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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Congrats on your procedure. Isn't it awesome that after 7 months you can just live your life and not worry about your hair anymore? I think that just what we all want... to be able to move on in life. Mission accomplished. For me I will be able to move on once I get some repair work done. I look forward to that day.
  2. Everybody is different. Some lucky ones heal up very fast and some of us, usually the lighter skinned ones, heal up slower. At only 3 months out I don't think that some redness in the recipient area is anything that unusual so I would just relax and not get too worked up. Good luck and grow well!!
  3. Looking like things are coming along nicely. Congrats and I look forward to tracking your progress.
  4. Great list Aaron! Happy New Year to you as well.
  5. Berlusconi looks clownish doesn't he? Man those Bunga-bunga sex parties must have destroyed some of his brain cells. Lol
  6. Bill O'Reilly had some very subtle work done recently. I think it looks good for him. Wonder if he saw Dr. Bernstein. I'm sure O'Reilly's buddy Dennis Miller encouraged him to do it since Miller is always saying how he had his hair done by........Gasp!!: Bosley.
  7. orlhair when I click on your website nothing happens. Is it just on my end or is your website still up and running?
  8. Well for special purchases I have wanted in the past where I didn't use cash I took out a new credit card that offered 0% financing for a specified period... usually 12 months. That is a free loan for one year to do with as you wish, not a bad deal if yu have decent credit and are able. If you have existing credit lines use the one that is the lowest obviously.
  9. Congrats the new hairline and temples frame out your face very nicely. Grow well and I look forward to following your progress.
  10. The volume of work and effort put forth by Jotronic is impressive. Very informative and professional Q&A session. Well worth the time.
  11. @orlhair: I think that it would be foolish of me not to visit Dr. Konior since he is so close and also a drive up to SMG wouldn't be that difficlut as well, the gf can go shopping at the Mall of America while I consult. Although I can't find much of Dr. K's work what I have seen looks quite good. I'm trying not to let air travel dissuade me from choosing a doc but to be quite frank the thought of going through security and a flight doesn't seem appealing to me. I would like to hear from guys who had to travel after their procedure and how things were handled. This might be a ridiculous questions but do the metal staples used for closing the donor area set off the metal detector? Having TSA hovering around you wouldn't be cool! @Atticus: That unbelievable vid speaks for itself. I feel happy for this stranger I see on the video, he must feel like he has gotten his life back... what his previous docs did to him was nothing short of butchery. I hope someone like Wylie gets close to what this guy has accomplished.
  12. The itching post op almost drove me crazy also, benadryl is a good start and I think prednisone might help also but am not sure. Get on the horn to your doc! He should be able to help.
  13. Looks like normal scabbing to me, it is only 3 days out. Contact your doc for more specific advice.
  14. @Jotronic: I will be in touch, ty for your reply. Your saga is no less than amazing and our situations are quite similiar with the stacked scars, pitting, etc... Have a great New Years! @Wylie: Thanks for the kind words sir. You have truly been through the ringer and I hope that Dr. Umar has gotten some peace of mind back for you. I wil definitely look into Dr. Umar further. I respect the fact that even though you have had some truly bad experiences you continue to look for solutuions. I hope your latest procedures are starting to bear fruit and that things are returning to normalcy for you. Best wishes. @Zyndin: I tried rogaine for about a year and it didn't seem to do much. I need to revisit the idea of starting Propecia, I think I was reluctant to try it in the past as I have a few other health issues that I was concerned about but I will reconsider at this point. Cheers.
  15. Ty sir this forum is a terrific resource! Btw congrats on that head of hair... very nice.

  16. Problems with erections tend to be the canary in the coal mine for heart and cirlculatory problems. Get yourself to a medical doctor asap and get a physical.
  17. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all. Thanks N6, MewHairplease and Atticus for your repsonses. I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. I have looked at some of the other repair cases and I might not be as bad as I suspect. MHR took me to a more normal looking appearance after getting the pits and scars from the dilators the first time. I am hoping that the next step will show a marked improvement also. I am starting to garner some hope and will look into meds and visiting some docs after the new year. Another pic illustrating the view from above. Thanks!
  18. I have been depressed before and all I can say is that us men tend to try to "tough it out" a lot longer than we ever should. For any of you feeling depressed I urge you to talk to your family doctor or get referred to someone that can give some objective advice. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies when it comes to taking care of ourselves.
  19. One more to illustrate the reality of the situation with normal dry hair as view from above.
  20. New woman? New libido? Just saying... Saw Palmetto is marketed as many things, I take it as a general supplement to help with prostate health. I can't say it has affected my libido one way or the other.
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