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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Why wasn't Dr. Shapiro considered again for this procedure?
  2. How do you avoid staring at the chest of the hot woman at work with the low cut blouse when you are talking to her? Just don't do it. As far as your gossipy co-workers go who want to make fun of this guy behind his back, tell them to get a life and leave him alone.
  3. Starting to look better man. I think as your hair grows out it will provide better coverage and you will feel better and better about it. Must feel nice not to have the piece on top.
  4. A period or two would be nice every once in a while, make it easier for us to read your posts!! Rogaine and finasteride are very cheap in comparison to the investment you are making by getting two procedures done. If you are interested in keeping the approximately 25% of the native hair you have left then start using both Finasteride and Rogaine. You might have more native hair left than you think...
  5. Nice write up, thanks for taking the time to do it. You picked one of the best, if not THE best, surgeon in the world. You should have a great result from this work and I look forward to seeing some updates. Heal and grow well.
  6. Good attitiude. You already have 8 months invested in taking it and if you have no sides you should see it through. Good luck with it.
  7. Let me guess: human application is just 5 -10 years away?
  8. I commented on another post you created asking for feedback on your procedure but I am happy to answer this one as well. You sound as if you are second guessing yourself at this point and I would encourage you to stop doing that. You had surgery with one of the top doctors in the world and your results will be great. I think everyone probably has some doubts right after the procedure so you're not alone in feeling that way. At 23 you are on the young side for surgery but because of your history of turban wearing/ traction alopecia you fall into a special circumstances category and I think that's probably why you were a candidate for surgery. As far as your consultation went, in hindsight, it sounds as if you felt as if you could have asked more questions. I think the impression that you gave Doug was that you did your research and were well informed. At this point I would just relax and forget about the fact you had the procedure done. Get on with your life and in about 4 months you will start to see some positive changes and in another 8 months I bet all of your concerns will have disappeared. So hurry up and wait!!
  9. Looks like nice refined work as usual from the guys in Vancouver.
  10. Just awesome work Joe, what a lucky guy. I still am not sure as to why Hasson & Wong are able to get these huge numbers when other clinics aren't even in the same ballpark. I know Dr. Hasson is able to vary the width of the donor strip (wider in the back, narrower over the mastoid processes, wider again towards the ears, etc...) in order get a low tension closure but is there something else that I am missing? I have noticed that the strip almost goes vertical along the sides of the head and I guess that will add to its overall length. It's really impressive work. Also very nice to see when combing through his donor that the scar was undetectable.
  11. The mods are paid obviously as are the doctor's reps who clearly state who they are. Besides those mentioned who state who they are up front I suppose there could be "paid cheerleaders" who don't identify themselves as such but there would be no official list of them for anybody to post. It has been my experience that if somebody isn't legit they get sniffed out fairly quickly anyhow. I always like to give kudos to work that I like or find interesting. Does that make me a cheer leader also?
  12. Interesting case Dr K. I am particularly impressed by his scar that has, for all intents and purposes, vanished. You mentioned that you placed the 14 test FUE grafts in the right side donor scar and then took a conservative strip to get 2377 grafts. Has his hair simply grown over the scar and camouflaged it? Even with his hair cut very short in the back there is no sign of the scar. Great advice in your final comment to younger candidates for hair restoration to completely understand all the dynamics involved before saying yes to surgery.
  13. It seems to me that a lot of Dr. Rahal's work is on younger guys that want to dense pack their hairlines and temples. To compare this older gent to some of Rahal's younger patients is comparing apples to oranges. Ths patients hairline looks very appropriate for his age and level of baldness. Nice work.
  14. This looks like a good result considering that he was coming from a Norwood 7. I would like to see the after pics of his 2nd procedure with Dr. Wong. The length of the hair in these pics seem to provide the most coverage.
  15. This community has been quite skeptical about Finasteride and very frank converstaions have been had on the subject. The suggestion that this open forum is somehow purposefully "uncritical" about the drug is off base from the posts that I have seen on the subject. I don't think anyone is glossing it over and since we are all adults the ultimate decision is made by the individual. It is good to be skeptical about any drug.
  16. The hairline design looks fine to me, a classic loose "snail trail" that many surgeons employ. That being said it seems that the 1650 grafts are spread out over a large area. I would imagine the result will not yield high density but should look natural and if that was the objective then this looks like it is right on track.
  17. I think I saw around $35 last night in Walgreens...
  18. Very nice improvement for this patient. He looks normal again and that's what all repair patients want. I like the witness protection voice alteration...
  19. I don't think you want 3 scars to deal with. Dr. Lindsey is an expert at doing scar revisions so I think that would be they way to go if possible. If you can revise the two scars into one and still get around 2000 grafts that ideally would be my plan of attack. Best of luck.
  20. Glad to hear you think you found the right doctor at the right price. Grow well!
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