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Everything posted by MrGio-WHTCClinic

  1. There is still much time to see improvement. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Belgium is the capital for FUE in Europe. Experience cannot be substituted., and the FUE results are apparently consistent.
  3. Prince will remain a legend. His hair has always been legendary.
  4. The crown is not as simple to restore as hair grows in every direction. Plan on needing another session to improve coverage in the crown.
  5. At this point, seek a clinic that specializes in hairline work. You have options to remove the multi-hair grafts. Consider having the grafts removed and replaced as fractionated single-hair grafts. You also could remove the grafts and place new grafts from the donor area. Another option could be removing the worst of the multi-hair grafts to create a softer appearance.
  6. At the moment, your hair loss on the hairline is minimal. It may be a good idea to get some consultations and document the hair loss with consistent photos. You will have more peace of mind by pursuing a proper diagnosis.
  7. Sounds like you still prefer to maintain the vertex by non-surgical means. You should consider platelet-rich plasma to manage the thin-looking appearance in the area.
  8. It's local anaesthesia and the tranquilizers should address your worries. It's definitely a good idea to give your clinic a heads-up.
  9. Due to limitations in skill, some surgeons have been practicing non-shaven FUE for ten years, and the technique is performed almost every day. Based on the hair length in the recipient and donor, some surgeries will be limited to lower graft counts. Meanwhile, you would see little difference in results by the most versatile clinics.
  10. Together the two work well, and they can show to improve hair growth in six to twelve months. Results are different for every individual. The medication has been around for decades. Hair loss is a progressive condition, and surgery may be required after a given period of time with medical therapy.
  11. Look at Belgium for ideas of what you could expect in terms of results. Your goals and hair loss pattern will influence your decision. Unfortunately, not every individual is an ideal candidate for FUE. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Pubic hair is less in supply, and it is more difficult to harvest and predict. Axillary hair is less in supply, and it is difficult to harvest and predict as well. The time it requires for body hair to grow in maturity is much greater than scalp hair. Have you any photos to share? You may want to consider redistributing beard hair to improve the aesthetic outcome of the beard transplant and result.
  13. How much lower is the new location of the hairline? What was the outcome of your research of your FUE doctor? Hairline work is by far the most important part of the procedure because it is the most viewed area on the scalp. Thanks for sharing.
  14. The crown is a complex area to restore because hair growth occurs in all directions. What do you expect to achieve? Light coverage, a thin crown to reduce the glare on the scalp, or would you prefer as much coverage as possible?
  15. Remember to research cases most similar to yours. You can find results for PRP, FUE, and FUT, but you should keep in mind that results are also found in the donor area. How you heal in the donor area is just as important as how your grafts grow.
  16. You want to protect your scalp from extended sun exposure while the growth occurs. The growth is affected by ultra-violent rays. If you do tanning beds or sunbathe, keep the grafts covered with a thick material to prevent any sunburning. Concealers don't provide much protection against UV rays. Wearing a hat is a good idea to protect your investment.
  17. Hi. Can you share some details about your case? How many grafts did you have? Can you post any pre-op photos? Your hairline may be normal, but your original hairline may have had a natural change in direction. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Have scalp analyses. The only way to know is to keep monitoring the density.
  19. Scarring with FUE varies from patient to patient. Can you provide any photos? With all available donor resources, you can get good results by having FUE. Considering using PRP and Acell with FUE. Lastly, you may minimize the appearance of missing hairs by placing body hair into the donor area extractions.
  20. The scar is wide. Look at FUE grafting for the surgical solution. How do you intend to wear your hair after treating the scar?
  21. Sounds like you would need to plan on conservatively approaching surgery. Strong donor resources and hair characteristics can influence your goals as you chase the loss with surgery and minoxidil. Unfortunately, not every manufacturer of finasteride is reputable. However, you may now have a good source of generics. How long of a trial has it been with your current generic supply generic Proscar?
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