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Posts posted by Portugal25

  1. @hp2012 if you are not on finasteride then you are likely to evolve into NW6 or most likely NW7.

    You are just 26 around the same age as me when I had my first HT and you can see that I went from NW3 at 25 years old to NW7 at 36 because I wasn’t on finasteride (nor will I ever be).

    My advise is for you to have a surgery at HLC with at least 3500 grafts to rebuild your frontal hairline including the native hairs area in the front that you are likely to be loosing very soon anyway and then wait 8-10 years to rebuild the crown after you hairloss has evolved.
    You can see my pictures showing that this is exactly what Dr. Rahal did for me when I was 25. 



  2. @kiokbs you made right choice not going with Asmed because like everyone is saying this is now a tech run clinic doing surgery to 8 patients per day and charging the same prices as Doctors that perform the entire surgery (HLC, Bruno Ferreira). 
    Dr. Keser is slightly more expensive at 3.5€/graft and also has some subpar results like every other Doctor (and many insanely amazing ones too) but he is totally devoted to just 1 patient per day and implants with stick&place which is the same technique as Dr. Konior one of the best in the world (8$/graft).
    You made the right choice going with Keser!
    Wish you all the best!

  3. @Melvin-Moderator on the Turkish forum they talk about Keser in the same we talk about Konior at HRN.
    However, I totally agree with you that Keser got more international exposure from your recommendation thread but only because he is actually getting insanely great results.

    Some of these very good Turkish clinics do seem to have terrible reps that end up hurting the image of even a very ethical clinic. 

    I do believe Turkey has great Doctors and hope to see Keser, Pekiner and HLC as coalition members in the near future because HRN members deserve to have quick access to the best in Turkey. Dr.Pekiner told me after my surgery that he wanted that to happen but maybe because he works 7 days a week he hasn’t had time to work on that.

  4. 7 minutes ago, hairlossPA said:

    Only two Turkish Doctors in that link Dr Resul Yaman and Dr. Koray (Asmed)  and I would never consider them for FUE as their results are so far behind from what  Keser, Pekiner and HLC are achieving. 
    That list was amazing in 2008 because everyone worth knowing was there but that’s not the case today. 

  5. @bigtyivier2k2 you will need to define vetted because the word implies someone examined their work and approved it. 
    Some of the world best Doctors like Couto, Lorenzo, De Freitas and Keser are not vetted by HRN nor they are coalition members.
    Dr. Keser was up for membership at HRN but in the end he declined because he doesn’t need to spend 1 cent in advertising or HRN membership fees to have a wait list. 
    The same goes for the top FUE Spanish doctors that have two year lists with Zero results thread at HRN.

    If you want to find a good doctor you wito check hundreds of real patient results threads and decide on Doctor achieving many great results and with a technique/approach that is suitable for your hairloss. 

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  6. @bigtyivier2k2 if you have already had FUE then your strip donor area has probably already been harvested. Obviously not much due to the low volume grafts you had but enough to maybe rule you out of FUT.

    @OliverAtom why do you say to stay away from Turkey? I ask this because one the best hairlines reconstructions at HRN belong to Dr. Keser in Turkey and he is not cheap (3.5€/graft). To have 2400 graft surgery with him will cost 4x more than going to all inclusive Dr. Cinik.
    Maybe you meant to say he should stay clear of Turkish hairmills and low cost all inclusive clinics because Turkey is the world capital of botched HT surgeries (but also home of some of the best FUE docs).

    This is what you get when you go to the best in Turkey (very hard to beat in my opinion):




  7. @bigtyivier2k2 Ankara is not a bad area because it’s a very safe place but it’s a totally unappealing area (nothing to see or do and nobody speaks English) and not trendy like Porto where there’s lots to see and everyone speaks English (our TV and Cinema is in English with subtitles and the Radio is always playing the most recent English hits)

    Cinik is a low cost all inclusive clinic where technicians (not Doctors or nurses) do most if not all of the surgery. Results at Cinik depend on the tech team you get and they have several patients per day. 

    Your hairloss is advanced and you are still young which means it will progress further especially if you don`t take finasteride. I didn`t take finasteride since I had my first HT when I was 25 years old and I lost all the hair in my crown and midscalp.

    For this reason Melvin has advised you to maximize your donor area by doing a FUT strip surgery first.

    Konior, Hasson&Wong and Feriduni are doing great strip surgeries. 

  8. @bigtyivier2k2 I advise you to read more about recent results from surgeries at Asmed. Check @munich results below:

    Asmed is a clinic that does surgery on 8 patients per day and if Dr. Koray is there you will probably just get a handshake. 

    If you do insist on going all the way to Turkey then go to the best in Turkey! These are doctors that do the whole surgery and use the same technique as Dr. Raymond Konior (stick&place).
    Dr. Keser (3.5€/graft) although he might not accept you because he does a maximum of 2400 grafts per surgery. Dr. Pekiner (2.15€/graft) but he may reject you if you have miniaturized grafts (take a thricogram to be sure) and HLC Ankara. 

    Since you are from NY I would advise to talk with Dr. Bruno Ferreira he is the medical assistant of Dr. Lorenzo in Madrid (top FUE in the world) but also has his own clinic in Porto where he charges 2.5€/graft. It’s a direct 7h flight from NY and much trendier city than desolate Ankara. 


  9. 13 hours ago, Gasthoerer said:

    Really? Can you elaborate on that? Melvin's result is great but Diep has to many "no go"-points to me. 

