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Dr. Glenn Charles

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Glenn Charles

  1. When did you have your first procedure? It looks like the 6000 grafts where spread out over a very large area. When you do this it often takes a second procedure to improve the density. How is the scar form the donor strip that yeilded 6000 grafts?
  2. That is true that the TV guys tend to use products as well as lighting and creative camera work to make their hair look better. I would like to see the guy in person. Although Dr. Zeiring does nice work and is respected by his peers.
  3. No, it is not common for a infection to occur in the donor area. However, there is always a small chance of developing a post operative infection. It is important to treat the infection promptly.
  4. Most of the pull and stretch comed from the back of the neck area and not the forehead. Unfortunetly, you will not get a face lift in addition to the hair transplant. Some patients in time can almost return to normal laxity. However, in many cases after a patient has had several procedures there is a decrease in laxity of the donor area. Scalp stretching exercises can be used in tighter scalps to improve scalp laxity in the donor area prior to having hair transplantation surgery.
  5. Most reputable hair restoration physicians also perform eyebrow transplantation. You can post a few photos without showing your identity and I am sure you would get several recommendations.
  6. It is true that with a hair line lowereing procedure you will get a much qquicker result, but there will be some scarring. Most females do not have issues with a receding hairline so there is not as big of a concern about future hair loss and a scar becoming visible as there is in men. With the technology availkable in hair transplantation today the results are very natural and often undetectable.
  7. How often do you normally color your hair? I tell most of my patients that color their hair to do so 1-2 weeks prior to the procedure and to wait for 4 weeks after before coloring again.
  8. You do have hairs with varying hair shaft diameters. However, that is something that can be observed in persons who are not experiencing male pattern baldness. In your case at this time it does not appear that you have a significant percentage of hairs in the miniaturization process. Keeping a close eye on the area of concern with serial photos is always a good idea.
  9. Have several patients over the years in similar situation. Usually if the person had the ability to tract family roots farther back they would find the answer. I believe that Androgenetic Alopecia can skip generations.
  10. Great example of extreme natural scalp laxity. Videos always help to to give people a better understanding. You could really make that scrunched up scalp look like many other things with a little imagination.
  11. I do not see any real difference in the old and new photos. Remember that people who have dark hair and light skin often feel that they are experiencing hair loss in the crown where their swirl starts from. This is because all the hair is leaving the center area and fanning out in all directions. There is not a lot of feathering effect in the center of the crown as there is in othere areas of the scalp.
  12. It really is hard thing for the patient to know exactly how many grafts they received. Especially if the hairline was done because the single hair follicular unit grafts are usually packed so closely that it would be impossible to count. Also sometimes physicians choose to put more than one follicular unit graft in a single recipient site. You have to trust the doctor and ask them for a break down of follicular unit grafts.
  13. I thought he had hair transplants a few years ago. I certainly do not see any signs of it in the photo.
  14. Looks good so far. I am sure you will get continued improvement over the next 3-5 months. Once again Dr. Hasson appears to have worked his magic.
  15. I generally recommend for patients to wait 5 days before using Minoxidl. Just to give the grafts time to settle in before putting medication directly on recipient wounds. I agree with Dr. Simmons that we have no way to predict which patients will benefit from using Minoxidil post operatively.
  16. Really unlikely that the follicle could be dislodged 4 weeks after the procedure. It was more likely that a scab was forced off by the water pressure which caused the bleeding.
  17. Definitely should at least visit Dr. Jim Harris. At the very least you will get a honest opinion and recommendation. His work is very impressive.
  18. Did you have any existing hairs in the hairline area prior to your procedure? If so the doctor may have been following the natural/original pattern.
  19. Here is a patient in his early twenties looking to restore his hairline and add density behind.
  20. Just curious. Are you looking to perform your own surgery? Or are you thinking about buying some pieces of surgical equiptment for the hair restoration physician to use on you and nobody else. If the latter is the case then you should obviously keep the instruments in case you ever decide to have another procedure. In the UK all instruments have to be disposable. Could make things a bit expensive.
  21. Most of the stretch from a donor strip removel occurs in the neck and not from the forhead. You get a small neck lift, not a face lift.
  22. Getting a shorter hair cut in the donor area at the end of the 10 days post-op may help to make transplanted area less noticeable. If you hair is longer in the donor area, ask if they can do 2x 15cm x 1.5 cm shaved areas. Leaving some hair above , in between , and below shaved area to help camoflauge the FUE donor sites.
  23. If you still have good donor density above and below you previous donor strip, then there is a good chance that the FUE procedure will not be noticeale after the hair grows back.
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