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Posts posted by Portugal25

  1. True that nowadays new FUE techniques drastically reduced the transection rate and made possible FUE mega sessions with results almost at the same level as FUT so it’s understandable that nobody believes it to be necessary to have a FUT scar to achieve a good result. 
    However, in cases where donor area limited and there’s a lot of area to cover FUT is preferable for the first (and maybe second) surgery with FUE only being advisable after there is no more skin laxity for FUT

    I was advised by Dr. Pekiner that in order to maximize my donor area I should go for another FUT with Dr. Rahal and only after 1 year go to him for FUE+BHT but I didn’t want another FUT strip taken off and go threw a FUT recovery again so I decided on heading straight for a mega session FUE+BHT to get things done in one go (was a tuff decision and I’m still waiting to see if I made the right call).

    If I had went back to a second FUT it would have been either Rahal again or H&W. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Aftermath said:

    There aren’t world class doctors in the field in the uk. I’m from the UK and made the mistake you’re about to make on my first op so I travelled to Vancouver after that, doesn’t get much further away but I’d 100% do it again. There are surgeons closer though that are considered world class, one of which is Lorenzo in Madrid 

    I totally agree with @Aftermath and Lorenzo is one of the best FUE doctors in the world.

  3. @Coady you can check my results thread below.  I went with Dr. Pekiner (2.15€/graft) which is 2 flights away and in a unpleasant city but he is the best for beard mega sessions and is getting amazing results with manual FUE and Stick&Place. He does filter patients so if you have thin or miniaturized hair he might not accept you as patient or abort the surgery after checking some grafts  if he thinks he won’t be able to give you a great result. 

    If you are looking for a great Doctor that is affordable, close to you and achieving world class results then it’s Dr. Bruno Ferreira. 
    He has his own clinic in Porto (2.5€/graft) but also works in Madrid as the medical assistant of Dr. Lorenzo (one of the best in the world but there you pay 5€/graft).

  4. I did my research and chose one of the best in Turkey so knew beforehand that I was having 3 full days of surgery and wasn’t worried or tensed in any way but this was my second HT so I had some insight. 

    In my first HT in 2008 and I was a 25 year old kid doing a surgery that everyone in my country frowned upon because the norm at that time was doll hair results so I was in full on panic mode until I meet Dr. Rahal in person and he made all my worries disappear. 

    Nowadays, you will find that the anesthesia is painless and that the time goes by very quickly.

    Wish you all the best!

  5. @kmgrafix the pictures I posted were taken 3hours after shaving and there has been no difference in the growth or thickness of my beard after my surgery.

    @Melvin-Moderator if I don’t shave for 48h I can see very tiny gaps in the beard shadow but it’s hard to notice them and I think that if I let my beard grow out nobody will be able to see any gaps in the density of the beard hairs.

  6. 3 hours ago, karatekid said:

    Why specifically Ferreira? Wouldnt you say De Freitas has better results? Or is it just because he is closer to you? 

    @karatekid Rafael de Freitas has more than 1 year wait list and costs a lot more than 2.5€/graft. He does have amazing results that are almost at same level as Juan Couto.
    I’m sure we will be seeing results from Bruno Ferreira at the same level and for now his wait list is just a few months and he offers a better price. 

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  7. @Marty Mac with Dr. Pekiner you will be talking with his patient advisor Alex and with Dr. Bruno you will be emailing directly with the Doctor and video chatting with the Doctor (way better). 

    You can check my thread with my experience on Dr. Pekiner and @Rolandas had his HT with Dr. Bruno this monday and Tuesday so you can ask him all about his experience. He should be posting here very soon. 

    In my opinion you will be in great hands with either Doctor but if you don’t need beard grafts I would advise you to chose Dr. Bruno. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    I’ve hear of the name, but haven’t really seen outstanding work, enough to be impressed. My honest feelings are going in to surgery with a small budget is a bad idea.

    It’s better to go in thinking, which doctor does the best work, not which one is the cheapest. Now, that’s not to say there aren’t good surgeons who are cheap, but they are few and far in between in my opinion. I have been impressed with Dr. Bruno Ferreira, certainly worth researching.

    @Marty Mac I totally agree with @Melvin-Moderator you shouldn’t focus on price. 
    If you want a affordable surgery I also recommend looking into @Dr. Bruno Ferreira as he works as the medical assistant of Dr. Jose Lorenzo (one of the best in the world) in Madrid and also has his own clinic in Porto where you pay 2.5€/graft (half price of Dr. Lorenzo clinic). 

