water like you described would be of no consequence. No worse that the regular washing you have been doing.
  9. For some reason, I don't give a damn about his hair...
  10. I suppose if I were 8 feet tall looking down at your head and your head was a little bit off kilter, I would agree with you. Nothing is symmetrical and nothing is perfect - that would be disastrous and boring. If your grafts grow in as planned, you should look great.
  11. Quite normal. No need to panic or be concerned.
  12. Jeez, guy...we all looked like freaks a month out and our brains weren't working properly. Stop with the 'what ifs' and such because you have NO IDEA what you will look like in 6-8 months. You could end up like me and be extremely handsome and successful.
  13. I guess I forget this is an international site with different word meanings. Thanks for translating, ciaus. LOL!
  14. Bangs cause pimples. That's what my Dad said. Like 55 years ago. LIES!! John, Paul, George or Ringo never had pimples!
  15. I think it a solid plan. Address the front first and gauge the results before deciding/attacking the crown. And please please find the best and most reputable guy for your hair. You hair in it's present state is quite near where mine is now but I am 70 years old and that is age appropriate for me...but not for late 30's.!
  16. It is quite natural to be scared and apprehensive - the outcome is never guaranteed. That's life. You take a gamble and live with the result. The FUE scars will be less noticeable in the long run and even if you go to a 5 or 6 you'll still have hair covering them there. Everyone has gone through your dilemma. Keep doing research, accept nothing less that an approved, world class surgeon to minimize your failure quotient, and make your decision. Don't go cheap or close.
  17. Yeah...and both posts were 1st posts no less. Go figure!
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