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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. Hello mate, You look to have a good shaped head to pull off the shaved look which makes me think that maybe you shouldn't have an operation at all. But hell, what do I know?! Hair is a personal thing... Anyway, if I were you I'd go visit one of the US docs so that they can take a decent look at your scalp. I think that would be better than paying a deposit and travelling thousands of miles. Best of luck.
  2. I think anyone with good donor quality is a candidate provided you can provide a result which is meaningful to them and looks natural.
  3. 4.5 months on. I think that all the hair that's likely to regrow is regrowing.
  4. Blimey you're persistent! This is about the 4th time you've posted the same thing!! Yeah, it looks like you're receeding. The extent of loss you will get can only be guessed by you - take a look at your male relatives. Brothers, dad, uncles. The best thing you could do is book a consultation with one of the recommended docs and they will give you advice on medications. Most reputable places won't operate on anyone your age unless they have a couple of solid years on finasteride/minoxidil and evidence that it has retained your existing hair.
  5. If you look at Wayne Rooney's Dad's hair (the imaginatively named: Wayne Rooney Senior), it would appear to indicate he's lost most of the hair you might expect. Another few thousand FUE could do the trick.
  6. Not blown away by his limited before and after photos. I'm not even sure they are his! ...and for a HT surgeon he has quite a bad haircut!! Looks like a 1990s Mick Hucknall!!
  7. Great to see someone who has used minoxidil for so long and kept a significant amount of hair. You could get some Just for men and see how it looks. With your colour hair I'd go for the Blond / lightest version as they are darker than you think.
  8. And hopefully an invite to one of his bunga bunga parties!
  9. I think you're imagining it. If you're looking for ED problems then it is a self fullfilling prophecy. I beleive Minox takes hrs to be absorbed properly .
  10. Buzz cut and 3/4 days a week in the gym is my prescription. I wish I had the 'head' for a buzz cut but I fear I'd look a right bell-end! I don't have the skin or facial features to pull it off!
  11. The later in life you have a HT the better. Most people don't recommend it until you are mid 30s. You should get on Regaine/Rogaine Foam (I wish I did 5 years ago). You need a doc to look at your scalp under a microscope to see if there's any miniturisation going on before even thinking about a HT.
  12. Try the links on the top right of the forum page. Like I say to anyone from the Florida area, stay away from Dr Larry Shapiro! He's not related or affiliated to the two FINE surgeons of the same name, Drs Ron and Paul. As you are very young, ethical surgeons would not recommend surgery, but no harm in meeting with an expert. Good luck
  13. Hope you get a great result. It would be good if you could post some photos which would help others considering the Transform clinic.
  14. I've had the same problem all my life. Long straight coarse (or fine where it is thining!) hair that can't be brushed into a style. I find L'oreal 'out of bed' fibre cream gel works best.
  15. What a stupid girl. Some people are just insensitive or plain ignorant!
  16. I take it you have been to see a hair specialist? There's always a chance that this isn't male pattern baldness and could be down to other factors.
  17. I just did a search on here and there was one post about a year ago regarding Dr Bhatty. It's not good news! If I were you I'd cancel and consider going elsewhere.
  18. I've had some decent regrowth in the hairline but the area was so shot it's never going to recover to what it was. However, some rare cases have been seen where minoxidil has been particulalry effective in the hairline. I will message you a link to another forum showing an amazing reaction (I don't think I'm allowed to post external links to rival forums). Just as a ball park figure, most HTs are around the GBP10,000 mark, but it depends on the amount of coverage and density you want. Going overseas you could expect to pay about GBP3000-8000 depending on whether it is a small or large session. Financing is up to the individual to sort out, e.g. cash, credit card or bank loan!
  19. If not your GP then go to your nearest A&E (when it's relatively quiet) and explain to the nurses booking you in that you had an operation overseas and are experiencing some discomfort. Once you're with the doc just explain what you've had done. I'm sure they wouldnt refuse taking the staples out for you. They can't really turn you away!
  20. There's no need to get a flight to Brussels from the UK. You can catch the Eurostar from St Pancras which takes you to within walking distance of BHR in about 2hrs!
  21. I wonder how he saved for his transplant!!
  22. Hi There's a lot of loss there which is close to the donor area. I'm no expert but I don't think you should get strip surgery. I'm not sure you will be able to get enough FUE either and there is always a bit of a risk with dot scars. You might be better off sticking with the shaved look until a scientist comes up with a better option!
  23. It made me a bit depressed and yes it does some odd things downstairs. My libido suffered a lot. Thankfully having come off it everything returned to normal within 2 weeks.
  24. If it were the Prop causing it then I would have thought you would get the side effect everytime you take it. Heart palpitations are listed as a Minox side effect so if you're on that.....
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