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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. I concur with the previous posts. Amazing coverage for the number of grafts. I think the "shingling effect" definitely helps this achieve a simply amazing illusion of density. He probably has very high caliber hairs also. Outstanding result.
  2. To book and cancel 4 times is excessive but I'm glad you didn't go through with it as it sounds like you are very unsure about the procedure.
  3. Going back to work after a procedure can be VERY stressful, glad to hear that it is going smoothly for you mate. What a relief that must be...
  4. Congrats Sam! Looking curly!! Excellent documentation.
  5. So this is the 4th time you've cancelled with Dr. Rahal? Wow what a waste of time for all involved.
  6. That doesn't make sense since a cure would be the biggest profit maker of them all.
  7. The straight scars are usually from the bad old days of hair restoration.
  8. Good news! Honesty about these kinds of things is always the best policy when dealing with somebody you really care about.
  9. I totally concur with the advice you have gotten so far on this thread. Propecia to stabilize and then you need to do "watchful waiting" and reevaluate from time to time. I think your hair looks pretty solid although the "bed-head" look isn't doing you any favors. A "Ceasar" might work for you but you're looking good so no worries at this point mate. Some people say that Propecia really kicks in after 1 year so you may yet see some more improvement from it. Good luck!
  10. You need to check with your Doc for that. I wouldn't worry about it too much these type of pimples are quite common and will resolve eventually.
  11. That looks to be a bit more involved than normal, although everybody heals up differently, you may have to extend your treatment with the antibiotics. I would return to your Doc to be assessed.
  12. 1) Usually the hairs from grafts shed but sometimes they do not. Get a small hand held mirror and take a look at whats happening on the back of your head. 2) Pimples are normal, if it lasts it could be infected so keep an eye on it. Put a little Neosporin or whatever antibiotic gel they gave you on it. 3) I was a bit surprised to hear you did strip for such a small procedure, especially to repair a scar. Would have thought FUE was the way to go. The chances of a very small scar stretching are much less than having a bigger scar stretch because it should have much less tension if closed properly. 4) If you are worried about the scar stretching I would put off doing any exercises that might stretch it. I would think that after a few months it wouldn't matter much unless you are doing behind the neck pull ups or any type of exercise that would put obvious pressure or stretch the skin on the lower part of your head. Call your doctor with any concerns and take his advice.
  13. Be thankful that was their first response and not "Oh sure we'll do whatever you want!!" 21 is very young and the problem is that if they operate and your hair-loss progresses even more aggressively, as it so often does in young patients, you might end up looking like a freak with an island of hair in the middle of your head. Go see what they have to say, I think that the initial reaction to be reluctant on their part is a very good thing.
  14. The before and after pics are extremely consistent in this case. He has peach fuzz in his frontal third in the before pic and the after pic shows a very nice improvement. Yes his hair is slightly longer in the after pic. Those 1600 grafts went a long way for this patient and this is a success without doubt.
  15. Very natural looking but I would have hoped for a bit more bang for my buck from almost 4000 grafts.
  16. A hat is preferable over a bandanna in my mind as the bandanna can actually touch the grafts whereas the hat, like a trucker hat or baseball cap, will not.
  17. There is a definite improvement. It seems as if the density of the SMP within the scar is much greater than the surrounding area resulting in a dark line. Also I would have seen the need to take care of his "train tracks" that are quite evident below the scar. Overall much better though.
  18. Almost back to normal thanks for the update, looking good...
  19. Looks like a success to me, very nice and completely natural looking hairline. How did your scar turn out?
  20. No not necessarily...some lucky people don't shed at all and go straight to growing. Most people shed though so it is just another step in the process towards getting to your goal. Hurry up and wait!
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