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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. Great result by Dr. Paul. You can really see that micro irregularity on his hairline that turns out to look so natural. Another great procedure by the SMG crew.
  2. He has done 100 transplants over 5 years and you let him work on you? Did you get to meet any of his patients or see his results? Who did he train with? You are a very trusting soul, I hope it works out for you. This whole notion you are pushing that anyone who reads what is on this website automatically forgoes their ability to reason and make informed decisions is quite child-like and frankly insulting. We are all adults and we know when somebody is simply cheer-leading. There are quite a few Docs on this website that don't get any rave reviews from members, throwing around the term "lemmings" is simply bombastic. I would say most of us are skeptical consumers and there are many sources of information out there from which to choose. I recall reading both Drs Hasson and Wong's CV, it must be on their website somewhere. I also have read Dr. Konior's (who happens to be a plastic surgeon) and Dr. Shapiro's CV as well. All quite impressive I might add. If I recall correctly a few of them started their careers in the ER and as you may or may not know, ER doctors quite frequently "move on" to other fields because of burn out. So anyway best of luck, post some pictures I would be interested in seeing the quality of the work. And by posting pics you will aid in your crusade to spread the word about other Doctors in the world besides the ones listed on this site!
  3. Mariek why don't you post some pics of your work so we can see the great work done by your surgeon? Just use your comp to block out your face to protect your identity. I look forward to seeing what you had done!
  4. Good luck with that as it is a small dose to take, it's worth a try though. I was on 1.25 mg finasteride every day for about 6 months and did notice some sides. I experimented a bit with the schedule and finally settled in on 1.25 mg every M, W, F. The sides went away. Now it may be because I reduced my schedule or it could be that my body simply adjusted to the med as has been reported on extensively. Again good luck with it.
  5. Mariek here's hoping your nice little 1200 graft strip surgery turns out well and that your doctor who specializes in boob jobs and tummy tucks knows what he is doing. Fingers crossed!! :eek: Just a quick question... did your surgeon implant all your grafts or did he have staff do it? And I wonder if he uses state of the art equipment such as custom cut blades, trichophytic closures, and lateral slits. Acell maybe? Does he do FUE also? Maybe he does mini-grafts! I'm sure you knew to ask about those things so you could make the best choice of surgeon possible because you sound so knowledgeable about it all. Right? You were sold a bill of goods by your "soft selling" surgeon as Aaron has so perceptively pointed out. Having a procedure done by a surgeon and staff that don't specialize is a risk that we have seen turn out very badly time and time again. Every industry is full of less than shoddy and average practitioners as I'm sure you know, some of them are even board certified plastic surgeons. Lets hope you didn't get one of them. Good luck.
  6. Without any info it is tough to say if this was a success or not. He doesn't look damaged at the 12 month mark, although he looks very thin, so I suppose for a Bosley patient this would be considered a success. Who knows what his scar looks like.
  7. Excellent result with 2600 grafts. I would imagine that this patients hair characteristics contributed to his result.
  8. 90 per sq cm is a very, very dense pack. You see that sort of work where a guy is a low Norwood and is looking to simply bolster his hairline in most cases. Dr. Rahal comes to mind immediately. You need to discuss these concerns with your surgeon before you have surgery or you are going to be freaking out and/or disappointed if your goals are not met. Get on the horn and start talking and make sure your goals are realistic and attainable. Good luck.
  9. It really depends on your hair color and texture. If you have very fine hair it may take more grafts per sq cm to achieve a camouflage effect, conversely if you have very coarse and thick caliber hair it may take less. Also if your hair is very dark in color and your skin is lighter that also would effect the amount of grafts needed to provide adequate coverage, etc... I don't think Hasson & Wong are refuting anything that SMG says as in general 50 grafts per sq cm will usually provide adequate coverage. Kapish pisan?
  10. The Royal Family frowns upon such acts of vanity. Harumphhhh!! If Wills is going to do anything he better start doing it soon as it looks as if he is destined to be an advanced case...
  11. Hey Boomer congrats. Hope you heal up and grow well. Great to hear that the staff treated you so well Did you fly back the day after the procedure?
  12. Your right temple looks good and your left is lagging for sure. It might come around as slow growers have shown in the past. Hang in there you don't look damaged or unnatural at all. The jury is still out on this one.
  13. Without pics its difficult to comment, why don't you post some? Sorry your procedure didn't turn out for you. On the positive side the clinic sounds willing to work with you
  14. I understand there is a former MHR surgeon of ill repute floating around Ireland. If he were connected with this clinic I would run in the opposite direction. Who are the surgeons there?
  15. Lucchesse sound Italian but I am assuming you're from England? Amirite? How has your scar healed up? Also I am coming in late on this thread but how was your flight back home? Did you need to take your hat off through customs... any problems there? Block out your face and post some pics. "Enquiring minds" (from the National Enquirer) want to know...
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