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Everything posted by orangehair

  1. great post Mick.....i have to say i always enjoy a successful revision case, these are patients that just want to look "normal" again - having met with many patients like this it is understandably a scarring experience -to showcase this kind of transformation can only provide hope and inspiration...kudos to Dr. Farjo for his skill and astute planning
  2. J.....now thats a feathered hairline! looks beautiful...i especially like how flawlessly the skin healed...curious what his motivation was for fue.....good stuff*
  3. janna....another enlightening result....this one treatment really stands on its own, especially paired with the medical therapy....Dr. Ron's work even almost 5 years ago really natural with very good density....i could see him doing a moderate lowering of the hair line and some rebuilding of the temple areas but as it is looks great.
  4. These are recent photos @ 8 months after his 2nd FUT- the 2nd session consisted of 2140 fu's - 674 singles, 1340 doubles, 126 threes - previous scar was removed Below is the link to initial healing photos at the start of his restoration:
  5. i concur....what a great improvement, sometimes older grafts can lay a foundation of density and the appearance can be effectively softened with fu's placed strategically in front/around the plugs with some tweaking in the hair angulation - this seems to have worked well
  6. This patient in his early 30's had a strong interest in reframing his face for a more youthful appearance. His vertex thinning was less of a priority, has been using Propecia to stabilize. Dr. Dorin did transplanted 816 singles, 1418 doubles, and 169 threes: 4159 hairs. Photos show before, immediatetly post-op, and after 10 days. Will update progress. Strip: 30 x 1.3 cm Donor: 63fu/cm2 Slightly above average elasticity Heavy textured hair
  7. J - great result* always cool to see different hairstyles, looks like a seamless transition, his hair caliber might even improve a bit more over next few months - nice work
  8. 51 yr. old with a history of gradual balding since age 25. He had three transplants indicative of older technology prior to coming to Dr. True. Examination revealed a Norwood 5A pattern with 75% of the hair on the top of his head having been transplanted. The donor area contained 3 separate scars. Given his relatively limited scalp elasticity and the need to include previous scars in the donor strip harvested, we set a goal of 2000 grafts. A single donor strip 1cm by 25 cms including prior donor scar for the majority of its length was dissected into 1257 singles and 756 doubles. His donor density was 70 FU/CM. Hair texture is fine. His previously transplanted hairline was advanced 2 cm and density was added throughout the front and top. 10 - 15% of the follicular units were allocated to the vertex.
  9. Jotronic.....kudos to Dr. Hasson.....this really shows what can be accomplished with current technology and the right skills. nice presentation*
  10. i appreciate this result, a nice whorl pattern was achieved, couldn't ask for more natural transition
  11. Talizi....were 10, 600 grafts transplanted? for what looks like an class 6 with a narrowed donor strip due to extended nape hair.. that seems unusual, was there a high percentage of singles?
  12. J...another great result, you know what stands about this one beyond the naturalness and coverage is the design, it really works well with his face and balding pattern... kudos*
  13. Mick..looks very promising, this patient brings great characteristics to the table - should have very good density with the abundance of multi-hair fu's
  14. hi raph......450 were placed into the vertex, patient is not on propecia.....mid 50's
  15. big difference Mick...kudos to Dr. Farjo...probably lost a percentage of this native frontal hair but its negligible compared to healthy volume of the transplanted hairs, which seems to be in area of @ 5000.
  16. not unusual for it to take multiple steps to get this type of result for a female patient, the combo of mfu's and hair texture definitely a plus - a really nice cosmetic transformation, well done
  17. These are his most recent photos after 9 months now. Below is the link to his 5 month pics: http://hair-restoration-info.c...=284101714#284101714 At this time the majority of the hair has emerged and is at a stylable length. One observation is that he is in the "wiry" stage in regards to hair texture - this will even out over the next 4- 6 months.
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