    When I did my research my short list was down to Bruno Ferreira and Kaan Pekiner.
    I chose Pekiner because he had a lot of patients posting great results with mega sessions of beard grafts and I needed a lot of beard grafts to compensate for my lack of scalp donor area.
    Otherwise I would have selected Bruno Ferreira (his clinic is just a 2h drive from my house). 

  9. @Marty Mac if you want a cheap option its Dr. Demirsoy at 1.25€/graft. 
    If you can streach your budget to go to one the best Doctors then you have Dr. Pekiner at 2.15€/graft.
    The difference is Dr. Pekiner does the whole surgery himself and implants with stick&place (opens 1 hole and immediately inserts the graft which provides a higher survival rate for grafts) while Demirsoy has technicians implant the grafts in pre-made holes made by him.

    Dr. Demirsoy technique is the most common because it’s the most profitable as it allows the Doctor to charge over 4000 grafts in one day.

    A Doctor doing Stick&Place or DHI can’t do more than 2000 grafts in a one day and if he is not using a motorized punch but rather doing manual graft extraction (like Pekiner does) then he can’t even do 1500 grafts in one day. 

    So both Doctors have just 1 patient per day (private clinic to yourself) but your 3000 grafts surgery with Dr. Demirsoy would take just 1 day and with Pekiner it would take 2 days (therefore he has to charge more per graft to make the same monthly turnover as Demirsoy that charges less per graft but does more than double the amount of grafts per day).

    Ofcourse what matters are the results a Doctor can achieve because the best technique in the hands of a unskilled Doctor will still generate a bad result.

    You will find a lot of results from Cinik on this forum but this is a all inclusive clinic (red alert) where the technicians do most of the surgery. If you chose DHI then it’s a surgery 100% performed by technicians (not Doctors or nurses). 
    If you chose to go down this route and not have a Doctor performing your surgery then instead of having Cinik unknown DHI tech team I advise you to contact the nurses team Esma and Serkan Tetik. They charge 1350€ for up to 4000 grafts including hotel and transfers but they are not Doctors they are nurses that are performing DHI surgery on 1 patient per day and have dozens of patients posting good results on the Turkish forum. 

  10. 8 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Honestly, I would expand your horizon, I have never heard of any of these docs. My advise to you is save some money, and don't let cost be the deciding factor, instead choose the doctor based on the results. 

    @Melvin-Moderator I understand that low cost Turkey is something to avoid but Dr. Demirsoy patient`s are all over HRN,

    @Marty Mac your list doesn`t make much sense to me because you are comparing two Turkish hairmills clinics with Dr. Demirsoy that only does surgery on 1 patient per day and has dozens of patients posting their results in this forum.

    Research deeper and you will find that Dr. Acar had 1 results thread in this forum that was actually a representative of the clinic fishing for clients (scam!). This is a low cost hairmill with all inclusive prices (red alert!) were underpaid technicians performs surgery on several patients per day. 

    Dr. Alp Aslan does not work at Hairmedico you are confusing with Dr. ARSLAN Musbeh which has 0 reputation in this forum and the Turkish forum (red alert!)

    Dr. Alp Aslan has a terrible reputation https://www.baldtruthtalk.com/threads/21707-My-Horrible-Experience-with-Alp-Aslan-Istanbul

    I really don`t understand how you could compare Dr. Demirsoy (who despite having some nice results is far from being the best the Turkey) with Turkish hairmills were you are risking a botched surgery... 


  11. @guestY thanks for reminding me as it’s now been 1 month since my surgery.

    My crown looks less dense than it did on my 12  day post-op pictures so I assume shedding as already started 😞 even though I didn’t notice hairs falling out 

    My FUT scar made in 2008 by Dr. Rahal is not noticeable and the donor area from the scalp and beard seems to have recovered nicely. It’s a little itchy sometimes in the scalp but that’s to be expected.

    I posted photos with strong overhead bathroom lighting and 1 photo of the crown in low light. 

    Let me know what you guys think. 









  12. Never heard of them nor do they have patients posting final results on any forum. One Mcan patient posted here a few years ago but the donor area looked bad and he disappeared so I’m guessing he wasn’t as lucky as your friend. 

    Turkey is the world capital of botched surgeries so your friend could have just been lucky.
    Do you really want to play Russian roulette with the outcome of your hair transplant...

    My advise, save some more money and chose a Doctor with several patients posting their great results. 

