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Fine blonde hair - taking advice for second HT

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Hi HRN friends. The time has come to decide where to go for my second HT.

I'm a Canadian and our international travel laws are still quite strict, so I'm looking at a date in November.

More pics: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r61n4tou8gymwm1/AADTb5Ry6JjwmcOHqqDkMT7Ca?dl=0

29 years old, been on fin for 4 years. Hair loss has stabilized.

The wet pics really illustrate how thin it is in the midscalp and crown. On top of that my hair is quite fine. It'll be a decent sized job; almost definitely a third op will be required for the crown. I think 3500 is a good goal.

Clinic shortlist


I've been researching for a couple years and Demirsoy has repeatedly blown me away with his affordable and consistent results. I've followed tons of testimonials here and on other forums, and have seen minimal bad results (every clinic has them so it's expected). That coupled with the heavy doctor-involvement and patient focus throughout the day puts me in a very comfortable position considering him. Lastly, he seems proficient at getting "general head coverage" and tackling multiple areas at once, something I'm looking to get done with a reinforcement of the hairline, filling of midscalp and sprinkling in crown.

On the less good side, I've noticed he doesn't seem to go that dense, and his hairlines aren't always as "soft" (sometimes they are, but not always) as some of the upper-scale artist doctors out there. That said, I would be absolutely thrilled if I got a result like @GLHF, @JST07, @Sijac09, @Mikeycrfc, and the many more on this forum and others.


We all know about Eugenix - they kind of exploded on this forum over the past couple years. I felt that @Zoomster and @paddyirishman really put them on the map, then @Fluffhead blew us all away with the natural artistry he achieved and for an affordable price. Eugenix just gives the sense that they really know what they're doing and care a lot about their patients. This was further concreted to me when @Looking for HT posted his saga and the clinic kept their customer service top-notch, instead of blaming or dismissing like I have seen other clinics do. Lastly, @Abhinay Singh posts results for Eugenix constantly - they are one of the most actively involved clinics I have ever seen.

I'm confident Eugenix could handle my case well, and likely provide coverage over my entire head. My main worry for them right now is the Coronavirus situation, although I'm hopeful by November things will be much better.


Admittedly I know a lot less about Pekiner than the other clinics I've mentioned. At 2.5 euro a graft he is also at the max of my budget - but to reference my favorite quote by @Melvin- Moderator - "You're getting a hair transplant, not buying a dishwasher". The work Pekiner has done is nothing short of amazing; his density is off the charts (check out @Tug's post op), he can get wide head coverage like he did for @qnt2019 and he is experienced with a variety of transplant work (beard, repair work, etc). That said, I wish there were more Pekiner results on this forum to help me make an informed decision. More research is required.

For cons, the infamous 'chance of being cancelled' on the day of is scary, I'll admit. Also, given my large area to cover I'm not sure if Pekiner's dense approach would fit best for me. Although I'm pretty confident he would reinforce my hairline/midscalp area spectacularly, I'm really hoping to get at least something in the crown on this op.

Thank you all for reading, please let me know if you have any kind words of advice. I'll be sending out consultations to all doctors in the next couple weeks. I'm also open to hearing about other doctors that might work for my hair characteristics, etc. Have a great Wednesday.





Edited by rob7331

Follow my second hair transplant journey below

Caucasian - 4613 Grafts - Eugenix, Dr. Arika Bansal

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Regardless of who you choose, a few observations. You're fortunate.  The color of hair you have gives the illusion of having more than what you have as there is no contrast.  Your hair does not seem to be fine and has a lot of body and curl.  Eventually this will give you more lateral coverage.  The one thing I would to consider is not being too front heavy. Concentrate on the area behind the hairline and through the front and mid scalp.  I would leave the crown alone.   Once happy in the front and top, you can then consider coverage farther back.  Hopefully you are on some type of medical therapy so your pattern does not expand. You have quite a pattern and the concern is to spread the grafts out so far you'll end up with diffused look throughout.  This will make you look as if you have a condition.  People typically will not loose hair that way.  One thing you can do is go back as far as you can horizontally so as to minimize the size of the crown.  If your pattern does expand, the pattern will still look natural.  

Seems traveling is not an issue...why not consider doctors in the US?  I've heard things are tough in Canada given the Pandemic.  

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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Thanks mate for the mention. We’ve got a WhatsApp group going with around 10 Demirsoy patients including @GLHFand @mikeycrfc. I got to admit their service and consistent positive results is what swayed it with me and out of our group of 10, there isn’t one dissatisfied result 

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I agree with @SLA..this looks like a 4000 scalp 1500 beard one procedure knockout by Eugenix..

In my humble opinion ;

No need to leave crown alone 

No need for the time ,financial,travel and emotional investment of a third procedure...

Honestly ....


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4 hours ago, rob7331 said:

Hi HRN friends. The time has come to decide where to go for my second HT.

I'm a Canadian and our international travel laws are still quite strict, so I'm looking at a date in November.

More pics: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r61n4tou8gymwm1/AADTb5Ry6JjwmcOHqqDkMT7Ca?dl=0

29 years old, been on fin for 4 years. Hair loss has stabilized.

The wet pics really illustrate how thin it is in the midscalp and crown. On top of that my hair is quite fine. It'll be a decent sized job; almost definitely a third op will be required for the crown. I think 3500 is a good goal.

