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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. It's difficult without seeing your donor but look to me like a candidate who might benefit from coverage over density. Therefore, perhaps you might consider FUE to restore your hairline? It would mean a lifetime of buzzing grade 2 or 3 but at least it would frame your face. The crown of your head doesnt appear to have lost enough yet to make transplanting that area a wise option. Personally I'm not a big fan of transplanting reasonably dense areas for the sake of it. (Disclaimer: I'm not a HT doctor. Just expressing my views based on what I've researched)
  2. There's been a fair amount of debate in the relative merits of FUT vs FUE (a quick search on here will find quite a few threads). The one thing that bothers me is I've not seen a bad FUE result from the likes of Bisanga or Feriduni etc. If the procedure is less successful than FUT then where are all the examples of poor yield?
  3. I can't comment on your case but it seems pretty clear on the website. If you booked the procedure and rang back a day later to cancel then I could understand you being a bit miffed. However, if it was a couple of months after then the Dr would have ordered all the medications for your op, booked the technicians to come in on that particular day etc. I think then it would be quite reasonable to keep the bulk of the deposit.
  4. I guess if you have any health conditions then that is a good reason not to. However, I think these side effects are very rare. Regaine is costing me around 120-150 pounds a year. I bought 3 months supply from Boots which, if used once a day, can last 6 months. I'm sure there are cheaper internet options out there. Unfortunately your Dad's hairline is no guarrantee. My pattern is different my Dad's and my older brother is NW 1.5! My uncles on my mothers side are a closer match to me. They are NW4/5 approx and in their early 60s.
  5. I looked in to insurance a while ago. I don't believe there is any UK broker that offers it for HTs. The best insurance you can have is to go to a reputable doctor such as the ones in the coalition. If the results don't turn out as was promised I'm sure all of them would offer a second procedure for free.
  6. Best you save up 32,000 for the 3 extra HTs in 5, 10 and 15 years time!! But seriously, it would be good to keep at least the Regaine going. You use Toothpaste to retain your teeth so why not retain your hair with medication.
  7. Agree you're a NW 2 or 3 My hair was similar to yours until I hit late 20s. I think you should definately start on Regaine and consider Propecia. It could make the world of difference for at least 10 years. I only wish I'd started earlier!
  8. Are you willing to upload a couple of photos? You will get the best feedback with them... If you're at an advanced hair loss stage, i.e. advanced norwood 5,6,7 then it is usually less important to get on the meds provided you have a good donor area. This is because there is (usually) less DHT-affected hair left to be 'retained' so further loss is often less of a concern. (But taking meds is always a good idea to try to maximise your overall result) Propecia effects take about 12 months to be visually noticeable which is why people on here recommend 'trying it for a year'. Minoxidil normally shows results after about 4 months. With a high norwood number you will never get a full head of hair back with a HT but if done artistically you can get an improved appearance. For example: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/165801-dr-b-farjo-3650-fug.html
  9. I'm not sure but something is definately going on with his hair!
  10. One other thing I've noticed is that there is barely a single hair on my pillow in the morning. There used to be about 5 or 6 hairs at least!
  11. Not quite. I did 5 days on 1mg a day but suffered mild side effects (headache). I've tried a few different variants including 0.5mg every other day etc. I think the Regaine has contributed the most to the improvement. (PS it is definately the fin causing the headaches. Nos sides from Regaine)
  12. Looking better in the mid scalp/crown region. Hairline has improved but is not as noticeable. 0.25mg Fin every other day Regaine Foam once a day Mon-Fri, twice on weekends Nizoral shampoo every 5 days
  13. As far as I know it is all about the size of the team available and the skill of the technicians. Grafts need to be transplanted from strip to head in as short a time as possible. If you don't have a big team then performing megasessions would be unwise
  14. Nice video bobby. Looking forward to the next one. Dr Markou, Part Time HT Surgeon?.... It would be full time or no time for me if I was letting anyone with a scalpel near my head!
