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Results @ Dr. Pradeep Sethi & Dr. Arika Bansal, at Eugenix, 2815 FUE graft


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Hello everyone!

   So I have been reading a lot of material on this forum. I have definitely received a tremendous amount of information from here. It has helped me a lot during my immediate post transplant phase. 

   I believe that my own experience with hair transplantation could help others who are seeking the same too. Therefore, I have decided to post the entire documented journey of my transplantation procedure here on this amazing forum.

   Here it goes:

I started to lose hair by the age of 23. The loss was very gradual and it was difficult for me to have noticed the decline in my density. Eventually, when the hairline stared to recede drastically and my look started to change for the worse, I started to panic. I never knew anything about hair. I was scared that it might be a disease or some form of disorder. But even that was not enough to compel me to visit a doctor and understand the situation. I started with different home remedies and self imagined cures in the forms of advertised shampoos or oils. 

However, the hair loss did not stop. I started to notice more and more hair come off every time I combed my hair or even if I wet it. The worst part was that I was losing all confidence because of my hair situation. I started using hair products and other styling products to help hide my baldness. But as most of you might know, that doesn't really work.

However, to come to the point of all of the above, it was only after I met Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep Sethi that they actually told me the honest truth about hair loss intervention. They made me understand the why and the how. And also what should be done to address the issue.

For the already bald area, it was too late. But for my pre existing hair, I was recommended Finastride at a dosage of 0.5 to 1 mg. I swear by this medication because i have 0 hair loss since I have started taking that medication.

For the bald area, the doctors gave me a transplantation of 2815 grafts. 

I knew about hair transplantation prior to this too. But I was not sure whether i would be able to go through with it. I was definitely scared of the pain. I couldn't quite bring myself to go for the procedure.

However, the procedure was painless, contrary to my belief. It was simple. But it was lengthy (oh well!). And you gotta do what you gotta do.

So now through the pictures, I shall show you the progress of my results. 






Edited by GabreilleN
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On 10/28/2018 at 2:00 PM, GabreilleN said:

Hello everyone!

   So I have been reading a lot of material on this forum. I have definitely received a tremendous amount of information from here. It has helped me a lot during my immediate post transplant phase. 

   I believe that my own experience with hair transplantation could help others who are seeking the same too. Therefore, I have decided to post the entire documented journey of my transplantation procedure here on this amazing forum.

   Here it goes:

I started to lose hair by the age of 23. The loss was very gradual and it was difficult for me to have noticed the decline in my density. Eventually, when the hairline stared to recede drastically and my look started to change for the worse, I started to panic. I never knew anything about hair. I was scared that it might be a disease or some form of disorder. But even that was not enough to compel me to visit a doctor and understand the situation. I started with different home remedies and self imagined cures in the forms of advertised shampoos or oils. 

However, the hair loss did not stop. I started to notice more and more hair come off every time I combed my hair or even if I wet it. The worst part was that I was losing all confidence because of my hair situation. I started using hair products and other styling products to help hide my baldness. But as most of you might know, that doesn't really work.

However, to come to the point of all of the above, it was only after I met Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep Sethi that they actually told me the honest truth about hair loss intervention. They made me understand the why and the how. And also what should be done to address the issue.

For the already bald area, it was too late. But for my pre existing hair, I was recommended Finastride at a dosage of 0.5 to 1 mg. I swear by this medication because i have 0 hair loss since I have started taking that medication.

For the bald area, the doctors gave me a transplantation of 2815 grafts. 

I knew about hair transplantation prior to this too. But I was not sure whether i would be able to go through with it. I was definitely scared of the pain. I couldn't quite bring myself to go for the procedure.

However, the procedure was painless, contrary to my belief. It was simple. But it was lengthy (oh well!). And you gotta do what you gotta do.

So now through the pictures, I shall show you the progress of my results. 







It has been 19 months since my transplantation procedure. And I wanted to update my thread with the results and my experience throughout this journey of hair transplantation.

I was lucky enough to have patience throughout my research and authentic people to guide me. 

The surgery itself was rather simple and hassle free. the post operative precautions were easy to follow and moulded according to my comfort. However, discipline was most important with regards to keeping my recipient area clean and taking the medicines at regular intervals for 7 days after the procedure. The 8th day was such a relief as it brought along my first headwash after the procedure. Can't say that I didn't feel yucky for 7 days without shampooing.

So, yes, they hair shed off and I looked like a disaster for a couple of months that followed with my bald head and alien like skull shape. But gradually i begun to see hair sprouting from my head. People say that it wasn't much and that it was only the frontal zone. However, it was important for me and thus, excruciating to have to wait.