    @Gasthoerer besides Melvin there are other great FUT results from Diep like this one but you can be right as I’m not informed on the specific of his FUT technique https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/56095-dr-diep-fut-mega-session/?tab=comments#comment-531376

    Its weird that for FUE there’s a lot of talk about the technique like pre-made slits or stick&place or DHI, etc, but for FUT nobody talks about how the grafts were implanted (or maybe I need to go read more FUT results threads). 

  10. 17 minutes ago, bruce90 said:

    Hey Portugal25,

    Do you know for certain if Keser is doing stick and place? I asked his representative about that and it sounded like he had no clue what I was talking about.

    @bruce90 the doctor I chose for my second HT started out with Keser and I’m pretty sure he is doing stick&place like HLC and Pekiner (these are the 3 best in Turkey). It’s true that these Turkish doctors don’t have the best reps and Keser lacks in any kind of advertising (doesn’t keep him from being fully booked and having a 3-6 months wait list). 

    Anyway @Kaya would be the best person to get confirmation for your question. 

  11. The best hairlines I have seen from real patients posts at HRN belong to Keser and Konior and they are both doing  stick&place (which I also had done in my second HT and fully recommend):





  12. 1 hour ago, alboz said:

    Actually youre not making any sense as your comments prove. People who just go online and dont visit clinics in person will make idiotic statements and think they know hair. Great switcharoo!

    Serious hair transplant inquirers will research all info everywhere including vids on yt. So youre saying you went around HRN and surveyed all HRN users and come back with that result. Yeah okkkayyyy.

    If couto has little patients posting results why does he have a slew of vids showcasing great results? Why is he the most popular doctor in europe now? Say that to my Londoner friend who went go from a norwood 3 to teen density after being treated by couto. He'll laugh in your face.

    May be wrong but for some crazy reason you come off as jealous of couto. Cant put my finger on it but, you should not come off as negative.

    @alboz you have been a member of this forum for 4 days so I don’t understand why you have a know it all attitude and talk with a disrespectful tone towards members like myself that have had 2 hair transplant experiences and have been here for 12 years and  @Gasthoerer that you accused of being a rep for a US doctor when in fact he has been giving great advice for over 3 years!

    No I’m not jealous of Dr. Couto nor am I being negative by stating the fact that Couto is a great Dr but lacks real patients posting online. If you have read what members are writing in this thread you would have seen that I actually recommended Dr.Couto on the first page which confirms you are not here to learn and positively contribute but rather to reak havoc. 

    Your aggressive and disrespectful tone sounds a lot like the second coming of a a troll by the name of goodwally that coincidently was kicked out of HRN the day before you joined.

    In this forum we respect others opinions and @Melvin-Moderator strives to create a environment of support for people looking for hairloss solutions not for trolls to reak havoc and disrespect members. 

  13. @Aftermath in 2008 Hair Restoration Network was pretty much all about Rahal, Hasson&Wong, Shapiro, Feller and Paul Rose. The Spanish FUE scene was just starting with Lorenzo but it was impossible to find any patients posting on the forums and FUT was still the best option for assuring great results.

    Rahal patients were posting amazing harlines at HRN and he took into account that I was a 25 year old master student so he offered me a great discount which made my choice super easy.

  14. @karatekid if you have already had FUE then they probably already removed grafts from the area where the FUT strip would be removed. You will not be a candidate for FUT.

    I can tell you that Rahal is considered the King of hairlines but I would only advise him for FUT because he has been getting some not so great results with FUE.  Other top Doctors for FUT are H&W and Konior.

    In your case I would advise Dr. Keser to restore your hairline because he needs much less grafts than other Doctors to achieve amazing hairlines,. Go check @Kaya results thread here at HRN.

  15. 9 hours ago, alboz said:

    Ok I understand now. Well all clinics cherry pick their results. You wont find a clinic not doing that. Take the results as they come. We cant change how clinics present them.

    @alboz you are making no sense whatsoever!

    Only people that are new to Hair Transplants are seduced by before and after photos on clinic websites or paid "has been" celebrities endorsing clinics.

    No HRN member in their right mind would ever chose a Doctor based on the results the Doctor has on his clinic website or on youtube. 

    Here we look for real patients posting real reports of their experience and we wait for the photos the patients post after 12 months of surgery before we can reach any conclusion on the quality of the results.

    Couto indeed has very little patients posting results and for this reason many will consider Konior and Lorenzo better options when looking for the world best FUE Doctors. 

  16. 10 hours ago, jameslondon said:

    So this is quite a long story but I had one procedure in 2014 and I’m still happy.  The issue is I was on proscar which stopped working so I switched to finasteride and got chest pain/mood swings. So basically I’m off medication for good and from the procedure before a little bit of work was done on the crown centre but there’s patchiness around it. Contacted a physician in Belgium who I found quite rude and told me he wouldn’t consider consulting with someone not on medication. Was off medication about a year ago.

    can anyone recommend a physician who would do a top up in the crown area?  Thinking of farjo or possibly Thailand.  Emailed both over the weekend and not heard anything yet. Thanks guys

    I would advise you to stay clear of Thailand.
    I saw Farjo results when I was researching for my first HT in 2008 and back then it was nothing special, today its lagged even further behind the competition.

    Crown work is a really difficult surgery and you need a really great Doctor to design the crown vortex so that means having a surgery in which the Doctor will be in charge of all the implantation (most often it’s techs doing this part of the surgery which for me was a dealbreaker). 
    Take a look at my crown work and see if the vortex design Dr. Pekiner (2.15€/graft) made for me is to your liking. 

    Other Doctors doing the whole surgery I also had on my short list are Dr. Bruno Ferreira (2.5€/graft) and if you don’t need BHT and require a maximum of 2400 graft -  Dr. Keser (3.5€/graft). 

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