  15. Boots have a walk-in (or online) hair prevention service which avoids the stigma of having to visit your GP. It's a bit pricey but you will have the peace of mind of doing everything by the book. If it works you can use other sources like the site Spex suggests. I would avoid Proscar for the simple reason that it is more difficult to divide the tablets into doses smaller than 1.25mg. I'm heading (no pun intended!) to a similar norwood scale to you so I know what you're going through. I had a noticeable loss of hair between ages 29-33 so be mindful that it could get worse!
  16. Hi there, Generic propecia is very affordable and plenty of people on here can recommend legitimate sources. Look at how well it has worked for Declan Donnelly (of Ant & Dec fame). I wouldnt get too hung up on the side affects either. Lots of people on here don't get any and even if you did you can stop taking the drug and return to normal. (I'm currently on 1/4 tablet every other day which doesnt give me the headaches I got on the tablet a day dose). The problem I see with your hairline is that it is thinning over quite a large area which means if you fill in the temples there is a risk that the native hair deteriorates to the point where you are playing catch up. Anyway, I wish you luck with it. I started the meds 1st April and have noticed a positive effect so far and intend to re-evaluate after 12 months.
  17. Hi there. Norwood 2 isnt too bad so don't be surprised if these doctors advise you to wait. (BTW Harley Street Hair Clinic doesnt particularly have a good reputation despite the whole Rooney thing). If youre willing to upload some photos some folks on here will give you some really great advice. I'd recommend Nizoral shampoo which is thought to have some DHT blocking effect. You can get it from Boots (also in big Tesco stores I've noticed). It should only be used a maximum of twice a week.
  18. 1)Ultimately I think it makes no difference at what time in your hair cycle you choose to take them, other than a long term positive! 2)It affects all hair which is why they state on the packaging that you may notice slightly more shedding in the 1st couple of months.
  19. I guess one of the big factors is how your surgeon looked after the grafts after they are extracted from the donor strip (I assume you had FUT rather than FUE). If the grafts aren't disected properly, under microscopes and properly hydrated then there's a big risk the grafts wont survive the transplant process.
  20. You can get it on Goldpharma and they will post it to you. They do an 'online prescription' so no need to get a UK doctor involved. I just looked now and it's about 36 pounds for 30 tablets.
  21. I have a different hairloss pattern to my Dad so you could be lucky. Best to have a think about your Mother's Dad, and if she has any brothers then how is their hair looking... You could go see a HT doctor and they can examine your scalp to see if hairs are miniturising.
  22. My shortlist changes like the singles charts but at the moment number 1 is Raymond Konior. Definately worth considering as Chicago is not that much further than NYC (if coming from the UK).
  23. Some other things to consider: - How much additional hairloss are you likely to experience? (family history) - What is your long term game plan? Just to tackle the front and then come back in 3 or 4 years to do the crown? - Are you on meds? I'd definately be careful about which doc you choose for FUE. Some use motorised tools, others manual ones with varying degrees of success.
  24. I've been on it for almost 2 months but cant say I've noticed much of a shed. 1 and a half months of this I've combined it with Regaine Foam and Nizoral Shampoo. What I would say is my hair is looking a lot better quality and I can see what appears to be the beginnings of some 'new' hair sprouting in the hairline. I'm taking monthly progress photos (next one due 2nd June) and uploading them on to this site). I've seen some amazing results using the above meds and hope I can be one of the lucky ones. It will take a good 6-9 months but it's got to be worth a shot!
  25. I'm no expert but I imagine the more operations you have the less donor 'efficiency' you get. My theory is as follows: Say someone has 6000 total donor. Taking this in 3 strip surgeries might yield 3 x 1800 grafts = 5400. (I've assumed you lose 200 on the boundary of each strip where the scalpel disects the skin) Now say you had 2 strip surgeries you might yield 2x2800 grafts = 5600. So in (my) theory you get a more efficient use of your donor. In the case of FUE I think you just have a set number of grafts and once they are used up you're done.
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