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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Hey orlhair I know the SMG also offer Vitrase as an option to imrove scalp laxity so the closure has less tension on it. Is that something that you opted for also? Have others used this or have any opinion on it? Do other clinics even offer it? It seems as if Vitrase can indeed improve laxity and give a better scar it seems like a no-brainer to me? Any thoughts on Vitrase?
  2. Lots of clinics will see you for free although by your own admission you may be overreacting just a tad. The fact that you openly admit that you have some issues with your body image leads me to believe that you must feel that your fears are probably overblown. The clinics that do charge for a consultation usually charge around $100. If it puts your mind at ease I'm sure the $100 will be well worth it.
  3. Hey Brandon your hair looks pretty solid to me. I guess your part could be a little "tighter" but that could just be how your hair grows. Since you seeem to be very concerned with it I would suggest you make an appoitment and talk to a reputable hair restoration clinic and they can see if there is any miniturization occurring and give you a solid professional opinion based on what they see and your family history. You didn't mention your age but unless you are under the age of 18, I see no reason why you couldn't start propecia if you were in fact starting to thin. Just relax, take a deep breath and remember this isn't an emergency! Go see one of the doc's listed on this site and get a professional opinion. We are all concerned with hair loss so you are not bothering anybody at all. Good luck.
  4. Click on the "Consult a Physician" at the top of the page and you can do an online consultation with any doc you want. This is a big decision and a potentially life altering event so do your research, take your time, and make the best possible informed decision that you can. Good luck!!
  5. Strong as others have said it is difficult to judge your results because in your before pics you have your hair combed forward and to the sides. It looks as if the hair you did have in the front was rather long and you combed it back for coverage. Do you have any before pics with your hair combed back as you normally wear it? That would provide a more accurate starting point for comparison to your after pics. The good news is that your hair does look natural and I wouldn't pick you out of a lineup as a guy with a bad hair transplant!! If you weren't happy with your doc the first time around, in terms of graft placement and results, I think it's smart to look to another clinic for your second go around. 2200 grafts was obviously not enough and even if they simply concentrated them into your frontal third you still probably would need another procedure. Usually the hairline and frontal third is the first priority for most patients and docs but some guys just want overall coverage even if it is a bit thin. Make sure you discuss a specific plan of attack that is to your liking for your next procedure with whatever doc you chose. I see there is some bickering about who your doc was, is there any reason you don't want to say who it was? It's your choice and if you don't want to that's fine. One of the reasons this forum is so valuable is because when results are presented honestly it helps the poster get honest feedback and also helps others to make decisions about their own procedures and choice of docs. Good luck, I'll be following your progress!!
  6. You are in much better shape than most repair patients. You will end up with one scar in back instead of multi scars stacked and I bet you are going to be very happy after all is said and done. Congrats again I'm glad Rahal sorted you out.
  7. Man this is like the countdown to a space shuttle launch!! Good luck man, so you're driving up to Canada from Arkansas? That's quite a drive, any reason why you didn't just hop on a plane?
  8. Bleh these kinds of posts are always so transparent and distasteful. This guy doesn't want to come across like a salesman and then comes across like a salesman. Deflection, misdirection, protestation of innocence, etc. If it walks like a duck...
  9. Jfables who better to answer this question than Dr. Hasson himself. Click through until you get to the video of Dr. Hasson, it is about halfway down the page. Enjoy and learn! Do Megasession Hair Transplants Increase The Chances of Having Complications?
  10. Congrats Coach you have gone from posting "is it normal to feel this bad" to "is it normal to feel this good" after 2 weeks! You have experienced very normal feelings and the next few months could possibly be a roller coaster also. You will experience shedding in all likelihood and then into the dreaded doldrum peeriod. It's all part of the process!! Now that you are feeling back to normal you can look forward to the start of some action in about 3-4 months!! Keep us posted. Post some pics if you can.
  11. They are evil geniuses!! Bwahahaha!! I would call them and ask. They are very friendly.
  12. A Hair Shake sounds like an "add-on" to boosts profits at this clinic. If a clinic can't make it by doing procedures alone I would wonder about their competency. That's just me though... @Aaron: you're funny dude!
  13. I've had two transplants and am unhappy. That being said if I were totally bald I would be more unhappy. The problem that I ran into was that the doc's who worked on me had no plan at all for the future, they said I would need one and be done. That was not the case... It is imperative to have a realistic plan for the future and to set your goals accordingly. With today's methods and a realistic plan your results should be very good in the hands of a top drawer surgeon and clinic. Shaving was never an option for me as I has a knotty weirdly shaped head and would have looked like a sick puppy with it shaved. You do know that FUE will leave you with no linear scar right? Do your research, talk to others, and make a decision based upon the right knowledge and your gut feeling. Maybe for you the right thing to do is to get on meds and see how things progress as you get older.
  14. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/159044-acell-prp-injections.html Here's a thread I found on Acell in the "future treatments" section.
  15. The acell prp injections are sketchy. Can I ask you how much he is charging you for them? You are a young guy and I would be skeptical at best at throwing money after these types of unproven treatments. I haven't seen any published material on the effecacy of these treatments if anyone has please inform us. If those treatments are expensive I would say save your money and revisit the issue a few years down the road. I hate to see young guys taken advantage of. You are too young for a transplant at this point so watchful waiting is in store for you. The side effects of propecia are very rare but that's a call you have to make.
  16. MSM is often paired with glucsamine chondroitin in the stores, it is usually labeled as rebuilding and repairing healthy joints or joint health. I buy mine in Walgreens.
  17. Good to hear that they at least tried to satisfy you, it sounds like you are a bit more content for sure. As another poster said the fact that it was a fue procedure you won't be left with a botched strip scar. Also good for you for going back and demanding satisfaction!
  18. Wow the fact that you learned the doc knew nothing about hair transplantation and you still allowed them to work on you is surprising. Live and learn, sometimes you can learn from other people's mistakes... Good luck I hope it turns out for you.
  19. I see that bthis was a year old thread that was bumped up... NewHairPlease I see that you ultimately ended up going with Dr. Rahal after initially being very pleased with your correspondence with Dr. Konior. Did you just "click" better with Rahal? Any pics yet of your progress??
  20. Looking very good, the filling in of your temples will make a very significant difference. Good luck and grow well...
  21. You have the same hairline you did as a kid, pretty unusual that you had your temples look like that. As other posters have said you need to get some answers from a pro who can look at your scalp under magnification to see if any miniturization is occuring. You could always fill in your temples to give you a more youthful and straight hairline but the only problem with that is as you age you could possibly start losing hair behind your temples and then would need more work. I would just chill out for now and not worry about your hair as you're a young guy and have a great head of hair!!! Revisit the issue somewhere done the line. If you are really consumed by thinkiung about it go see a top notch clinic to get an opinion in person. Good luck.
  22. Very very nice result with relatively few grafts for such a large area to cover. Dr. Paul keeps on rolling!! I'm sure you have answered this before so forgive me in advance, but is Dr. Ron currently as active as Dr. Paul? Also do you have an idea of how many overall procedures Dr. Paul has currently done at his tenure at SMG?
  23. If you are talking about something like Medicaid for a HT then no. A HT as you know is an elective cosmetic procedure. I have heard of Doc's doing pro bono work before but that is obviously not the norm.
  24. Aaron any particular reason you decided to go with Dr. Paul over Dr. Ron at SMG? I've looked through alot of their results and I have to say that they are both very good. Was it a matter of who was available to fit your schedule or did you have a preference??
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