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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Those 'patches' below the lower lip are perfectly normal. In fact, they are just plain perfect.
  2. After 2 and a half months you should still have very little going on up there - sorry but you must just wait it out and see the final result of the HT otherwise your other choices of removal of the SMP or applying a Hair System will totally mess up the progress of your transplant. Then you will be even more upset. Deal with it now - I know you want to go out and LIVE but cool it a while longer or you may do permanent damage.
  3. Several homeless men in in their 70's my area have great looking full heads of hair. But get this - I have a friend in his early 60's who is a NW0 and he always sports a buzz cut. Talk about weird!
  4. Will that new growth last? What happens to that hair growth if he stops Fin and Minox? The patient in the original post obviously has tremendous new growth without a HT in completely barren areas of his scalp.
  5. You know me ,one eyebrow always raised. I don't doubt that there are outliers that are super responders to meds like that but I think the percentage is very low for those type of results. Are results from those treatments permanent I wonder?
  6. Do you color your hair? I do not and it suits me just fine. This idiot is BALD and seems to dismiss it in his vanity and even then he still whips out the shoe polish. Not a good look, Rudy. Me, no coloring...
  7. No Bell Bottoms, but this is my Drug Lord look for a TV show I was in. And here was Easter 1974.
  8. Being totally honest (wait...I always am so I didn't have to say that!) going bald never affected my social or personal life. I never let it bother me and rarely gave my thinning hair a thought but always kept an eye on any news of balding remedies. I was of the "oh well, I live such a fabulous life ~ I'm good". Then one day I just said "I think I'll get a transplant - that should be fun". And it was. X2. And now I obsess over my hair to the point of distraction. Ya can't win.
  9. I had my 1st at 64 and I had waaay less hair than you. Had my 2nd at 66. Happily turning 71 tomorrow and still brushing the hair from my eyes.
  10. Unless you mixed up your pictures with Tom Cruise's head, that is not a 'huge bald spot', it is perhaps a 'lightly thinning crown'. If that is a worry then throw some Toppik on it like Melvin says.
  11. Participation on this forum is a privilege that I would expect to be revoked if a person can not conduct him(her)self with intelligence and compassion for others. Period. There are numerous places on the internet where one can indulge in a trollish life and bask in their venom.
  12. Melvin is so nice. I'm not. Hey, Silantkiller - If you're here to advertise your product, you should pay for it. If you're legit, then come on and show us your current hair and your real concern and maybe we can be of value to you.
  13. Be depressed, sure - but also be mad and act on that immediately with the clinic. Bring this to their attention and ask them how many grafts they see. Ask for your money back or threaten to take it to court. Let them know that world will see their work. We will spread the news about this business.
  14. You posted this question 4 times man, don't you remember? Smoking weed or cigarettes 14 days after *probably* won't affect your growth too much but remember but it does rob your blood flow to the scalp. Smoking cigarettes inhibits blood circulation, and thus reduces the amount of blood that flows to the scalp. That blood flow helps repair the shock in your donor and feed the circulation needed fir your new grafts.
  15. I always try to be positive - even though my blood type is B-Neg. I had blood work done yesterday and my cholesterol is fine, and my vitals were normal. My Kidneys are at about 40% but they've been like that for years so I'm good. I am sure that all of the participants here at the HRN have different beliefs, different political views, and a myriad of other differences - but we all get along just fine. Except the Trolls of course. And I'll keep calling them out. It's a nice club and I'm glad to be here and contribute.
  16. If your grafts have all fallen, and your donor area has healed, then it's most likely ok- but I would want to warn your barber/stylist about you recent HT so that they take care and be careful. If your Barber drinks a lot, I would wait.
  17. Damn you . Keep your FREE ADVERTISING out of people posts. This tells us all we need to now about your so-called business.
  18. I really am tired of the HT result photos. Boring. Especially after the original poster has come on here and talked about how his social life sucks, he doesn't go out, he sits alone. so on and so on - the REAL RESULT photos I want to see are of the HT guy NOW - him having crazy fun at parties, girls hanging on him, him with the new Porsche...you know REAL RESULTS of the HT that changed his life!! This was before my 2nd HT and already the ladies couldn't tear themselves away., Now THAT'S results!
  19. Lots of recent positive reviews of Bicer - and yours looks very good.
  20. Sure it looks great - but as others have noted, there was still a fair amount of hair there where his hairpiece was - a fairer comparison would have been when that hair had grown equal lengths. Excellent - YES. Magical - NO.
  21. If a short hair style looks good following a transplant, then chances are a long hair style will also - In my case, I purposely had my Dr plan for my style - so he adjusted my graft plan for the way I comb it. And in my case, I have very light colored and thin hair but no one has ever detected any work.
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