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12 months on finasteride :)

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Just wanted to post something to mark my one year anniversary since starting propecia on the advice of you fine gentlemen :P


I'll preface this by saying I know that my hair loss was never that bad to begin with, but it was definitely creeping into distinctly noticeable territory and overall, I'm glad I sought your advice and took action when I did. I think I would say that overall I have had a pretty positive response to finasteride (I take generic 1.25mg/ed) and minoxidil (circa ~8 months, at least once nightly and sometimes twice a day).


I think I have experienced some relatively decent regrowth and overall my hair is in good shape. Honestly when you're looking at your hair every day it becomes difficult to take objective stock of whether you're actually noticing improvement, whether hair is miniaturising or regrowing etc. I'm still somewhat frustrated by the uneven nature of my hairline and my temples, but generally speaking I realise that I should just be thankful for what I have and that meds seem to be working for me thus far. I did experience some mild side effects (watery semen and slightly lower libido/erection quality) but these have been more or less imperceptible or subsided completely.


I still might do something to improve my hairline in the future but for now I'll just hope that my hair continues on what seems to be a positive trajectory and that the regrowth persists. Taking pictures to document is not an exact science and i prefer to keep my hair long (I had it cut right at the start of this process) generally speaking so these pictures are not necessarily "apples to apples" comparisons, take them for what they are. (My original thread/Only "baseline" shots: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178446-seeking-multitude-advice-29-year-old-guy.html)


2-3 Months




I realise these images are not perfect but I actually lost most of my older pics when I got a new phone, they give you a decent idea of where I was at, though.


12 months (Near as makes no odds, anyway :P)




So yeah, my natural widow's peak exaggerates it, but as you can see the left side is still markedly worse than the right (which almost looks completely full imo when not pulled back) but there is quite a bit of what I think is regrowth that I can see on that side (and a little on the right, too). Incidentally, my hair is semi-damp in some of these, it's still blonde. ;)


Thanks again for the advice HRN and I hope the pics are not too enormous/numerous :)

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That's one killer head of hair! Most of us on here would sell our own grandmothers for hair like that:D

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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  • Administrators

You got hair for days man lol you don't look like your balding at all anymore nice:D

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

You represent an ideal anterior response for medical therapy. Well done and congratulations for taking the slow route and not jumping on the surgical bandwagon at the first signs of trouble.

I represent Dr. Jerry Cooley online. All opinions are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Cooley. I am not a doctor.


Learn more about Jerry Cooley MD and Hair Center in Charlotte, NC


For complimentary consultations with one of the leading hair transplant doctors worldwide please contact us here.


Hair Transplant Consultation With Jerry Cooley MD at HairCenter.com

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  • Senior Member

Really happy for you and I would not be in a rush to do anything I think you have a great looking head of hair and hairline.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



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  • 1 year later...
  • Senior Member

Hey guys, I figure the majority of you are probably not all that interested, but it's almost exactly 3 years since I started finasteride after my first visit to the forums (as you can see from my join date; my "12 month update" was actually posted quite late). To that end, I decided to continue my documentation of upkeep/improvement, even though I know mine is certainly not what would be classed as a particularly dramatic transformation.


I have been extremely consistent with taking 1.25mg fin (generic) daily over the past 3 years as well as using Nizoral 2-3 times/week. The minoxidil, I must admit to being a bit lax with at times, but generally I use 1-2ml once per day (twice if it's convenient; I use liquid so if I want to style my hair early in the day, I tend not to).


I must admit I am quite surprised in that I believe I have seen continued improvement right up until the present day. As you will see from the pics, I think the right temporal angle has almost completely closed which is a significant difference from where I started (not that it was ever in drastic shape, but still). I have a cow's lick on my right temple which makes for a relatively sharp angulation, but the impression is clear nonetheless. The left temple will never recover to the same extent but it too, appears to have improved a decent amount.


Overall I consider myself very lucky to be still tolerating the medication well and to have essentially stopped worrying about my hair. Of course it's something I still monitor reasonably frequently (as demonstrated by my relatively active presence here :P) and may address in the future, but for now, at 33 years old (in April), I know that I have zero grounds for complaint! Wishing you all success in both your hair-related endeavours and otherwise,




N.B. Hair has a little left-over product in it and is wet with minox which accentuates thickness a little.



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