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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. Nice work Dr. Lindsey. You could put those photos in the hair transplant textbook showing what a patient should look like immedietly post-op.
  2. Very nice results Dr. Mejia. I always tell patients who are looking for another honest opinion to go visit Dr. Mejia. Even though are clinics are in relatively close proximity to each other, it is always good to see natural looking results.
  3. Hard to tell from a photo. Between the make-up artists, the photographer air brushing, and computer enhancement you never know.
  4. You are doing the right think. See as many patients and ask as many questions as you need to feel comfortable before making any decisions. I know Dr. Ivan Cohen and Dr. Scott Boden do some really nice work.
  5. Dr. Jerry Wong does excellent work. He performs the ultra large mega sessions on a regular basis. I am sure you will be very happy. Good luck.
  6. How long ago did you have your procedure? Be careful when looking at photos of other patients. They won't necessarily indicate what you would look like.
  7. Often the delicate incisions made in the recipient hairline area do not leave visible scars. The type and size of surgical blades that were used to make the recipient sites and the skin characteristics of the patient are important factors. You would have to try out first before you considered laser or dermabrasion.
  8. When did you have your procedure? It can take several weeks to a few months in some cases before the donor area completly flattens out.
  9. Here is a female patient with no significant medical history, suffered from hair loss for years with a strong family history of genetic hair loss. Before and after one session of 1907 Follicular unit grafts
  10. Looks great. Any possibility of posting some before photos? If you do not have any I am sure Dr. Feller will get you some right away if you ask.
  11. Dr. James Harris in Denver and Dr. Shelly Freidman in Arizona both do really nice work. I am sure that if you contacted them you will get an honest opinion as to what options you have.
  12. Keep in mind that you are probably never seeing these stars real hair. Everytime we see them is with make-up and camera effects. Many of the so called stars also have hair issues. You should just be hoping for more hair than you started with. The more realistic your expectations are the happier you will be.
  13. I have a patient that between multiple strip and FUE procedure has received over 11,000 follicular unit grafts. He is actually now asking me about BHT. Lets just say he is slightly addicted.
  14. I still maintain my own practice (Charles Medical Group) and perform surgeries at the Boca Raton office. I am also involved with Dr. Epstein and the Foundation for Hair Restoration. Dr. Epstein also has his own practice and performs surgeries in Coral Gable, Florida and New York.
  15. Any recent photos? How far post-op are you at this point. It is necessary to see the final results before making a final opinion. I hope things work out for you.
  16. From the photos it looks like you have a pretty good head of hair. Most people would never know you have ever lost any hair. I really question whether or not any hair transplant doctor could make your hair look thicker than it currently looks. If you lose more hair than that would be a different story. You could change the shape of your current hairline and possible do some work in the corners, but if you are only looking to increase density of existing hair, you may want to wait.
  17. I would be glad to answer any questions that you have. You can call the office anytime at 561-395-5544. If I am not available when you call my secretary will either give you my cell number or I will call you back right away. I look forward to speaking with you.
  18. It would be helpful if you could post a few photos. The answer to your question also depends heavily on your hair characteristics. Fine vs coarse, curly vs straight, ect.
  19. There is no perfect age. When hair transplants are considered in younger patients they should be done very conservatvely. A long term plan should be established between the doctor and the patient which should take into consideration the good possibilty of continued hairloss/balding. I always discuss the worst case scenario with the patient, that they will go on to a stage 6-7 and are likely going to want additional procedures in the future. I also try and assure that if the patient does have more hair loss and for some reason cannot do more surgeries, that the first procedure will look acceptable on its own.
  20. Once again Dr. Ron Shapiro has another very happy patient. I cannot imagine anyone ever asking this guy if he has had a hair transplant. Very solid results. Good job Ron and staff.
  21. I am pretty when I used to perform surgery at SMG in Minneapolis they offered You would need to call and ask if that is still available. Great choice. Dr. Shapiro really is a master of hair transplantation. Not to mention very down to earth and honest.
  22. Sounds like you are ready. Good luck and think positive.
  23. Cannot say that I know about this doctors work. However, there are several doctors that are not listed on the larger hair transplant forums that are very talented and get good results. Make sure you speak to prior patients, check out the clinic, and review several before and after photos. If all that seems good, you should get a good vibe from the doctor and surgical staff before committing to the procedure.
  24. I have never heard anything good or bad about the doctors you mentioned. In other words I do not know who they are. I recommend that if you are considering FUE that the doctor you choose be using between a .8mm-1.0mm punch. In my experience anythin larger than that can lead to sub-optimal results.
  25. It may have some benefit. You may also want to consider a PRP treatment in the scarred area along with using the micro roller.
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