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Everything posted by YouOnlyLiveOnce

  1. That's uncalled for man. We're a community and we're here to help. You're complaining about dissatisfaction with your results. The least you can do is provide accurate and clear pictures if you want an honest opinion.
  2. The results are great but that patient is lucky. It seems his thinning area is only in that small section of his head. That's a high # of grafts for such a small area. Realistically, most of us wouldn't be suitable for this density.
  3. Looks like you'r healing up nicely! It looks like you guys focused on the front 1/3 or your head but it seems theres thinning behind it. Is there an plans for the mis scalp and top of the crown?
  4. I don't see any signs of loss. Your hair may be fine so it may seem to be "thinning" but as far as the pictures show, it looks good to me. I wouldn't worry about it at all. Your dad has a decent head of hair for his age and I'm sure you will follow that pattern. There's no guarantee but family history is a good indicator of where you're headed. Is your hair dresser male? If so, is he balding? Maybe he's trying to spook you or something? Go out and enjoy your life. I came to these boards when I was 20-21 years old, and live on them for 6+ months. I realized nothing was happening too drastically so I went out and lived my life, and I'm glad I did. I recently had a transplant @ age 27 and I could have easily wasted all those years stuck in the house and depressed. Life's too short man, and you're only young once. Enjoy being young!! & for what its worth, your hair is better than mine was at your age.
  5. Congrats on the transplant. Dr. Gabel got in touch with me, I guess my email got filtered some how. I'm gonna schedule an appoinment next week to mee with him. You're brave man. I was super carful for atleast a month after the transplant. My clinic specifically told me no stocking caps. Happy growing bud
  6. Nice videos Joe! I remember seeing you getting transplanted when I was in for my wash. So do you guys think this is the last one for you? It would have been nice to hit the 10k mark!
  7. Tsakalos- you seem to be hell bent on your situation You dissected what he's said and took it a completely different direction, in what seems to be an attempt to give tidbits of your unhappiness, again. From what I read/understand- he's saying the new doctors are warning him the results might not be as good as he's after, due damaged caused by Armani. Basically, giving on honest & realistic analysis given his situation. In return you're telling him don't believe what you hear, believe what you see.? They straight up told him his results might not be great. So whats there to see and believe that would be different? I really feel bad for you. I can tell by your post's that you're bothered by your current state. Its really unfortunate, we all wish we could have that big mop of hair or really, just enough to make us feel confident. But you cant blame the doctor that operated on you, especially considering his track record. If he was the only one that ever performed a surgery, then yes, you could. What happened in the past could have had an effect on what happened in the latest surgery, there's no way to tell. If the clinic put a guarantee behind it, that's a mistake on their part. Everybody knows there's no guarantee on what you'll receive. You can do your home work and end up at the best clinic in the world and even then, there's no guarantee. They probably gave me the same guarantee they gave you which is if it doesn't grow, we'll fix it. My suggestion is try and work it out with the clinic. I really hope you guys can come up with a solution. Good luck man Edit- My motivation for this reply is simple. I was able to connect the dots and figure out who operated on you. After reading your post, it put unnecessary fear in me for no reason. Right now I should be excited for whats to come not scared for what I've done. If you want to share your story great! but you should do it in your thread and with proof so people can actually see what you're talking about.
  8. 1500 grafts is on the low end of the scale. It would be nice to see some overhead shots to better assess your loss. You're thinned out up front but overall it seems you've maintained your hairline pretty well. If you haven't completely made up your mind, I would also consider H&W as a trip up to BC should be about the same as Hillsboro. H&W will typically pay for your hotel and depending on how flexible you are and how quick you can get in there, they sometimes can give you a better rate by filling in on a cancellation appointment [that's what I did]. Just something to think about. My only experience with Gabel wasnt great. I contacted his clinic in an effort to obtain a prescription for FIN. I had a HT in October and currently get my prescription filled and sent to me from a canadian pharmacy. I'm only about 20 minutes from Gabels clinic so I was hoping to swing by and pick it up in person simply to avoid having to have it sent via USPS. I never heard back from there so that's the only impression I have of them. Good luck with whomever you choose. You're leaps and bounds ahead of the pack by doing your research and coming to this forum. I'm sure you'll get great results at either place Also, If you're interested in seeing a HT in person, I'll be up in Seattle Weds afternoon. I'm close to 3 months post-op and while my growth isnt extravagant at this point I can already see the cosmetic difference and it will kind of give you an idea on what to expect with growth and the scar. If interested shoot me a PM and I'll send you the cellular #
  9. Hey Joe- Does this have any effect on the total # of grafts that can be harvest in the future? Meaning, now that he's essentially had 2 strip surgery, even though one is more of a "touch up" will this effect how many total grafts can be extracted or does the amount of surgery have no effect. Or is it best to go with as much as you can each time, assuming you need it.
  10. Interesting first post... This is the the first time I've heard anyone accuse them of over packing an area. The exact opposite is why I chose them; I felt they offered a more long term approach IMO yes, they are THAT good. I just did a skim of their site and saw transplants ranging from 1500 grafts-10k+ grafts. The average is probably 3500-6k though. Based on that alone, I don't seee why you think everyone gets the same number of grafts. Sure, you can find some dense packed patients but I'm sure they were good candidates for it. Granted, there's no sure fire way to predict where someone is headed but below is a good guide when planning. -History of family loss -Age -Donor availability -Meds -Level of loss
  11. There is no consistency in his results. Just cross your fingers and hope you'll be a success
  12. You're gonna make yourself go bald by worrying so much =] When I started propecia I had a pretty big 2 days shed. It was completely obvious I was shedding. When showering I was losing close to 50 hairs and I had never experienced that before. It was deff nerve racking but I just stuck with the meds and I feel it was a good choice. I'm about 2.5 months out from my HT so I know how hard the waiting period can be and how much you want to check in the mirror to see any change. If you contact your doctor he'll probably tell you the same stuff you're hearing here. At this point as hard as it is to do, you gotta just wait. Happy growing bud. Hopefully by summer you'll be a successful transplant patient
  13. The lighting is a bit rough. Its hard to assess the growth at all. Still very early though. You must be right where I'm at +/- a day. I'm still hangin in there with some growth. Lots of baby hairs poppin in but nothing too significant just yet
  14. These "no results at 4-6 months" post's are getting tiresome. At 4.5 months it is way to early to know the outcome of your transplant. Within the next couple months is when you'll see some nice changes, and this should continue for the next year or so. How big of an area did you cover? 500 grafts is on the very low end of a transplant.
  15. Djames- I was faced with this same issue about 2 weeks ago @ 2 months post op. I tell you, it was tough. There was about 300 in attendance. Usually I'm very outgoing and love to chat, but on that day I avoided talking to anyone, unfortunately there were a few girls from HS that I had seen in a while and they seeemed to find their way to talk to me. I didn't notice anyone staring at my head but I was very uncomfortable the entire time. Mr_powers. I tried the shaved head look and it just wasn't the look for me. I wish I could pull it off so I never had to worry about loss another day in my life. My hair gives me a 180 in appearance.
  16. At present it is still very thin. The good thing is @ 6 months you're only at the beginning of the transformation, so hopefully in the coming months the improvements will be drastic. I'm surprised you didn't try for a bigger session considering your level loss. Was 2600 the max your donor could provide?
  17. I agree, good hair characteristic, but I don't think 1500 will do it. That loss is pretty agressive @ 24. How does your dad and grandparents look?
  18. Don't read my post. I deff know the difference between grafts and graphs, but I do make tons of grammatical errors. Fast typing without proof reading FTL =/
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