    • Like 1
  13. @Mjain there is no mention of Dr Kazim on any forum. Vera Clinic has only 1 patient posting results from his surgery in October 2019 on the Turkish forum (too soon to tell).

    Turkey is the world capital of botched Hair transplant surgeries so I would not advise you to go ahead with this unknown clinic because it seems to still be deprived of any reputation. 

    If want to have a cheap surgery in Turkey don’t take risks and go to Dr. Demirsoy (1.25€/graft). 

  14. @Hair transplant help you really need to do more research so check the tutorials on the different techniques below. 

    DHI - Direct Hair Implantation with Implantor Pens:




    WAW FUE System 


    Remember that what matters is the skill of the surgeon and not the technique.

    Regarding beard hair you will need to have the Doctor check your beard to see if it’s suitable for a transplant to your scalp.

    Check as much patient results as you can and then it’s matter of seeing of the Doctors with the results you liked will fit your budget.

  15. @hairlossPA I work in a open space office and took 10 days off.
    When I returned to work on the 11th day I didn’t want to wear a hat because it sends the wrong message as a department manager and because I didn’t feel the need for it.

    I noticed my colleagues and the CEO commenting on my new look and decided to explain to them all about my HT experience only to find the CEO is booking his surgery for this year and that nowadays a HT is something pretty ordinary.
    Since then I have had 2 more colleagues that have come ask me for advise on where to go for a HT and others telling me  they wished they could also afford a HT.

    Every person is different, I have always been someone that couldn’t care less about what other people think of me (so not the most popular kid in class) and have always been honest, supportive and friendly to those around me so I have no problem owning my decision of having a HT to my friends and colleagues. 

  16. On 1/22/2020 at 9:07 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Are you just trolling? I suggest you behave civil if you want to remain part of this community. If your willing to buy the hype, that is your problem, not ours. But I will not have you behaving like a troll. 

    @Melvin-Moderator this guy has been trolling on HRN insulting members and spreading his ignorance on a level that is outright xenophobic and thus unacceptable.
    In the thread below he insulted my language which he claims be to nothing more than a Spanish accent and the whole population of my country by saying nothing else separates Portuguese from the Spanish other than being darker skinned.
    Some posters responded to his blatant ignorance and assault on the population of a whole country but being the troll that he is he simply replied with insults same as in this thread.
    Eventually we all gave up and ignored the troll hoping we would go trolling somewhere else which I now see that he did.


    We are supposed to be in a community that is supportive of people struggling with hairloss and provides positive contributions.
    Therefore, I kindly ask that this xenophobic ignorant be removed from HRN as to avoid any further assaults from this troll. 

    Thank you.

    • Like 1
  17. @Hair transplant help if you are a NW6 or higher you will need two surgeries to get the best possible outcome.

    1. It’s not about the country but the Doctor. For my first HT in 2008 to rebuild the hairline I chose the best at that time for hairlines which was Dr. Rahal and last year I needed to rebuild my crown using the maximum amount of beard grafts so I chose the best for BHT mega sessions. 

    2. Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplant and 99% of the clinics are a risk but the other 1% are world class. 

    3 Dr. Keser does some of the best hairlines in this forum. Dr. Kaan Pekiner is a master at beard mega sessions and HLC Ankara is putting out some great results but they have 6 doctors so no way of knowing who is getting those great results and which Doc will do the surgery. Dr. Demirsoy also has some nice results but he uses technicians to implant the grafts (dealbraker for me). 

    4. Konior, Couto, Lorenzo, Feriduni, De Freitas (be prepared for 2 year wait lists and high prices). 

    5. What matters are the results the doctor can achieve and not the technique. For instance, Dr.  Konior is achieving some of the best results in the world and he uses stick&place to implant grafs when the newest technique is direct hair implantation with Lion Implantor Pens. Konior does use WAW to extract the hairs which is the most recent extraction technique that is said to have the lowest graft transection rate. 

    6. Again what matters is the skill of surgeon. Supposedly the best technique are WAW to extract and DHI to implant but the best in the world are not doing both WAW and DHI and are getting better results than any other doctor. 

    7. Look at a lot of results posted by patients in this forum and others.

    8. My advise is that the Doctor should be doing the whole surgery. Unless you go to icon like H&W that will have a amazing tech team because any tech in the world would kill to work for them. 

