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Everything posted by StaggerLee123

  1. You really have to be as assured as possible that the clinic you are going to let operate on your head is one you have the utmost confidence in. Everybody has second thoughts going in but it sounds as if you have more concerns than normal. If you have doubts about this place and then they do shoddy work you will be kicking yourself for it. Take a step back and rethink it.
  2. If you had 3000 grafts in total implanted into your frontal third, specifically in the area that looks light in density to the hair behind it , then yes I would say you had very poor growth or did not get 3000 grafts. I think you have cause to be concerned.
  3. Good luck growing, I really hope you get the results you are looking for.
  4. That's just a harsh assessment. That first pic is probably when the guy was 18 years old for crying out loud! Hair loss doesn't help in the looks department but neither does normal aging. Wonder what it feels like to have every inch of your body scrutinized by the peanut gallery constantly?!?
  5. Evidently Bono's bandmate The Edge had a horrible transplant back in the late 80's maybe early 90's and he hasn't taken off that knit cap since then. Is that true?
  6. I never got the impression Bruce ever had any work done. He has deep recession in his temples and I think he looks good like that. Baby I was born to run...
  7. Those profile pics really show the nature of your hairloss. The see through effect is not pleasant as I know from experience. I would imagine hat Dr. K will concentrate on your frontal third to half. Good luck and thanks for passing along the info about Androgel. Are you a teacher in Chicago? They announced that they are closing close to 50 schools!! Wow all I can say is that this is Chicago style payback for the strike.
  8. I was thinking the same thing as I saw the first pics but that last pic of the hairline did it for me. To me it looks pluggy and there is no transition zone, it's bald forehaed scalp and then bam!...full density in about one centimeter. The last pic just doesn't look natural to me, the others seem better.
  9. I just did a search on Renovate and they are a plastic surgery practice. Lap bands, breasts, nose jobs, etc.., evidently it is a one stop shop for all things. Are you Mexican? The fact that this clinic is located in Tijuana sends up all sorts of red flags for me, no offense intended. The fact that they don't specialize in hair restoration is always a red flag. How much did you pay for the procedure, I have a feeling it was dirt cheap. That second set of pics you posted tell the story very well, the grafts are very far apart and this will not give you the coverage needed to look good. A second procedure with a practice that specializes in hair will probably be needed. Sorry to sound negative but I think that is what awaits you.
  10. This doesn't appear to be very dense, there is a lot of real estate in between those grafts. Who knows though, maybe with a shingling effect it will appear much more dense when it is grown out.
  11. Congrats on your procedure holyfolly and the detailed write-up... very interesting to read. It sounds as if your definitely had a reaction to your meds. Taking a bunch of pain meds on an empty stomach will do that to you sometimes. I get sick from codeine if taken on an empty stomach. I've never heard of morphine given in tablet form although it sounds good to me. The puking in the office must have been fun!! But good thing you were there because if you were alone who knows you may have passed out or gotten badly dehydrated and that may have lead to a bad situation. You have given some good advice to any newbies reading your post in regard to expectations which I think are critical. Realistic expectations and devising a plan of attack are so important. Good luck in healing up and grow well mate. :cool:
  12. Congrats Nick on your procedure! Glad the planets aligned and you were able to get in at SMG. Must be nice not to have to travel too far. For those questioning the placement of the hairline and whether or not it is appropriate have them take a look at your before pics... is that an appropriate hairline for a 24 year old? Compared to where you started this hairline is going to look EXCELLENT!! We've seen that being too aggressive (low) with hairline placement with somebody like yourself (fairly young) often leads to misery. Given the dynamics of your situation I think this was the way to go, and as you stated, down the road you can always lower the hairline a bit if you have the donor. Now comes the hard part dude: hurry up and wait!! :cool:
  13. Don't give whom too much praise? Dr. Shapiro? Why not? Kind of a weird thing to say to a guy who just had a procedure and who is very happy with the experience.
  14. I was going to say around 4000 or so grafts, maybe a little less, looks about right. 1700-2000 in the front and then around 2000 packed not as dense in your crown. Just by looking at the back of your head I would have guessed many more. My concern is that they took grafts from a very large area on the back of your head. The traditional safe zone to grab grafts from is fairly well defined and this looks to be a bit outside of it, although Dr. Umar uses nape hairs and has had success. That plus the fact that they didn't have a count system set up would give me reason to feel a bit uneasy as well.
  15. Oh and btw... there's a magic little pill for nerves called Valium!!! Good luck again you will be fine.
  16. Exactly what you should do. Take a look at all those NATURAL looking heads of hair and it should calm you down a bit. Good luck!
  17. I would say they are similiar products whether or not they are called "fibers" or "powder:
  18. No problem. So does a tech do the SMP or is it a specialist that comes in? The docs aren't doing them are they?
  19. Congrats Dr Rahal has always turned out great work. Looks like you had some nice multi-hair grafts which will take those 3015 grafts a long way.
  20. Haha classic!! She looks like she's had good growth...
  21. Dude I have to say that for the most part I stay out of the FUE threads because it is something that doesn't interest me right now, but what's with the drama? Perhaps people are turned off by your condescending and snippy tone. We are all here to learn and share knowledge but you seem more interested in getting into pissing matches with people that don't agree with your way of thinking. Stop trying to diminish and put down the FUT doctors and do yourself a favor and grow up.
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