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Everything posted by YouOnlyLiveOnce

  1. Did you have existing hair in the transplanted area? If so, that could be camouflaging any new growth. Unfortunately, the initial growth process is a slow one, so you may not even realize a change until you compare month to month. Generally though, 3 months is the earliest that you'd see any growth at all. Luckily you're just exiting the doldrums and the transformation is just about to begin.
  2. Those are normal. It's tissue that's connected the hair shaft that's becomes more obvious as the hair begins to grow before it sheds. It's usually most evident after a shower because it absorbs water and expands ( it has a will have soft squish texture before it hardens again). I wouldn't massage though, its not causing any harm ,so I'd follow your doctors post-op care and treat it like the scabs
  3. No offense, but this is such a basic question that's been gone over a billion times. Most hair doesn't begin to grow until about 4 months. I'm not sure how much research you did before the transplant, but do a google search of hair transplant growth timeline to get an idea of where you should be at, at a certain point. Also, everyone grows differently, so don't fret if you aren't where 'this' guy was at a certain point.
  4. You are stressing yourself out over what could be nothing. Even at 7 months, it's way too early to know if your transplant is a failure or not look at this thread below. There are a couple pics that show how much growth can happen AFTER 6 months http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/158665-growth-times-patience.html
  5. ^^^ I don't know if I agree with that. They should want the best final product possible if they want to benefit from the free advertising on a national show, and I'm sure they know this.
  6. Thanks for the update! Looks like clean post-op work and hairline design. With the doldrums ending, the next few months should be inspiring
  7. Nice work! Looks like Hasson has some street cred in the FUE world now =)
  8. FIN should be your first step. That's the best chance you have at slowing the loss and possibly regrowing in the crown. Make sure you give it enough time to work, too. I was on Propecia for about a year @ 22, but stopped using because I wasn't sure if it was working. I continued to thin and eventually jumped back on @ 26 ( 6 years later), I really feel its stabilized my loss since then.
  9. I also wondered if they would create something that could regenerate and old follicle and more importantly, if my transplant would affect it. I hope for some big change within the next 10 years. Technology advancement has never been faster.
  10. As its happening, it will seem like time has gone to slow motion. By summer you'll be looking like a new man.
  11. It's awful they would disclose something like that about a patient. That's super confidential information in my opinion. The idea of catching HIV in this situation is slim to none, unless they are reusing needles, which hopefully they aren't.
  12. I'd always stick with what your Doctor advises, no matter what. If you think the biotin is causing the acne, you should either reduce or discontinue use. You say that you've got scarring from the acne, which is likely from messing with them. Leave them alone if that's the case.
  13. With the area that you have to cover, the difference between 3200 and 5000 really isn't THAT significant. Each Dr. has their own approach, but what I'd submit to you is, the extra 1800 grafts could be the difference between forgetting hair loss and moving on with your life vs still worrying about hair in certain settings/situations. Dr. Erdogan has a great track record with publishing more results than just about anyone. Most of the time the complainers are the ones to voice their opinion more than anyone else and you'd be pretty hard pressed to find more than a couple unhappy patients.
  14. Gonna give you guys a protip to add volume and texture. Seasalt spray works wonders. Anyone that's swam in the ocean knows how much volume your hair has afterward. Helps with oily hair, too. I use it probably twice a week. I mix my own with Himalayan sea salt. Have DIY video on the bottom showing how to mix it My method when washing: Wash hair Towel dry Spray hair w/sea salt spray and let set for 5 minutes. Towel dry again Blow dry - When you blow dry it, make sure you're blowing it in the direction you want your hair to lay. When you mix this, just add or deduct depending on how it works best with your hair.
  15. Whatever you do, don't go for the one Doctor that says yes, because the rest have said no. ESPECIALLY if its an unknown doc. The ones saying no might be saving you a lot of headache, heartache, and money. Good luck, man.
  16. Other way around. The contrast between hair and skin tone is actually better.
  17. *Based* on the pictures I wouldn't do any more work. I think it looks fantastic. Now, if they don't represent reality, then you should try to post pics that do to get honest advice. I still don't think I would suggest more. 2500 + another 500 is quite a bit for the area covered.
  18. To OP: Like others have mentioned. Its hard to offer any real advice without pics. Hair quality, type, caliber, color etc etc all need to be factored. Then of course, what you expect to realistically achieve. 2500 is not a lot of grafts though, when covering that much area. I advise you to do some online consultations and see what the docs suggest. The back and the sides are usually included in the estimate. They both are within the 'safe zone'. If you don't have the donor bank, then you might not be the best candidate for surgery. It's unfortunate, but its true. Who gave you that estimation of 2k-3k grafts? If you watch the video I've linked below Dr. Erdogan explains why FUE might be best for someone like you. Its spreads the overall hair more evenly so it blends better. He seems to be a really good surgeon so you might consult with him and see if he has any options for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mpa1pSLPXQ
  19. To that point, he's hasn't necessarily made a bad choice. We don't know any history of his loss, family loss, meds, his age etc etc. His hair seems to be thick and healthy otherwise. Perhaps, he just wanted to frame his face a little better.