    9. Chose a Doctor with great results posted by patients. 

    10. It’s a surgery so if something goes wrong you should have medical insurance for post op care. In Portugal the best hospitals are public and in Europe you don’t pay for public health care but that might be different in other countries so it’s always good to be insured should anything goes wrong and you need to be hospitalized (if you would need to be hospitalized in the US you would probably go broke). 

    11. Trust the doctor. 

    12. For me it’s Kaan Pekiner and HLC. 

    13. Heck no! Clinics pay celebrities to have their hair transplant with them and post on instagram promoting the clinic but the reality is that a average person will not have the same level of surgery as a celebrity paid to endorse the clinic. Just like the images on the clinics website (many of them don’t even belong to the clinic). 

    14. Always ask to the surgeon what is his role in the surgery and what is the background of his technical support team. 

    15. Have a look at Dr. Bruno Ferreira in Portugal, he works in Madrid with Dr. Lorenzo but also has is own clinic in Portugal (half price). Every case is different, I went with Dr. Kaan because I needed a beard mega session and he has a lot experience with over 1800 beard grafts in one day but the diagnosis I got from Dr. Bruno was the best I have ever received.

  18. @zak786 if price is not a issue then why are you asking about low cost Turkish Doctors with subpar or bad results and cheap all inclusive Turkish clinics? 

    If price is not a issue then go with Konior, Couto or Lorenzo. 

    If you want a affordable Doctor doing the whole surgery with good patient results my advise is Dr. Kaan Pekiner (2.15€/graft) or Dr. Bruno Ferreira (2.5€/graft and works with Dr. Lorenzo) If you really want to go cheap then you have Dr. Demirsoy (1.25€/graft) but the grafts are implanted by his tech team. 

  19. @Hair transplant help if you are a NW6 or higher you will need two surgeries to get the best possible outcome.

    1. It’s not about the country but the Doctor. For my first HT in 2008 to rebuild the hairline I chose the best at that time for hairlines which was Dr. Rahal and last year I needed to rebuild my crown using the maximum amount of beard grafts so I chose the best for BHT mega sessions. 

    2. Turkey is the world capital of botched hair transplant and 99% of the clinics are a risk but the other 1% are world class. 

    3 Dr. Keser does some of the best hairlines in this forum. Dr. Kaan Pekiner is a master at beard mega sessions and HLC Ankara is putting out some great results but they have 6 doctors so no way of knowing who is getting those great results and which Doc will do the surgery. Dr. Demirsoy also has some nice results but he uses technicians to implant the grafts (dealbraker for me). 

    4. Konior, Couto, Lorenzo, Feriduni, De Freitas (be prepared for 2 year wait lists and high prices). 

    5. What matters are the results the doctor can achieve and not the technique. For instance, Dr.  Konior is achieving some of the best results in the world and he uses stick&place to implant grafs when the newest technique is direct hair implantation with Lion Implantor Pens. Konior does use WAW to extract the hairs which is the most recent extraction technique that is said to have the lowest graft transection rate. 

    6. Again what matters is the skill of surgeon. Supposedly the best technique are WAW to extract and DHI to implant but the best in the world are not doing both WAW and DHI and are getting better results than any other doctor. 

    7. Look at a lot of results posted by patients in this forum and others.

    8. My advise is that the Doctor should be doing the whole surgery. Unless you go to icon like H&W that will have a amazing tech team because any tech in the world would kill to work for them. 

    9. Chose a Doctor with great results posted by patients. 

    10. It’s a surgery so if something goes wrong you should have medical insurance for post op care. In Portugal the best hospitals are public and here in Europe we don’t pay for public health care but that might be different in other countries so it’s always good to be insured should anything goes wrong and you need to be hospitalized (if you would need to be hospitalized in the US you would probably go broke). 

    11. Trust the doctor. 

    12. For me it’s Kaan Pekiner and HLC. 

    13. Heck no! Clinics pay celebrities to have their hair transplant with them and post on instagram promoting the clinic but the reality is that a average person will not have the same level of surgery as a celebrity paid to endorse the clinic. Just like the images on the clinics website (many of them don’t even belong to the clinic). 

    14. Always ask to the surgeon what is his role in the surgery and what is the background of his technical support team. 

    15. Have a look at Dr. Bruno Ferreira in Portugal, he works in Madrid with Dr. Lorenzo but also has is own clinic in Portugal (half price). Every case is different, I went with Dr. Kaan because I needed a beard mega session and he has a lot experience with over 1800 beard grafts in one day but the diagnosis I got from Dr. Bruno was the best I have ever received. 

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