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Everything posted by YouOnlyLiveOnce

  1. Bummer! His loss mimics mine very closely, along with graft count. Just trying to get any idea on how big of an area was covered compared to mine.
  2. I believe so. Most older fellas 60+ have thinned out in the back too.
  3. Typically shedding happens between week 2 and 4. Really though, there isnt an exact science to any of this, every patient is different. I still have a few hanging in there but my shed didnt really happen until week 5
  4. I'm about 5 weeks out now & after reading some of the recent post about failed transplants. I cant help but have some of the concerns you had. I know all I can do is wait, but thats alot easier said than done. I looked around and didnt find any pictures of you. Do you have a photo blog anyhwere or thread tracking your progress.
  5. This will deff be a transformation. Rahal was one of my top choices when researching.
  6. ^^^ his har grows fast. I kid, I kid.. good write up. Happy growing to you man. A year from now you should be a pretty happy camper
  7. Generally the size/width of the stip will not affect the scar. If the surgeon is malicious and removes too much, that can have an effect on how the scar heals. To put this into perspective, grab the back of your hair with both hands and wiggle/pull it up and down. Thats whats we're referring to when we talk about laxity. Some doctors suggest doing scalp exercises to loosen the skin, thus enabling a larger strip to be extracted. If a doctor takes too much, the skin will be too tight and could stetch the scar.
  8. happy growing to ya man. I'm about 5 weeks out from my transplant with hasson.. Lots of hair still hanging on but I can see clearly where they've been shedding lately
  9. No side effects for me. I'm only on FIN though. I wake up every with the wood and have no issues keeping it up during matress mambo
  10. I think the number in terms of growth is all over the place Most people start seeing growth around the 5 month and by the 9th month mark you can really see where things are heading. They say you wont see the final result until the 12-18 month mark as the hair continue mature and become thicker. Everybodys physiology is different though, theres no set way things are gonna happen. You can see growth earlier or later. I've read a couple of your post and realize your isnt where you'd like or expect it to be. Just keep your chin up and try and hold out a little longer. I know its gotta be tough but at this point thats all you can do. Good luck man.
  11. I'd hang tight and see if meds help. Trust me, you'll be much better off waiting to make sure you have the procedure at the right time. If you have a transplant now, then thin and recede more it will be a big waste of time and money.
  12. Tsakalos- Its clear that you're unhappy with your procedure/results. Care to share your experience with the rest of the group? I even messaged you privately to inquire about it and didn't get a response. There's no point to keep repeating how unhappy you are about it if you're not willing to share the details. People come to the boards to here what us transplant patients have to say. I think hair loss cursed hit the nail right on the head. I think people with poor results are ashamed and saddened. They've saved up and spent 10k+ only to receive unsatisfactory results. I can see why it would be hard to share the results but people need to hear these worse case scenarios.
  13. I agree to some extent. However, this isn't just a "passer by". This is a forum member that is sharing his personal experience he had with this doctor, and I feel he has the right to do so. The point fo this thread was to express his dissatisfaction with the final results. The 2 issues Bill has, really, were just added details of the overall experience. If Bill has an issue with those points, delete them, not the whole post. After re-reading the OP's post and 2nd reply, I don't feel his intention was to maliciously tarnish the doctors image. I really feel like he's giving an honest version of his experience. It doesn't seem like he's implying the doctor drugs up his patients then makes them sign papers. It's easy to not consider some of this stuff when you're expecting to get a good result. After having a transplant, I can see how it was OK'd to take pills prior[not saying it was or wasn't Ok'd by Feller or staff]. Perhaps its his own fault for not considering this but at the same time, I don't think that issue holds much weight to the overall point of the post. Would love to see those emails. I think that would explain alot to hear what feller was saying back then rather than what he's saying to defend himself. Good luck guys, hopefully this issue can be worked out.
  14. I actually do have some shock loss aswell. I'm not too worried abou it though. I dont feel I'm losing any more around the scar and I can feel hairs growing in... Have you tried any concealers? I've seen a few diaries where people have used a little topik to hide the shock loss.
  15. I don't agree with the removal of this thread at all. Potential transplant patients come to this forum to research both the good and the bad about a doctor. After all, this is the "surgeon review section", which is exactly what the OP has done. You might not agree with what he has said, but others can make their own judgement on whether they believe him or find him to be a credible source. For clarification purposes. I have nothing against Feller or his clinic. Just stating my unbiased opinion
  16. It will be extremely hard to conceal a transplant for months after the procedure. I went to work a week after with no issues. I was able to wear a hat though. Luckily for me I only worked an additional 2 weeks, then was laid off so I've been taking it easy ever since. I'm a month out and still living life under the cap. I could have shave my head entirely, which probably would have helped conceal the transplant, but the shaved head look isnt really my look and I'm hoping the hair behind will grow long enough to cover the front. How big of an area are you trying to have covered? Not all docs require a shave.
  17. Progress is looking good! I bet its nice to have those stitches out. Today is my 1 month anniversary. As far as FIN goes. Personally, I'd get on it [ I did right after my procedure no sides yet]. You know, its really hard to say whether it will work or wont or to speculate where I'll be 10 years from now if I'm on it or not. With hair loss an optimistic approach isn't necessarily the best. As far as I'm concerned, I'm gonna do anything I can to try and prevent loss rather than having to fix it. These docs are deff skilled and can give you a fairly convincing appearance but you can't beat what was initially there to begin with. Anyway, good luck man. You know your body best
  18. I'm a month out now, which is where you were when you created this thread. I'm actually hanging in there pretty good. I know how the process works so I'm fully prepaired but I am anxious for some of my native hair to grow back so I can go out without my hat on and I'm also anxious to get past the healing stage. I know the grafts are good but I'm still concerned with my scar and I know that it will be months before its safe.
  19. It will be hard to conceal the transplant after only 2 weeks.. Unless you're able to wear a hat it will be near impossible. I wrote a pretty detailed summary of my experience in this thread. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/158023-10-4-2010-27-m-2900-stip-surgery-dr-hasson-canada.html
  20. Honestly bro, you're probably not gonna like what i have to say but I'd hold off on any transplant idea's for now. At the young age of 22, I believe it's way too young to consider a transplant. I was younger than you when I joined the forums/started researching a transplant. I ended up waiting until now [27 years old] to give me a better idea on where my loss was headed. I'd get on meds, atleast FIN [generic of propecia] and see where your loss goes over the next few years. On a positive note, atleast you're able to shave your head and move on with life to an extent. Most guys [including myself] are terrified with shaving their head, and live with the thin balding look. Good luck man edit-- Doc beat me to it and now I sound like a parrot =]
  21. Yeah, it'd be nice to see pre-op to get an idea on the exact progress. With that being said, it still looks like the progress is coming along nicely. In terms of epileptic skeptics results. I'm a Dr. Hasson patient and even I'll say the comparison photos is a bit misleading.. He had alot more to work with than what the before picture portrays. Happy growing man! You're right at the stage where things started to get better.
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