  20. I respectfully disagree. I think 6-7k is attainable through strip alone. Then however many extra via FUE once you've become stripped out. Personally speaking, I don't think my donor area is great by any means. According to Hasson, we can easily go for another pass after the first 3k that were extracted. Since we were shooting for a relatively small number, I didn't do any scalp stretches either. Then I had a consult with a FUE doc who estimates he can harvest 7k before any noticeable change. So, I dunno..
  21. That might be true. I think H&W enjoy the cases that would seem 'complicated' or 'risky'. The impact and change is much more rewarding and they have the history of knocking those types of cases out of the ballpark. Of course, strategic planning has to go into every transplant. The level of loss and donor availability ultimately decides whats possible. The best doctor in the world won't have many options if you don't have the hair to move.
  22. Clearly, this somewhat directed at me since my reply was the only one that wasn't exactly 'positive'. If you skim through my post history, you'll see that my contribution to this forum is generally positive and supportive. I've got one agenda and that's focusing on me and my hair, and that's it. I do enjoy offering words of support to other hair loss sufferers when/if I can. And once again, I want to make it clear- I have no bias when it comes to the Doctors mentioned here, or in general for that matter. In fact, if you read my post HERE, I submitted small defense against the complaints as I felt they we mostly relatively minor. After my transplant in 2010, hair loss exited my mind and I was able to blend back into the real world and leave this community behind. Lately, I've been pondering the idea of touching up and strengthening the hairline. It's shocking to see, that after all this time, there's still so much drama circling Dr. Feller. Back then, members were warned about what they write, post were edited or deleted without warning, members were banned, warning of threads being locked, accusations of fake user accounts when it came to Dr. feller. It seems like much the same is still happening, it's crazy. This is discussion forum and we should all have the right to our opinion. After all, without us as a community 'discussing', this community doesn't even exist. As long as things remain somewhat civil, I don't see why threads would ever be locked or post deleted. For the most part, I kept clear of that drama, but I do remember expressing my discontent with the policing of threads and how everything was being handled back then ( the things mentioned above). I felt much of it was to protect feller which wasn't necessarily fair given everything that was going on. This resulted in my post getting getting deleted and being warned via PM. Anyway, I'm not trying to stir up dust, but I felt it was necessary to offer an explanation on my stance, especially after the admin felt is was necessary to imply something that is completely inaccurate. Edit: Out of curiously, I went through my post history to see if how I viewed myself was actually true, and it mostly is. As I said above, I stayed pretty clear of drama, but I did find a post where I offered support to a patient that seemed to get no Doctor support, after making a thread about dissatisfaction with his results. The behavior became extremely ugly if you ask me.. All the stuff that I mentioned above ( suspetise users who's first post were in that very thread defending feller, post edited/deleted, the banning of one of the most helpful members at that time and ultimately the thread being locked) all took place in this THREAD. It's a bit funky. I don't expect you guys to read it in it's entirety, as its long, but this is what you could get if you're on the wrong end of a feller transplant.
  23. I've met Dr. Gabel in person. Truly a doc that has your best interest in mind.
  24. Unfortunately the only real advice we can offer is patience and hope. That's all you can really do at this point. Doctors say you don't see the true final results for 18 months to 2 years, but with guys having such great results sooner, I think its become the norm to expect that when comparing you case to another. Try hair toppik or dermmatch if you would like to add density. I'm sure its not the most ideal solution, but it's an option. Good luck
  25. Along with the other, I agree 100% against limiting yourself to local doctors. I didn't read through the whole thread, so I don't know how you chose your previous doc. I wouldn't let that bad experience dictate your decision making moving forward, though. There's a wide variety of very skilled surgeons ALL over the world. I suggested doing research on top docs and do an online consultations with all of them, just to get a feel and see how their opinions vary. I traveled to Canada and had great results by one of the doctors others have suggested in this thread. Also, If you had a bad experience in the past, I can't understand why you'd be so set on feller, who has a first year doctor with no real track record who could up doing your procedure. Blake has been great around this place and I'm sure he'll be a great surgeon in time ( might even be already ), but IMO hair transplantation is not a skill that's developed overnight. As for Feller- He's clearly at the top when it comes to doctors. I personally would never use him though. He's too aggressive, especially when it comes to patients that aren't completely satisfied with results and express it in the forums. Too many melt downs where he's attacked patience.
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