Finax was a constant companion through this ordeal. I had been taking Finax from prior to the procedure. I am still on this medicine. Its a choice I consciously made. No Doctor is going to force you to take medicines. To create a fuss about it is stupid. You either take the medicine and save your pre existing hair or you don't and lose your pre existing hair eventually. There is no magical potion to stop Androgenetic Alopecia from spreading on your scalp. 

My diet is good and so is my appetite. Therefore, it did not matter if I skipped on multivitamins. Minoxidil is something that I did not want to use. It becomes irritating to follow it's schedule of application everyday. So like I said, it was my choice. Would my hair have been denser if I used Minoxidil? Maybe. But then again, I chose not to!

My hair is better than ever. I have had 0 PRP sessions. I hardly pay attention to my hair, except for the regular Finax intake. And Finax is rather pocket friendly. I don't necessarily have to take up expensive procedures or grill the Doctor for my hair issues. Because I have none anymore.

The density however, came after 12 months. It kept increasing until the 18th month. So I have no idea where experts get the confidence to say 12 months is the maximum time for the density to be gained. 

There is the occasional hairfall. But baldness? Nope!

The hair texture has improved. It was frizzy when it started to grow but now has blended well with my other hair. 

I even got my hair coloured. And then coloured it back to black again. Side effects? Nope!!!

I have got 40 to 50 hair per sqcm. It looks dense, voluminous and grows long and healthy. Could I have gotten a denser plantation? Yes, I could have. But would it have been really necessary? No. It would have been useless. 

Nobody who I haven't already told that I have had transplantation can ever make out that my hair are transplanted. I don't know the angles that the doctors have created, I don't know the design and the calculations etc. And I simply don't have the luxury to waste my time on such details. Like i said I'm not a fussy individual.

I just trusted the Doctors who worked on my head. If they are genuine and if they know what they are doing then there is no reason why anybody should have to experience bad results. Most times, we force the Doctors to be commercial and resort to advertisements and marketing techniques due to our own inability to trust them. I hate doing that to the professionals. Its true, there are hell lotta quacks in the world trying to con people. But that shouldn't be the reason why Doctors should have to prove their ingenuity to skeptics.

Also, our own price concerns do encourage quacks to seduce us with unbelievable packages. We want the quality but do not want to pay the price. We bid the Doctors against each other. Which I find completely sick.

No genuine Doctor will purposely ruin his results. His life depends on his results. 

Anyway, I am posting my results though updated pictures along with this post. My pictures might seem narcissistic but they are all i have to show my results. I am also attaching a before picture to show the difference in appearance.






In the OT for the procedure\\\20915208_1827528990596464_3559568182618294873_n.jpg.a1c7f5e183221417b105833fe289db93.jpg


Dr. Arika Bansal



Plantation going on



4 days after. Completely functional.



Almost 6 months



8 months



10 months



13th month




Heres to wishing every bald person a good transplant and the hands of a proper surgeon. 






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  • 2 months later...
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22 hours ago, Jorgecosta78 said:


Your hair looks fab and you are a very stylish individual.

From you story i would have thought you would try a style that  hides your hairloss.

What is the reason why you chose the circus clown look?

Or did the clinic cut it like this for your pre up photo to make you look a lot worse than you actually was. Was this a condition of your employment with the clinic,you are the clinic patient psychologist after all.

I saw your youtube promotional video for the clinic.

Also you are from Mumbai, why are you the only patient on Eugenia international tab on the their website.

I am seriously considering Dr Sethi for transplant because I will be stationed near one of your clinics but I see so many red flags.

Please enlighten me.

Thank you



1. Hair is frizzy. Most unmanageable hair in the whole wide world.

2. Clown like hairstyle because I have horrible hair texture. Have a tough time styling hair.

3. Not a condition for my employment. It was something I chose later. Because I had the opportunity to do it. And because i could trust the doctors after spending time with them for over 2 years.

4. Dr. Arika and Dr. Pradeep have been super nice to me regarding my hair and my career. The least I could do for them is show their work to others. 

5. I am not from Mumbai. I am from Darjeeling. It is a small town in West Bengal. The use of my pictures is solely for he purpose of showing my results. It is not at all claimed that I am international or non Indian. 

6. You should first research well and then after you decide it is good to go with a particular doctor then you can opt for them.

7. Hope you can have a consult with us as I work as the Counsellor here. I am sure you will like it.

Wish you a great day ahead.

Edited by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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22 hours ago, Jorgecosta78 said:

You have a very Indian accent. What qualify you as an international patient?

