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Everything posted by orangehair

  1. Dr. Beehner...thanks for posting this case, its very relevant, there are a lot of successful restorations that have taken a "circuitous" route but the end result is what counts...this patient is obviously very pleased and should be...good work
  2. will keep you posted, she should do quite well with one procedure given the quality and type of hair and the size of treatment
  3. Thank you to all the above for your comments - Mick you may have a second career in the making;)
  4. This patient from the Boston area in his early 50's has experienced gradual hair loss since his 30's. He's been on Propecia for 3 years and has seen stabilization. His treatment goal was to have fuller hair in the frontal region. Crown thinning not as much of a priority. In his front, the hair loss was uneven and a persistent, isolated forelock was developing. Dr. True's focus with was his hairline and have uniform density around the forelock. Of the 1442 grafts, 589 are singles, 804 doubles, and 49 threes. A total of 2,344 hairs were transplanted. Donor density: 85 fus/cm2 Donor strip: 18cm x 1cm Trichophytic closure
  5. Dr. Dorin performed a hair transplant on this female who had lost both temporal and frontal hairline zones due to traction alopecia and chemical treatments. The photos here show the healing phase, which is generally about 7 - 10 days. 0f the 1965 follicular units transplanted, 604 are singles, 1105 doubles, and 256 threes - a total of 3,582 hairs.
  6. H_M_O........this commentary by Dr. True & Dr. Dorin provides some further insight on tricho vs standard http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/orangehair/video/165
  7. Dr. Konior....very well done, nice to see an example of reinforcing a generally thin balding zone, just as impressive as one in which there is an empty canvas, being able to minimize damage to the native hair and match the exact orientation of the surrounding hair is impressive.
  8. Mick.....given the patient's limitations, this looks like it will provide a really nice change for him...even with lower quality pics its the result is evident...thanks for sharing
  9. Dr. Dorin performed a single FUT on this female who had traction alopecia. The transplant consisted of 1216 follicular units - 397 singles, 618 doubles, and 201 threes - a total of 2236 hairs
  10. I agree with Bill.....substantial change with one step, im glad you recommended Propecia given his age and the hairline design seems appropriate and suitable
  11. i was wondering when Phil Collins was gonna bite the bullet nice result happening for this fella
  12. thanks Mick..told ya i'd make it up to you sparky.....keep at it, hope you get to a better comfort zone with all this
  13. Drew....i think the patient would agree with you....thanks for your response
  14. This is a sampling of donor area results using standard, trichophytic and fue harvesting. Below is a link to the initial thread: http://hair-restoration-info.c...1087683/m/5801088973
  15. thanks robin....yes its been fun to see his transformation, even though he went at it in a conservative way, I suspect will see him again once the hair greed kick in
  16. jbb.....glad you found value in hearing his experience, i know many of us can relate to this sentiment
  17. christine...nice presentation....looks like a significat transformation has taken place..i agree the crown should thicken a bit more with time
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