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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Sorry you are having a tough time. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "cutting your hair as a child" which you admit being guilty of. You are not cutting that hair in the front short are you? The very short hair in your hairline certainly does look different, I could see why you are feeling distressed. Could it be short because you are continually pulling it out? You may be need treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as the continued pulling out of your hair is certainly a symptom. You can do something about your situation by seeing a dermatologist first to rule out any physical causes for the itchy and raw feeling you are getting. Then I would see a hair loss specialist to get an opinion. You can certainly try finasteride and minoxidil to slow down your loss if you are having any. Good luck and go see your doctors.
  2. I have mild hypertension and take the smallest dose of lisinopril for it. The rogaine has not affected it one way or the other as far as I can tell.
  3. No. The only things proven to regrow hair are minoxidil and propecia.
  4. Definite improvement with more on the way for sure. You've had two previous procedures, what was the result with your scars? Was Dr. L able to get them down into one scar and if so how has that healed up? Is your donor area tapped out as of now?
  5. Depends what your expectations are and if "hair greed" sets in. I suppose some people will chase the perfect head of hair but again it depends on what the expectations are and if you maintain what you have.
  6. Let me check my hairy palms and I will get back to you. =)
  7. 6 months to get an appointment? Wow that is unfortunate. Can't you call the doc up and ask him? You probably just need to experiment with the dosage as it is not an exact science.
  8. I have seen some bad eyebrow results but this is not one of them. What a difference for this woman she must be thrilled to not have to draw in her eyebrows everyday. Thumbs way up!!!
  9. Sounds like a plan. Don't be too hard on your father. Sometimes people just can't understand how we feel. We all need to vent sometimes and it really helps if you can find someone who will listen to you and not judge. Because the men in your family do not bald to any great extent you could just be experiencing a maturing hairline that will end up looking like your Grandfather's. Finasteride, Minoxidil, and nizoral are your best bets right now. Good luck and find a confidant to vent to from time to time, it will help immensely.
  10. Lots of people are on the 1mg M W F routine and it is recommended by several leading clinics. I have been on 1 mg/day for about 9 months and will switch to MWF starting this week. I too have noticed some mild sides and hope to get a better outcome. The watery semen is getting old...
  11. Congrats Bonker, it is amazing how a change in one's confidence can truly change one's life for the better.
  12. I read this thread many months ago and was turned off by the bickering and strange comments so I just have ignored it since then. So here I am back hoping to see something helpful but alas it is more of the same. Perhaps no one is responding to you because there is NOTHING to respond to. Although you may think it is noteworthy to report about the visit to your salon or what shampoo you are using that doesn't really matter that much does it? I am interested in results. I live in Chicago also and was thinking about visiting Dr. Panine but quite frankly this thread has made me leary of going to see him, actually I ended up visiting Dr. Konior instead. Believe me you are not doing Dr. Panine any favors with this thread, and may actually be doing him harm. If you continue making these posts in which you say how happy you are with your progress yet don't add any pictures it all seems a bit strange from where I am sitting. No offense, I am just giving you some honest feedback. You are taking the time to make regular posts so why not post some progress pictures so that this community can learn something about your case and the results that can be expected with Dr. Panine?
  13. If you feel suicidal you need to get help immediately. Depression, no matter what the cause, is a serious thing. If you feel this bad you need to talk to someone about it now. There is no shame in feeling hopeless and down, but again do not let this continue without doing something about it.
  14. Excellent write up!! Congrats. I am always amazed at how "clean" Doc K's work looks. I mean your implanted area looks as if it is simply a shaved head, no blood or oozing. 3500 grafts packed into that area on your head will end up looking sweet. I look forward to following your progress.
  15. Very thorough documentation as usual from Dr. Panine. Very natural looking result and excellent scar.
  16. I'll be frank, when I had my stitches removed it hurt like hell. I went back to my clinic and one of the techs did it. Ouch!! I think staples are easier coming out but rest assured if it does hurt it will be over fairly quickly. Some numbing cream or something would have helped but not sure if they do that...
  17. Wow that is quite a turn around since your last post. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel satisfied. Any recent pics to share?
  18. I haven't experienced what you have described, I have been on finasteride for 9 months.
  19. Did you stop cold turkey or did you try a reduced dosing schedule? I know you have discussed this before but I can't recall what you said.
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