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Posts posted by Portugal25

  1. 1 minute ago, Cristero said:

    Thanks for the explanation.

    Demirsoy's assistant said the doctor does the extraction and incisions and the nurses fill in the incisions with the grafts. So he has been honest in that. But they are keen on having me on meds, even if some of their patients didn't take any.

    Pekiner is not an option, as I followed a discussion with a patient being unsuccessful of the result, and the clinic basically blaming him. I didn't like the whole thing, really unprofessional. He's also really stubborn on the medications part.

    Nice to know Demirsoy hires nurses instead of techs to implant the grafts but I still wouldn’t opt for a surgery where the doctor is not performing the whole surgery. 
    From your list I would save up and book Bruno Ferreira. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, Cristero said:

    Can I ask you guys your opinion on Demirsoy? Some of his results are impressive:


    And he charges the half of the surgeons I contacted until now.

    @Cristero there`s a reason for him to charge half. 

    Demirsoy does up to 4000 grafts in one day while Bruno Ferreira does a maximum of 2000 grafts (both operate on 1 patient per day).

    So Demirsoy can charge half and still have his clinic make the same daily turnover as Bruno Ferreira clinic.

    The reason why Dr. Bruno does a maximum 2000 grafts per day is because he does the whole surgery and implants with DHI while Demirsoy opens all the holes at once and has several low paid techs implanting the grafts (most common and most profitable practice). 

    Pekiner does less (1500 max per day) because he doesn`t extract with motorized FUE and Keser also does manual extraction but limits the day to a max 800 grafts (he aims for 100% survival rate).

    So by knowing the prices they all charge you can easily calculate who has the most profitable clinic but the important question is, who is getting the best results?!

  3. On 2/14/2020 at 12:58 PM, karatekid said:

    Wow. I know his work from the spanish forum but never looked at his youtube channel, the results there are literally natural density, just amazing. how those spanish/portuguese doctors achieve such natural density results? I find it hard to believe it's just because of the hair nature of the ethnic people there.

    @karatekid  Spain and Portugal are not ethnic countries.

    Spain and Portugal have a small ethnic minorities from their former colonies in Africa, Latin America, Asia and India but other than that small imigrant population if a typical European were to speak with you in fluent US accent English you wouldn`t be able to tell the difference between a caucasian North American next to a caucasian Portuguese/Spanish/French/Italian/Irish/British (the settlers of North America).

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/14/2020 at 12:26 AM, Cristero said:

    Anyone knows Dr Bruno Pinto?

    He seems quite famous on recuperartupelo.com

    Dr. Bruno Pinto became famous in Bilbao/Spain in a well known clinic. 
    After he built a name for himself he returned to his hometown of Porto/Portugal and started his clinic that basically dominates the Spanish forum with patients posting results all the time. So his clinic mainly caters to our friendly neighbors, the Spanish.

    Portuguese don’t know Dr. Bruno because they go to clinics that pay celebrities to endorse them (Saude Viavel and C2MC) where the Doctor role is minimum and the surgery is done by techs.

    Dr. Bruno Pinto is truly a great Doctor but he is booked solid until 2021 and olny has a few dates available in 2021.
    He charges 3,5€/graft which is still much cheaper than his Spanish competitors Lorezon, Couto, De Freitas that charge 5€/graft.

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  5. @karatekid that’s exactly what I tought!
    He must be very confident he will get a great result if he is giving a discount to have permission to use my pictures. 
    I was approached by the clinic representative to clarify that what I agree to was to allow them to use my HT pictures including updates.
    I tough they were asking me to post (without obligation just as a favor) but in fact they just wanted authorization to use my pictures on their website, the Italian forum and any other social media. 
    Lets see if I do send them anything because I signed no contract so they might end up having to do a print screen of my updated pictures from HRN. All kidding aside, I have the upmost respect for Dr. Pekiner and will be sending his patient rep the same pictures I post here.

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  6. @Melvin-Moderator like I said I also got a discount from Rahal and his rep also asked me post my results without any signed commitment from my part (he just asked me to do so if possible). 

    Dr. Pekiner patient representative did the same he just asked for me to post my results at the Italian forum but under no contractual obligation to do so nor any incentive to post updates. Therefore, I don`t see how this could undermine HRN as I can chose not to post any results or even delete my thread without any consequence other than depriving other HRN members from seeing results from Dr. Pekiner.

    I must correct myself because I was the one that told the patient rep I was going to post at HRN and other forums (Spanish, Turkish, French) because he just cared about the Italian forum. 

    I was already going to post my results at HRN to show if the Dr. Pekiner did a good or bad job with me so I have to ask this question, did I have to refuse the discount in order to be able to post my results in the forums?