Yes. I have a thick Indian accent. I am an Indian. They use my testimonials because I have given consent to share my pictures and videos as per their convenience. 

Edited by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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On 2/6/2019 at 4:26 PM, bonkling said:

Your results are amazing! Congratulations! You look fantastic 

Thank you so much. Really appreciate your compliment. 

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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4 hours ago, Legend007 said:

Both of y’all is fake .. if u work for the clinic don’t hide it. Thanks 


Edited by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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U look feminine btw. It means girlie if u don’t know .. u are also breaking forum rules by not indicating u are working for a clinic under ur signature.  But then again I could care less bout u , bye .

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1 hour ago, Legend007 said:

U look feminine btw. It means girlie if u don’t know .. u are also breaking forum rules by not indicating u are working for a clinic under ur signature.  But then again I could care less bout u , bye .

Okay. That is such a tragedy for me. Haha.

Edited by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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1 hour ago, Legend007 said:

Go eat a taco n chill out SÆ¡n .. I could care less bout u n ur balding head

Yum yum...

Edited by Gabreille Nelson Mukhia

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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Let’s remain civil, everyone is free to share their results on our forum. Thank you for sharing Gabrielle. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey: 

View my thread

Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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57 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


Let’s remain civil, everyone is free to share their results on our forum. Thank you for sharing Gabrielle. 

Thank you sir. Means so much to me.

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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You are a longtime member so to be honest I am very surprised by your response to this patient who has share their experience and photos. For you to criticize them, in particular about their appearance is exceptionally inappropriate and is not going to be tolerated.   

I want to remind you that the doctor of this patient is recommended and has proven to do outstanding work. So I’m not exactly sure why you think that this patient is fake. But even if you do think so, it’s not your job to conclude this and then bash them online. If you feel somebody may be less than genuine,  and feel free to send one of us a private message so we can investigate. Alternatively, you can share your concern publicly but you can do it respectfully without insulting someone. 

Please don’t let me catch you treating members of this community this way again. 



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You are certainly welcome to share your genuine experience as a patient but if you do work for the clinic which it seems that you do, you are required to disclose this in your forum signature. You can edit your form signature by going under your account settings or profile information. If you need specific instructions, I will ask our forum co-moderator to post those for you. 

But just to be sure, you are posting your own results right? You’re not posting someone else’s? As long as  you are genuine  posting your own pictures, then you are certainly welcome to do that as a patient. But you do need to disclose your affiliation with the clinic in your signature. 



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1 minute ago, Bill - Managing Publisher said:


You are certainly welcome to share your genuine experience as a patient but if you do work for the clinic which it seems that you do, you are required to disclose this in your forum signature. You can edit your form signature by going under your account settings or profile information. If you need specific instructions, I will ask our forum co-moderator to post those for you. 

But just to be sure, you are posting your own results right? You’re not posting someone else’s? As long as  you are genuine  posting your own pictures, then you are certainly welcome to do that as a patient. But you do need to disclose your affiliation with the clinic in your signature. 



Thank you so much for your note. Mr. Melvin shall be helping me have the signature done.

I was unaware of it and hence posted all my stuff in the forum.

However I have a YouTube channel dedicated to the same. Wherein I have documented all of my hair transplant journey.

Hope after the signature is done and the affiliation mentioned, it will be okay for me to post more of stuff.

Thanks to you and Mr. Melvin, I can now be rest assured that I have not committed a crime by posting. I was so worried with it for a whole today.

Thank you.

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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6 hours ago, Gabreille Nelson Mukhia said:

Yes. I have a thick Indian accent. I am an Indian. They use my testimonials because I have given consent to share my pictures and videos as per their convenience. 

Hi Nelson.

I do follow you even before my transplant with Eugenix. I seen your results on YouTube And when you finish your 8 months I made my mind to go with Eugenix only.....

And that's what I done with Dr. Sethi at Bombay branch.

And I am happy with my results.


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1 minute ago, Ashishmehta said:

Hi Nelson.

I do follow you even before my transplant with Eugenix. I seen your results on YouTube And when you finish your 8 months I made my mind to go with Eugenix only.....

And that's what I done with Dr. Sethi at Bombay branch.

And I am happy with my results.


Thank you sir. 

I am glad that my results could help you.

I know you are supporting me here. Heartfelt gratitude. 

Thank you so much.

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Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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This is a pretty good result and I agree with Bill that we must all have a healthy discussion, we're here to help each other out anyway. 

