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Everything posted by hsrp10

  1. Thanks BaldingBogger! I will really need the help and hints on the best dye product to buy this time, I had held off before because I have sensitive skin and prone to flaking etc. but dyeing the greys will be a must on the sides. Day 18 here and as predicted the hairs have started to shed as per my past experiences. Some are remaining giving the outline of the lower temple point still. Bit pink after shower and some dry skin there which I will apply a gentle moisturizer too later on. My hair is fine caliber and is finicky to length and style etc but it has finally reached a length where it is manageable almost. The hairs Dr. K placed in the frontal third are helping to hide the thin spots seen in the pre-op photo in the frontal third. But they should shed start to shed too soon.
  2. Very detailed and honest review of your experience and apprehensions. Hope it works out for you in all respects including yield and growth and looking forward to the updates. I won't go into detail but agree with what you posted about this doc and FUE, you also did dodge major bullets by passing on Artas, Armani etc. so it should work out well.
  3. Seriously be careful, Google ads linked to biased social media postings is not a smart way to search hair restoration surgeons especially a market such as Turkey which is totally unregulated. The recommendations on this site or at least RealSelf etc are a much better starting point. anyway good luck
  4. For Turkey I like Dr. Erdogan and Dr. Keser if you're heel bent on Turkey lol Dr. Maras in Cyprus is an affordable option as well. I have never heard of the clinics you mentioned, research it carefully and proceed with caution.
  5. No way to tell without pics, send some photos to Dr. Konior, Dr. Gabel, Dr. Cooley or Dr. Shaipro who are experts at transplanting into existing hair. And the goal of hair restoration surgery is nowhere near 100% btw. Also you could be a diffuse thinner and should research hair loss medicines including the possible side effects. That's my hypothetical answer...
  6. Never heard of Alex Ginzburg, and also you might be in a difficult situation with dropping Fin as the grafts to be placed into the FUT scar might be needed for future hair loss as you age. Also you don't seem to wear your hair very short in the back, are you planning to cut it later after going with FUE? I'd be more interested in your surgeon choice though including Cyprus (Dr. Maras?) and Turkey (Dr. Erdogan ?).
  7. Day 10 the grafts are solid for good, don't worry about it at all. Though I can understand especially the first few months after the first procedure are quite nerve-racking. You'll be in this phase for about another 1.5-2 months then sometime around the 3-month mark (before or slightly after depending on your case) you should start to see the new hairs. That's a lot of grafts with a respected surgeon so should make for a great result.
  8. Not sure about that foam but I use a small amount of Keto 2% liquid occasionally for my scalp eczema on my forehead in small areas as it doesn't have all the harsh ingredients such as hydrochloric acid. It comes in a tiny bottle. Maybe you could ask your doctor or dermatologist about the liquid.
  9. Very interesting case Dr. Lindsey, I think first time I've seen this. Good work.
  10. As you're in IL Dr. K could be a no-brainer but agreed also have a consult with Dr. Shapiro.
  11. You're still quite young so I'd wait it out a bit more. If you're not on medication - and be sure to fully research your options and possible side effects before ever starting - then you could possible lose more ground from shock loss in the areas currently thinning if you were to undergo a procedure. Have you also researched the pros and cons of FUT vs FUE and which one best suits your case yet?
  12. You're good to go man as long as you made it 7-10 days post op and lost no blood when the scabs came off. Mine are sticking around in the temple points even though I've been showering somewhat aggressively especially since Dr. K heavily dense packed the more recessed side, however based on past experiences they will start to shed later this week.
  13. Example calculation if you were to go with Lupanzula for 2,500 grafts puts you at around $13,000 including the surgery, flights, hotels & meals expenses etc. And you'd get 1,000 more grafts at a cheaper price than that quoted above. Surgery: 10,500 euros -> $11,230 --------------------------------- 1,000 x 4.5 euro = 4,500 euros 1,500 x 4 euro = 6,000 euros Roundtrip ticket to Brussels: $1,000 (of course this will vary on season and ticket class etc.) 5 nights at the Catalonia forum hotel near the clinic $350 (*depends on room type etc) Meals and expenses and souvenirs etc. $420 Just putting one scenario in front of you. In the end the final results and the trust you put in the surgeon are more important than price.
