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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. The number of grafts really depends on 3 major factors. The size of the area of hair loss, the quality/density of the available donor hair, and the ability of the doctor and their staff. There is still a ongoing debate on what is the safe number of follicular unit grafts that can be placed in a sq. cm. All of the doctors you mentioned are very good and have excellent reputations.
  2. I doubt what you are feeling is DHT attacking existing hair follicles. I know anything is possible, but since the tingling sensation is intermittant that does not make sense. Maybe think positve that it is the Finasteride fighting with the 5 alpha reductase enzyme preventing DHT from binding to healthy hair follicle receptors.
  3. How long ago did you have your procedure? What HGH treatment protocol were you on prior to the surgery? What did your hair restoration doctor say when you asked this same question?
  4. The doctors are obligated to try and keep the patient happy over time not just happy for a few years and then unhappy. The concern in cases like yours is that as you age there is a good chance that you will have further hair loss and changes to your face. This can make a hairline that at one time looked great but later becomes not age appropriate. There is also the possibilty of not having enough donor follicles because a combination of a hairline that was made to low initially and significant hair loss later as part of the patients genetic male pattern baldness.
  5. That lower dose may work for some, but may not be enough for others. Like with most medications, the efficacy depends on the individual. I would find it hard to believe that there would much of a difference in muscle growth and maintenence between the two doses.
  6. A portion of any original hairs that have fallen out in the transplanted area will grow back in 3-6 months. Some of the weaker/miniaturized hairs that were getting ready to fall out on their own may not grow back.
  7. I agree that 11 weeks to early to be seeing any real results. Thinking about it a little less might make time go buy a little faster.
  8. From the photos it looks great. I have performed several surgeries with Dr. Barusco at the Live Surgery workshop in Orlando and he really is a top notch hair restoration surgeon. Please keep us updated as the results start showing.
  9. Considering how large the plugs were that needed to be removed that is a very impressive result at only 6 months. Hopefully there will be continued improvement with time. Nice job Dr. B.
  10. Great job Jotronic. This is a very easy to follow list of instructions that if followed will allow patients to get proper photo evaluations.
  11. It could indicate a small local infection or Folliculitis. You should contact the doctor who performed your surgery right away. The sooner you take care of this the less chance there will be for a long term problem.
  12. Applying a little Vitamin E or baby oil to the scabs for 5-10 minutes before shampooing will help loosen the scabs and most will slide off in shower. This can be done 10 days post-op. Washing the hair four times a day sounds a bit excessive. Remember moderation is the key.
  13. I agree that the most critical time frame for scar formation is in the first 1-2 months. Not sure if using it any longer than that will have any added benefit.
  14. In most cases shock loss from the procedure would occur with in the first 4-6. So hopefully you are close to ending that phase. Unfortunetly, there are a few cases in which the patients have continued thinning for a longer period of time.
  15. I have many patients who come in for the surgery from out of town and travel home the next day without any problems. As long as you are in contact with your physician and have very clear post operative instructions everything should be fine.
  16. Eyebrow transplantation results have improved quite a bit over the past few years. I am not sure if Dr. James Harris perform eyebrow transplants. He is in the Denver area and if he does do these procedures I am sure he will try and steer you in the right direction.
  17. Here is a 62 year old patient that received 2476 grafts for added density before and 11 months post operatively.
  18. Doctors have different definitions of touch ups. I would consider a touch up if I was only adding a few grafts ( 100-200 ) to a area that I transplanted prior and it appears that the grafts did not grow. If the patient wants increased density and also has one area that did not get as good as a result as the other areas I will charge for the second procedure and give them a few hundred free grafts.
  19. I generally recommend to my patients to start using 5% Minoxidil at 1 week post-op and after 2 weeks switch to 10%. I also tell them to only use once a day at night before bed. However, many doctors use different protocols and there is often more than one way to get a positive result.
  20. I only recommend for patients to use Vitamin E oit in the donor area. I feel that the instruments used to make the recipient sites during the surgical procedure are so small they really should not cause any visible scarring.
  21. I have to admit that I often perform on-line consultations. Of course I would prefer to meet with the patient in person. However, when patients live in other states or countries it is not often very economical or feasable. When a surgery is arranged in this manner there has to be a lot of discussion on the day of surgery before the procedure begins. Now that we are using Skype, on- line consultations are even more detailed.
  22. Great idea Dr. Lindsey. If I mentioned seeing patients for consultation or follow up while on a family ski trip to Colorado my wife would kill me. I think we should have one of the Hair Restoration conferences at a ski resort.
  23. I do not think the Head and Shoulders will have any hair loss prevention benefits. I recommend a Sulfate free shampoo daily and the Nizoral shampoo 2-3 times per week.
  24. I recommend to my patients using Vitamin E oil on the donor wound to reduce scarring to use it at nighr before bed. However, using it 2 times per day would not hurt. It can sometimes cause some stying difficulties.
  25. I have performed hair transplants on a few Trich patients over the past several years. I only considered treating patients that had been in remission for at least 5 years.
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