I've been in touch with Dr.Bansal for a while and she does reply back whenever she can to address my queries. Hope to meet her soon, and hope to see you there as well, @Gabreille Nelson Mukhia!

Edited by AltonMeyer
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7 hours ago, Gabreille Nelson Mukhia said:

Thank you so much for your note. Mr. Melvin shall be helping me have the signature done.

I was unaware of it and hence posted all my stuff in the forum.

However I have a YouTube channel dedicated to the same. Wherein I have documented all of my hair transplant journey.

Hope after the signature is done and the affiliation mentioned, it will be okay for me to post more of stuff.

Thanks to you and Mr. Melvin, I can now be rest assured that I have not committed a crime by posting. I was so worried with it for a whole today.

Thank you.

Thanks for the updates, your results look great! I saw a video you posted, and the updates you provide along the way help others understand what to expect along the growth portion.

Thank you for changing your signature. I didn't see a clear disclaimer that you were/are a paid employee of the clinic on the post title nor in the posts themselves. In your defense, you do mention your work email in your video.

Could you please edit your first post on this thread to indicate you work for the clinic you received your HT - in first sentence or before your first sentence? I think there has been some debate recently over the impartiality of [other] posters from Eugenix. 

You don't deserve hostility or personal attacks. Thank you for your detailed documentation of your HT experience. We all hope you can continue to contribute on this site.

  • Thanks 1

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  • Senior Member
11 hours ago, AltonMeyer said:

This is a pretty good result and I agree with Bill that we must all have a healthy discussion, we're here to help each other out anyway. 

I've been in touch with Dr.Bansal for a while and she does reply back whenever she can to address my queries. Hope to meet her soon, and hope to see you there as well, @Gabreille Nelson Mukhia!

Thank you sir. We hope that we would be able to provide the best results for you. Thank you for your kind words. 

Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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5 hours ago, Lennney said:

Thanks for the updates, your results look great! I saw a video you posted, and the updates you provide along the way help others understand what to expect along the growth portion.

Thank you for changing your signature. I didn't see a clear disclaimer that you were/are a paid employee of the clinic on the post title nor in the posts themselves. In your defense, you do mention your work email in your video.

Could you please edit your first post on this thread to indicate you work for the clinic you received your HT - in first sentence or before your first sentence? I think there has been some debate recently over the impartiality of [other] posters from Eugenix. 

You don't deserve hostility or personal attacks. Thank you for your detailed documentation of your HT experience. We all hope you can continue to contribute on this site.


On 10/28/2018 at 2:00 PM, GabreilleN said:

Hello everyone!

   So I have been reading a lot of material on this forum. I have definitely received a tremendous amount of information from here. It has helped me a lot during my immediate post transplant phase. 

   I believe that my own experience with hair transplantation could help others who are seeking the same too. Therefore, I have decided to post the entire documented journey of my transplantation procedure here on this amazing forum.

   Here it goes:

I started to lose hair by the age of 23. The loss was very gradual and it was difficult for me to have noticed the decline in my density. Eventually, when the hairline stared to recede drastically and my look started to change for the worse, I started to panic. I never knew anything about hair. I was scared that it might be a disease or some form of disorder. But even that was not enough to compel me to visit a doctor and understand the situation. I started with different home remedies and self imagined cures in the forms of advertised shampoos or oils. 

However, the hair loss did not stop. I started to notice more and more hair come off every time I combed my hair or even if I wet it. The worst part was that I was losing all confidence because of my hair situation. I started using hair products and other styling products to help hide my baldness. But as most of you might know, that doesn't really work.

However, to come to the point of all of the above, it was only after I met Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep Sethi that they actually told me the honest truth about hair loss intervention. They made me understand the why and the how. And also what should be done to address the issue.

For the already bald area, it was too late. But for my pre existing hair, I was recommended Finastride at a dosage of 0.5 to 1 mg. I swear by this medication because i have 0 hair loss since I have started taking that medication.

For the bald area, the doctors gave me a transplantation of 2815 grafts. 

I knew about hair transplantation prior to this too. But I was not sure whether i would be able to go through with it. I was definitely scared of the pain. I couldn't quite bring myself to go for the procedure.

However, the procedure was painless, contrary to my belief. It was simple. But it was lengthy (oh well!). And you gotta do what you gotta do.

So now through the pictures, I shall show you the progress of my results. 






Hello everyone,

I apologise for not mentioning that I have the tremendous opportunity to work with Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep Sethi.

Hope I can help in a very objective manner. 

Wish you all the best and much love.


Official representative of Eugenix Hair Sciences

Dr. Arika Bansal & Dr. Pradeep Sethi



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