  14. I can certainly understand as I was a victim of Bosley many years ago in my 20's before eventually finding this site. You have ruled out FUT then? Just want to clarify that because the price is lower for FUT but with the same or maybe even slightly higher growth yield rates. FUE has come a long way in terms of yields and results, but the costs remain high in N. America. The Belgian docs as a whole including the 3 mentioned above have solid reputations and results overall. Dr. Lupanzula is 4.5 euro/graft up to 1,000 grafts and then is 4 euro/graft after that. Dr. Bisanga is around 5.5 euro/graft but depends on how many grafts you get. Feriduni is in the 6 euro/graft range but it's hard to get a booking with him. Erdogan in Turkey is 2.5 euro/graft but ASMED always quotes higher than other clinics for graft counts so be prepared for them to recommend 2x or more than others are recommending.
  15. Also agreed, low risk high reward FUE option for beefing up the temple points/triangles.
  16. Hi Davey, For aggressive FUE there is Dr. Erdogan and Dr. Keser in Turkey, and believe it or not Dr. Bisanga can go aggressive when the situation and the patient's needs warrant it. He did my temple corners at 60 grafts/cm2 (I have fine caliber hair so this made for a fairly dense non see-through result). Dr. Feriduni could be another choice but seems waiting lists are long and may require in person consult to get a booking (?).
  17. Absolutely not, he has the patient's best interest in mind with his recommendations based on my experiences and based on his outstanding reputation overall. He is also lead author/editor of major hair restoration publications, so he knows his stuff. https://www.elsevier.com/books/hair-restoration-an-issue-of-facial-plastic-surgery-clinics/konior/978-0-323-18603-2 If price is too high than the European FUE surgeons could be another option as mentioned on the earlier pages of this thread.
  18. I used to use Dr. Lee's regrowth shampoo before the FDA shut him down, that was a very effective but gentle shampoo. I've yet to find an alternative, all the other real "alternatives" are just Nizoral branded in other countries under different trade names. Sebizole from NZ/AUS for etc. Maybe someone out there has some other experiences.
  19. Thanks Pkipling! Adding this one from yesterday as I made it past the 2 week mark without losing a majority of the hairs (meaning the grafts have survived as well) so based on past experience the result seen now in the temple points will be the there back in about 2.5 months time. Hair is still very short from me buzzing it down and cannot style it now as it sticks up in the front in all directions lol, but there is something very subtle yet important about the new temple points especially when trying to wear it short. Will have to find a safe hair dye for sure for the existing greys on the side. Image removed as I will go into read only mode soon, will repost my updates in a few months time.
  20. Whoever he is I hope he gets his 500 graft/cm2 dense transplant so he can stop highjacking threads of patient's who need conservative work, and stops pretending he knows more about hair restoration than all of us despite never having had a single procedure or uploading any pics. Just makes it fing annoying to participate here anymore. Rant over. Have a good weekend.
  21. Here are the pics from the clinic added showing the areas worked on. As Ernie also mentioned in his thread an honest evaluation of your transplant can truly be had when buzzing it down. My hair had held up fairly well for my age, for having transplanted hair with fine caliber hair and despite being off and on Fin. I'm back on it now at .625mg 2x week btw. Thew new temple points and density boost should help me to wear it shorter for managing my scalp issue. Anyway I think this should be my last one, though I could see having mini "postage stamp" FUE for any minor touchups along the way. This forum has helped me a lot since 2010 and I hope I have given back in some small way. Thanks for the memories! :cool:
  22. Must be some confusion as there isn't any negativity coming from this user. Even if you're a rep for a certain clinic, you have to respect constructive unbiased comments from other users. The "realness"of the forum and also the patient's best interest depends upon it. Anyway, I've been in touch with Vermaj via PM's. I think it's coming along well and should make for a good outcome. Hang in there Vermaj you'll be approaching the growth stage in about another 1.5 months or so. That's when the fun begins.
  23. Bumping this old thread, as he's got one of the better celeb HTs that I've seen out there. He can wear it short and it looks quite natural and dense. http://fm.cnbc.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/img/editorial/2016/05/03/103601508-GettyImages-490597838.530x298.jpg?v=1462283277 On to Mars! :cool:
  24. From that list the elite surgeons are Bisanga, Feriduni and Erdogan. The others I would drop. Also the biggest issues I've seen with growth come from mega sessions of over 4,000 grafts. I would stage it over two surgeries if possible. Were you able to get a proposed booking date with Feriduni btw? He's one that everyone would love to go with but no one can get an actual reasonable booking time (kind of like Konior, Lorenzo, Couto etc.) Also posting some pics will help us give you a more detailed reply.
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