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Everything posted by Garageland

  1. Congrats on your recent procedure Spitfire all has healed very well at two months and look forward to following your progress.
  2. I wish you all the best David with you upcoming surgery with Dr Bhatti. It was interesting to review your photos and comments on Propecia. A quick word about colouring hair as I have done that before in the past a couple of times and whilst it does give a fuller effect and perhaps can make you look a little younger I always worry how natural this colouring can be for a guy that is in his 40's. If you are going to dye your hair then pick at least one shade lighter than your natural colour and do a home dye that washes out in case you don't like it. Looking forward to following your progress David.
  3. Is that true that you have to pay in cash? No sure that carrying all the money on your own is a good idea but if that is the way they want it to be. If I were you and purely for financial reasons I would take Euros as you will get a good exchange rate on your Dollars at the moment. As I assume they charge in Euros you will know what you have paid and can be in control as to when you buy the Euros to get the best rate possible. Otherwise you have no idea what rate they will apply to the conversion. My advice when buying anything or paying for hotels etc abroad is to pay in the local currency then you pay the ticket price so to speak.
  4. Looking good Tony. Sorry I missed your earlier question. Once you get to the 1 year mark it will be time to experiment with hairstyles and what will suit you best. Nearly all guys go back to the hairstyle they used to have before whether it is the best look for them or not. You will find that a certain length works for you and whether brushing it across from one side, back or forward and only practice will find out. Your hair and style will determine the best length and I would grow it out from now. When it gets too long you will know. Have fun with it.
  5. It is measured by firstly density which is number of hairs or more importantly follicular units per cm2. Secondly you are considering hair texture or caliber how thick your hair is? ie coarse or fine. You would also need to consider laxity if your are looking at FUT. Wavy/curly hair can also provide better coverage to straight hair. One thing you cannot judge that well from photos alone is the size of the recipient area do you have a large head or a small head etc. This is important to not just the recipient but also the donor area as the larger the donor area the more grafts you will be able to harvest. Other factors like miniaturization in the donor area and number of multi hair units compared to single hairs will also be considered when the overall donor area is measured. Best to have some in person consultations to determine these factors as photos alone will not.
  6. I will be again holding my regular free consultations in Central London at the Thistle Hotel in Marble Arch on Friday February 6th. The consults will be one on one with myself a hair transplant veteran who has had 5 transplants spanning over 19 years. I will be able to explain our procedure in detail, answer any questions you have regarding surgery, show you what a transplant can look like on a Norwood 6 and take clear photos for a recommendation from either Dr Hasson or Dr Wong. If you would like to meet with me in person or for more information please email me on david@hassonandwong.com or call 0757 8164162. David
  7. Fue2014, Congrats on your procedure and glad to hear the swelling has gone down. Sorry if I missed it but did you post your story on who you went to and how many grafts?
  8. Thank you 1966kph for your kind comment. As he is only just over 6 months we expect to see some more improvements although it is clear he is ahead of schedule and already has a drastic change in his appearance. Happy Christmas to you too.
  9. This patient from Vancouver had been thinking of hair restoration for some time. The goal was to try for 4,000 grafts to restore the frontal zone working into the mid scalp as far back as possible. He loosened his scalp for 2 months prior to surgery and Dr. Hasson was able to harvest 4435 follicular units in one session. 694 were single hair grafts, 3023 were doubles and 713 were 3 to 4 hair grafts. The donor area was medium to high density and the caliber of the hair was fine. Dr. Hasson also was able to provide coverage in the crown while still delivering the adequate density up front. The patient was very grateful and pleased with the result which, especially considering his fine, hair worked out quite well. These photos were taken a little over 3 years post-op.
  10. 1966kph, No top views I am afraid I will see if that is possible moving forward with updates. Thanks for your comment.
  11. Thomas it can happen, though at 8 months you should be seeing more than you are currently comparing your pre op to 8 months pics on your profile. You should contact you Doctor if you have not already and ask his opinion. I wouldn't press the panic button at this stage as that will not help, maybe you have lots of fine hair that I can't see from the photo that needs to thicken and mature and this will make a big impact to your overall result. You should see some improvements over the next 4 months or the surgery has not been successful.
  12. Getting a tan helps before surgery just don't overdo it and burn your scalp. Good luck.
  13. Any foundation will work but you need to make sure the colour is a match for your skin tone. I would source this in advance of the surgery you may have to make a visit to the make up counter to get the best match so be brave
  14. It can vary from patient to patient and some I have seen zero redness at 2 weeks and a few patients I have seen some lingering pinkness around the 5-6 month just in the hairline, this was on very pale skinned guys. There is no guarantees I can give you but it will unlikely be a concern or a sign that you have had work done. For the areas that you can't cover by sweeping your hair forward there is foundation make up which can work wonders. So many people I speak to worry about this situation but in reality it is rarely a problem when it comes to it.
  15. Mikeey, The new transplanted hairs come in gradually some from as early as 2 months some as late as 7-8 months. Some patients can see the majority of their growth at 6 months some tend to see most of it by 9 months. Then comes the thickening process which again depends on patient to patient. I have seen patients at 10-12 months that still have a good deal of hair shaft thickening to occur others at that stage it is already happened. This is why clinics will tell patients to wait the 1 year mark until they assess the results.
  16. It's difficult to say but more like 5.75cm perhaps, it looks great on this model because he is not suffering from any MPB. Be very careful when trying to restore a low hairline like this it only really works if you have very little loss and needs to be placed at a high density for it to look natural.
  17. Justone, relax you are just at the start at 4 months, everyone grows at different rates. You need to stop panicking and let things happen at their own pace. Most patients I see at 4 months are just starting to see some growth and things are a world apart from where they are at the 1 year mark. 4 Months is not considered slow growth expect some decent changes in the next couple of months. I have seen this many times before with patients of Dr Hasson's.
  18. Congratulations on your recent surgery with Dr Bisanga. I know from your postings that it has been a long journey for you to get to this stage but you have chosen an excellent Doctor and I look forward to following your progress. I also would echo what you say about Steve (sl) as to his hard work and dedication to excellent patient care.
  19. Close to 6cm maybe a fraction under I would say. Why do you ask?
  20. Pma, Let me be the first to congratulate you on here. Glad that all went well and I look forward to following your progress.
  21. Thanks for your interest in our clinic. There are a number of patient updates from from both Dr Hasson and Dr Wong to be found in the patient results section. You can also check out the many websites/blogs made by previous patients of the clinic under the share with patients banner at the top of this page. If you wish to meet with some patients that are local to you let me know. At this stage have you had an in house consultation or made contact with the clinic? Let me know if I can help with any of the above.
  22. This patient in his 30's traveled to see Dr Wong and his team from Argentina with the goal of restoring his frontal area and mid scalp. Dr Wong was able to extract 5169 grafts and establish an appropriate hairline to frame the patients face and give coverage not just through the mid scalp but over the entire balding area. With careful planning and placement Dr Wong was able to exceed the patients goals by providing full coverage. The patient sent us these photos which represent his progress at just over 6 months. He provided us with two different shots from the front. The first showing his hairline with the hair brushed up and the second brushed forward to demonstrate that he now has some options when it comes to wearing his hair. We hope the patient will be supplying us with some more angles which we will post when we have them. He was taking Finasteride prior to the surgery. His graft breakdown is below. 1862 - single hair grafts 3230 - double hair grafts 257 - 3/4 hair grafts Length of strip 30cm x 1.6 - 1.7 cm wide
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