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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Wow that is quite a story there mate. It is good to be alive init? The part about being in the store and doing a good deed and being rewarded by a rub on the head is priceless. Lol no good deed goes unrewarded!! Good luck with your healing and growth.
  2. Your native hair looks very dense so I would say that you'd need somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500-2000 grafts or so to even it out. It would be a slam dunk for a top tier doc granted you have no problems with normal growth.
  3. That's ok it means you are one step closer to growing. :rolleyes:
  4. Congrats greatjob I'm sure that's going to make a huge difference for you. Good luck growing.
  5. I've seen some really impressive work on old punch scars with SMP. Bisanga has done some excellent repair work as Wylie says. I have never seen punch scar tissue removed and then sutured together but it sounds plausible to me as I know that has been done with hairline grafts that are too big for the front of the head. Keep talking with Wylie as he has a lot of knowledge on the subject of repair. Best of luck with it.
  6. I have seen that Dr. Rahal is still on other websites, what is exactly the story with that? I thought that ANY website that features Docs was a no-no.
  7. Excellent excellent you can not see Orlhair's scar at all.
  8. Excellent he can actually go out in public and not get stares. Feel very good for this patient.
  9. You have to add SMG to that list. They produce some of the most natural looking hairlines out there.
  10. Your scar looks very fine, I understand why you didn't want to risk it with FUT again. Hope you are feeling good Orhlair and good luck in the coming months with your growth. The only pic missing from this sequence is the back or donor view with the #3 guard. I look forward to seeing your post op pics. Congrats!
  11. The story keeps getting weirder and weirder... she lost her keys to her office and was a no show on the day of your procedure? I have to say this Doc sounds like a complete train wreck and you are doing a service to your fellow Aussies by letting them know to stay away. We all live and learn, I went through 2 poor procedures and if I had been giving any type of heads up about the Doc's I chose it would have saved me a LOT of grief. Good man for sharing your experience. Thank God she wasn't working on your hairline or the front of your head.
  12. You look to be on schedule, now hurry up and wait. Were the 300 grafts in your crown something you wanted to do or was it suggsted by Dr. Feller?
  13. Totally understandable. Best of luck with Doc Rahal I hope it turns out well for you, he is among the best in the field. You should mention the name the Dr. who did this very strange procedure so that others can steer clear.
  14. You guys would be alright, even the gang-bangers respect a good head of hair (just don't flash any peace signs :eek:)
  15. That is one bizarre story and really disconcerting to hear. It sadly sounds as if this doctor was in over her head and was winging it. Post some pics if you want so we can see what is going on.
  16. Congrats Spanker I'd say we can put this one in the win column...
  17. Congrats bro all done!! Now hurry up and wait... :rolleyes:
  18. Great you are half way there! For those of us who don't know what ARTAS is would you kindly explain if you are not too loopy from your meds? Take it easy and update later as you said. Get a good nights sleep and gl tomorrow.
  19. btw orlhair is your hairloss website working? Every time I click on it I stay on the same page, maybe it's just a glitch on my end. I can view all your pics though...
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