    If so, I have to say that makes no sense because we all want to pay less for our surgery and all HRN member want to share their journey with the community.

  7. 8 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Where are you getting this information? This is strictly against our policy, we want our forum to be filled with genuine reviews, this seriously undermines our forum. Please send me proof ASAP. 

    @Melvin-Moderator Everyone that asks for a discount to Dr. Pekiner  like probably get a discount and the patient representative will in return ask the patients to please post and update their results on the Italian forum (without any obligation).
    I had 2 close friends that also got this discount and they didn’t post on the Italian forum or any other forum (they still got the discount)! 

    Neither myself or my 2 close friends signed any contract stating we have to post our results in order to get the discount as this is just something the rep asked because according to them, they want the world to see how good is the Doctor. 

    I asked @Guano several times to post his results at HRN out of my own curiosity and now that he finally decided to post his results out of his own free will HRN has censored them...

    Dr. Rahal also gave me a discount in 2008 and his patient rep also asked me (under no obligation) if I could post my results and I’m pretty sure he asked this regularly to patients. So, will you also be censoring Rahal’s patients since 2008 until today?

    To my knowledge, no patient of Dr. Pekiner is being paid to post and update their results so for me it’s clear that HRN deleting patients that freely decide to post their results without being paid to do so should be considered censoring, something that until today was not allowed at HRN! 

    Also, It seems like there a lot of animosity towards anything written by Dr. Pekiner’s representative which has escalated to HRN basically censoring all of Pekiner patients.
    As a patient of Dr. Pekiner I must ask HRN not penalize Dr. Pekiner and his patients due to the arrogant tone sometimes used by his rep because this is a world class Doctor getting amazing results and HRN members have the right to see results from real patients posting out of their own free will. 

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Egy said:

    .great @Portugal25 👍. you know that on that forum that we both know it is not even allowed to make comparisons between surgeons and therefore advise one surgeon instead of another.  How reliable and truthful can a forum like that be?  So, agree with me that @Superslim11in the right place, also because there are experienced users like you on HRN.

    @Egy I think you are referring to the Italian forum. I have a link to HRN on the Turkish forum and we compare with Doctors in this forum (how I found out about Esma and Sekan Tetik).

  9. 15 hours ago, Superslim11 said:

    Watched all those videos along with your journey. I have been doing research the past 6 months. 
    I have watched two separate YouTube vlogs on this clinic. 

    f*** I respect your opinion man. However my mind is set on a HT this spring. How about I compromise with you and change clinics? I’ll inc my budget to 3-4k. Do you recommend any certain clinics in Istanbul in the range ? Or you’re still not recommending I get a Ht.
    No refund on the plane tickets.

    @Superslim11 I get that you want hair and you want it now so I will help you get what you want without making a huge mistake.

    In Turkey there are many low cost hairmill because surgeries are being performed by technicians (not Doctors or nurses) and your results will depend on the unknown tech team available on the day of your surgery.

    Most Turkish people don`t go the Turkish Doctors we discuss in this forum because they can`t afford them so I went to the Turkish forum to find where the Turkish middle class goes for good results in their price range.

    I found out that they go to a team of Nurses - Esma and Serkan Tetik - that do surgery on just 1 patient per day using DHI to implant the grafts. They charge 1350€ for up to 4000 grafts (also use beard grafts) and there are dozen of real patients posting great results on the Turkish forum sacekimisonuclari.com so I rather reccomend you these two Nurses that are highly known and recommended in Turkey than have you go ruin your life in a Hairmill. Their email is info@antalyasacestetigi.com

    The alternative is Dr. Demirsoy at 1,25€/graft as he is the most affordable option in Turkey if you want a Doctor doing 1 patient per day (technicians implant the grafts).

    I get that you are on a tight budget but I urge you to chose one of these two options rather than risk your hair and life on a hairmill.

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  10. @Walter it`s true that Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplants and that is because there are hundreds of all inclusive low cost Hair Clinics where surgery is performed by technicians.

    Turkey also home of some of the best FUE Doctors in the world such as Dr. Keser (3,5€/graft), Dr. Pekiner (2.15€/graft) and HLC (2,7€/graft). These 3 are the best and for me the only options in Turkey.

    These 3 Doctors are all performing the entire surgery with manual extraction of grafts and implanting manually using stick&place which is the same technique used by the most well known FUE Doctor in the world Dr. Raymond Konior (8US/graft).

    Eugenix (1.8€/graft with Dr. Arika or 3,8€/graft with Dr. Sethi/Dr.Arika) is getting great results. In India they are by far the best choice and for me they are the only choice in India.

