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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Congrats things look like they are coming along very nicely!!
  2. Johny save your money and see the best possible surgeon that you feel comfortable with. A HT is not something that you want to cut corners on believe me. If you need to stay in the midwest your two top choices imo would be Dr. Konior and SMG. The drive from Springfield up to Minnesota wouldn't be all that bad. E-mail Dr. Konior, he will personally email back right away and answer all questions you have. Same goes for SMG. Good luck.
  3. It is difficult to assess your result from these photos. If you are happy that's all that counts.
  4. And get a pill cutter. Save your kitchen knives for chopping onions...
  5. Good luck trying to cut a 5mg tab into 5 equal pieces!! That is very difficult to do. You can always cut it into quarters and then shave a little off of each piece to approximate 1mg. I have also heard that the medication might not be equally distributed throughout the pill... so in one quarter you may get it all and in another quarter you may not get any. This is a question a pharmacist might be able to answer if they are familiar with the manufacturing process that is used.
  6. Yes unfortunately that reeks of a salesman looking to make a quick commission and shows no integrity. As always: buyer beware. Hairmills are hairmills.
  7. Congrats Bangs!! You picked one of the best surgeons and clinics in the world. Grow well, keep us informed if you are able.
  8. Hi Janna another great looking result from Dr. Paul. Those 2300 grafts went a long way for this patient. Very nice!! If I could get 2000 grafts I think I would be a very happy camper... Can you answer this for me? I have noticed that SMG's patients "immediate post-op" pictures are always looking very clean whereas I notice that pictures from other clinics in the immediate post-op stage many times look like a bloody mess with grafts oozing and looking like they've been in some sort of accident. Is there any particular reason for the stark difference?
  9. Not many top Docs are using mini grafts anymore, he could have said 2, 3, 4 hair follicular units. In any case you are in a very good position as when you have your hair combed normally you can't see the plugs and your hair looks great!! Go to any top Doc and they will sort you out and make you like like a star with 2000 grafts in your hairline. I doubt that you would need to have any previous grafts extracted as 2000 grafts or so would serve as camouflage very nicely. Good luck!!
  10. There was a study released a few days ago that stated the caramel coloring that Coke and Pepsi use in their cola formulas causes cancer. In California they were going to force Coke and Pepsi to put warning labels on their cans saying "This product has shown to cause cancer in lab rats,etc... Because of this Coke and Pepsi are changing their formulation on how they make their soda. The thing of it was that in order for humans to receive the same amount of the substance found in Coke and Pepsi that was given to the lab rats that caused cancer, one would have to drink 1000 CANS OF SODA A DAY. Draw your own conclussions. I just started taking Finasteride a few months ago so I am not taking any of the claims about the drug lightly. However if lab rats were given say 1000 mgs of Finasteride a day and it caused cancer, I don't think that I would be overly worried about the findings. If some convincing studies are released I would have to rethink taking the drug.
  11. Umm I can't remember. Now where did I put my keys...
  12. Well the only problem is that this is a public forum and you did respond to a thread asking for "Disgruntled H&W Patients." While you don't appreciate having your concerns forwarded to their clinic, I think they have every right to know of your public comments, especially after your first post in this thread... which certainly seems negative to me. Good luck, I think this is much ado about nothing.
  13. Ziering earned his marketing bona fides at MHR and smoke and mirrors are a shameless part of the equation. MHR was a hair mill, Ziering Medical is a hair mill. A hair mill is a hair mill is a hair mill, treat them like the plague.
  14. Actually I can't see a scar at all, it looks like a normal hair parting to me. Very nice.
  15. One of the problems with trying to make an informed decison about Finasteride is that there are so many studies that can prove just about any point of view. Here is a National Institutes of Health Author Manuscript published that examined 15,000 men and found that Finasteride had no impact on high grade prostate cancer and may in fact reduce its risk: Finasteride Does Not Increase the Risk of High-grade Prostate Cancer: A Bias-adjusted Modeling Approach It really is confusing as one can find the data to back up both sides of the argument. So again it leaves us back at square one in our decision making process. If I had to make an absolute choice between my sexual health and being bald I would chose my sexual health all day, but clearly the choice is not absolute.
  16. Good growing vibes being sent your way...
  17. Dr. Lindsey thank you for presenting these cases as they actually are intraoperatively. It is an excellent reminder that hair transplantation is indeed a true surgically procedure that should not be taken lightly and should not be intrusted to just anyone without serious credentials, experience, and proven consistent results. What a terrible scar this poor bloke had, it looks as if this revision will make a huge difference for him. Excellent documentation.
  18. It looks as if it is starting to thicken up for sure, you are entering the sweet spot for growth so you have more to come. Look forward to watching your progress. You mention that you had a previous surgery with MHR and that Dr. Shapiro was able to get 1400 grafts which is on the low side, was your donor area limited because of the previous procedure? How was your previous scar handled?
  19. As dour as this assessment is you bring up a very crucial point and one that has me a bit uncomfortable: the fact is that this drug is still fairly new on the scene. It hasn't been around for long and what nobody really knows what happens to your system after you have taken it for 15-20 years. In a sense the people that have been taking it for 10 years are the test subjects going forward. Idk, I guess the bottom line is that we all need to weigh the risks and benefits, monitor the side effects and make choices. I don't mean t be a worry wort here... just thinking out loud.
  20. Ok so it's 3am Chicago time right now and I have the TV on in the background and I hear the word "Propecia"and my ears perk up. It's a commercial for a personal injury law firm that is recruiting "victims" of Propecia for a class action lawsuit against Merck. Since I just started taking Finasteride last month this got me thinking once again about the true risk of taking this drug. Is Merck hiding serious risks associated with this drug? Am I a fool for taking it? Is this all just a bunch of bullshit that is getting exploited by our usual litigious culture? What's the truth and what's not? If you look on the internet you can find horror stories about any and every drug out there. For instance I take a drug called Kenalog by injection once every four months or so to control nasal polyps and help me breathe better. I looked on the internet for side effects and came across many boards discussing the drug. They were primarily overwhelmingly negative and discussed how this drug ruined people's live etc... I think you can find horror stories about any drug, the problem for me is that not every drug has class action lawsuits brought about against it. I'm not sure what my point is here other than to say I am having serious doubts about Finasteride at this point. I haven't experienced any negative sides that I know of so far so it's all a bit confusing. Ok end of rant, any thoughts?
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