Clinic shortlist


I've been researching for a couple years and Demirsoy has repeatedly blown me away with his affordable and consistent results. I've followed tons of testimonials here and on other forums, and have seen minimal bad results (every clinic has them so it's expected). That coupled with the heavy doctor-involvement and patient focus throughout the day puts me in a very comfortable position considering him. Lastly, he seems proficient at getting "general head coverage" and tackling multiple areas at once, something I'm looking to get done with a reinforcement of the hairline, filling of midscalp and sprinkling in crown.

On the less good side, I've noticed he doesn't seem to go that dense, and his hairlines aren't always as "soft" (sometimes they are, but not always) as some of the upper-scale artist doctors out there. That said, I would be absolutely thrilled if I got a result like @GLHF, @JST07, @Sijac09, @Mikeycrfc, and the many more on this forum and others.


We all know about Eugenix - they kind of exploded on this forum over the past couple years. I felt that @Zoomster and @paddyirishman really put them on the map, then @Fluffhead blew us all away with the natural artistry he achieved and for an affordable price. Eugenix just gives the sense that they really know what they're doing and care a lot about their patients. This was further concreted to me when @Looking for HT posted his saga and the clinic kept their customer service top-notch, instead of blaming or dismissing like I have seen other clinics do. Lastly, @Abhinay Singh posts results for Eugenix constantly - they are one of the most actively involved clinics I have ever seen.

I'm confident Eugenix could handle my case well, and likely provide coverage over my entire head. My main worry for them right now is the Coronavirus situation, although I'm hopeful by November things will be much better.


Admittedly I know a lot less about Pekiner than the other clinics I've mentioned. At 2.5 euro a graft he is also at the max of my budget - but to reference my favorite quote by @Melvin- Moderator - "You're getting a hair transplant, not buying a dishwasher". The work Pekiner has done is nothing short of amazing; his density is off the charts (check out @Tug's post op), he can get wide head coverage like he did for @qnt2019 and he is experienced with a variety of transplant work (beard, repair work, etc). That said, I wish there were more Pekiner results on this forum to help me make an informed decision. More research is required.

For cons, the infamous 'chance of being cancelled' on the day of is scary, I'll admit. Also, given my large area to cover I'm not sure if Pekiner's dense approach would fit best for me. Although I'm pretty confident he would reinforce my hairline/midscalp area spectacularly, I'm really hoping to get at least something in the crown on this op.

Thank you all for reading, please let me know if you have any kind words of advice. I'll be sending out consultations to all doctors in the next couple weeks. I'm also open to hearing about other doctors that might work for my hair characteristics, etc. Have a great Wednesday.





I agree that you do have favorable conditions including that of hair color. I do believe 4500-5000 grafts for the entire area is manageable and would give you the results needed. I’m not sure if I missed whether you’re on any maintenance meds? 

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Dr. Taleb Barghouthi approved and recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. You can schedule a virtual consultation with me here.

Contact me via WhatsApp at +962798378396 (Jordan) 

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@LaserCaps Thanks for the kind advice! Right now there are no doctors in the US that interest me and fit my budget.

@Sijac09 I appreciate it! If I end up going with Dermirsoy I may reach out at a later date. Like I said in your thread, great work on your transplant.

@Egy Thanks. Yes HLC is definitely fantastic, but slightly out of my max budget at 2.7 euro a graft.

@SLA & @Zoomster Thank you. Yes I'm fairly confident Eugenix could do the whole thing in one procedure, although I'm not sure Dr. Arika would go for it because it would be pretty big (4000-5000 grafts I think?) and I'm not sure they like doing those. Zoomster did you have any issues originally scheduling your rather large session?

@DrTBarghouthi Thank you for stopping by. Yes I'm on fin for the past 4 years, hair loss is stable.

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Follow my second hair transplant journey below

Caucasian - 4613 Grafts - Eugenix, Dr. Arika Bansal

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1 hour ago, rob7331 said:

SLA & @Zoomster Thank you. Yes I'm fairly confident Eugenix could do the whole thing in one procedure, although I'm not sure Dr. Arika would go for it because it would be pretty big (4000-5000 grafts I think?) and I'm not sure they like doing those. Zoomster did you have any issues originally scheduling your rather large session?

@DrTBarghouthi Thank you for stoppin

Hi @rob7331- I was quoted 4,200 grafts in one session (3k scalp and 1.2k beard). There are others here including @Wandererind and @juanjs84that had between 4-5k grafts in one session. Check out their threads as both are growing very well.

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Just so you're aware, you can send Pekiner a close up of your donor area with a video, and he can give you a better answer on how it looks. Additionally, I've read he doesn't cancel anymore, he just informs you and it's your decision if you want to follow through or not.




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6 hours ago, SLA said:

Hi @rob7331- I was quoted 4,200 grafts in one session (3k scalp and 1.2k beard). There are others here including @Wandererind and @juanjs84that had between 4-5k grafts in one session. Check out their threads as both are growing very well.

Hi, have you talked to Eugenix? When I was deciding about the procedure I had the chance to talk to Dr. Arika and that gave me the confidence that I needed, talk to @Abhinay Singh I think he can help you on that.

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