  11. 2 minutes ago, karatekid said:

    Thanks for the info!

    But first my intention wasnt really to compare, just to know. And if anything, I thought about comparing it to Keser, since it was previously discussed in this thread that Keser doesnt use microscope.

    Somebody did claim that Dr. Keser doesn’t use a microscope but I find it hard to believe given the results he is achieving.

    @Kaya is it true that Dr. Keser doesn’t use a microscope?

  12. 3 minutes ago, karatekid said:

    If we already talked about microscopes - does Pekiner use them?

    @karatekid again I say we are comparing apples and oranges because Demirsoy does not do the whole surgery nor does he implant using stick&place. Dr. Pekiner is in a different league.

    Dr. Pekiner uses a microscope while extracting the grafts so he can better chose the grafts he needs for the area he is implanting (thin singles for the front and thick triples/quadruples for the crown).

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Dr. Pekiner Hair Clinic said:

    So what, am I not entitled to talk or to explain what happened and why the accusation has no basis? Or do you think I wrote without asking about the issue to dr. Pekiner?

    The reference is pretty clear since he only had graft extractions with dr. Pekiner and I was sent here by a patient worried about the clinic not having basic medical supply. So everything is pretty obvious for everyone, still in your opinion I should remain silent and let the wrong speculation being displayed forever without even answering. What's your next step, asking for my ban because I dared to give an explanation?

    I never said he lied, he told the truth, still there's no reason for speculating about the clinic not having life saving medicines in case of anaphylactic shock just because he didn't get a antihistaminic tablet that is not a treatment used in case of shock but mainly for pollen allergy.

    Egy the clinic has antihistaminic and sedatives that are shot in case of necessity.

    I am ending here my participation in this topic unless some new accusations will be posted.

    Thank you.

    Dr. Pekiner Hair Clinic, first I don`t understand the need for you write in this thread because the terrible ordeal that happened to @Glam Hair has nothing to do with Dr. Pekiner.

    Secondly, if @duchainea patient of the clinic you represent says he`s discontent because of the lack of oral tablets of any kind then it`s your job as the rep of a Luxury clinic to have written a very simple reply "We deeply apologize and have implemented internal procedures to assure this will not be happening again".

    I do this every time my company fails to comply with a client expectations because as the saying goes "the customer is always right" and if we don`t better ourselves then we go out of business.

    I strongly urge you to change your tone towards patients that happen to write any form of critic because every Doctor or clinic can make a mistake (obviously not like the one in this thread) and unfortunately your anwers are giving Dr. Pekiner a undeserved bad reputation.

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  14. @kmgrafix doctors will most likely advise you to start taking finasteride to strengthen your donor area.

    With a weak donor area you could be a better candidate for FUT so I would advise you to ask for a FUT diagnosis to Dr. Feriduni, Hasson&Wong and Dr. Rahal.

    After my first HT with Dr. Rahal I was left with very little donor area so for my second HT I looked for FUE Doctors that were doing the entire surgery with low graft amounts per day, using stick&place or DHI for implantation and achieving great results using beard grafts. 

    The best use of beard grafts I saw came from Dr. Pekiner (2,15€/graft) and HLC (2,7€/graft).

    Then I found out about Dr. Bruno Ferreira who is the medical assistant of Dr. Lorenzo in Madrid. He has his own clinic in Porto where he charges 2.5€/graft. Even though there was almost no patiens posting reports I knew Dr. Bruno had to be great if he was working with Lorenzo but he is using beard grafts more conservatively than Dr. Pekiner.

    If you don`t want to use beard grafts to increase density then you will have more options like Dr. Konior (8US/graft), Dr. Keser (3.5€/graft ) known for using smaller amounts of grafts to achieve great results or the spanish Kings Dr. Couto, Dr. De Freitas, Dr. Lorenzo (I believe they all charge 5€/graft and Lorenzo also uses beard conservatively like Dr.Bruno).

    Looking forward to hearing about the diagnosis the Doctors give you.

  15. @karatekid with FUE the Doctor is using a microscope while extracting your grafts so he can see the best grafts to extract.
    The Doctor can chose to extract thicker grafts, grafts with four follicles if he wants to add density or singles if he wants to rebuild the hairline (frontal hairline is done with grafts with one single hair). 

  16. @JJJ00 a post with before and after pictures is usually regarded as advertising or a clinic post. 

    In this forum we like to be part of our fellow members journey to a full head of hair and updated monthly pictures as something everyone looks forward to seeing and praising.

    Hope you can reconsider posting your thread and updating every month.

    Wish you all the best and great results!

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