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Everything posted by Garageland

  1. Contact those clinics that you are interested in and ask them if they have any Italian patients living near you. You might have to travel to see someone but I am not suggesting you travel the world. You need to see a few examples in person. The next best thing is to listen to what people think about their result you are correct but what one person thinks is natural is different to another. What someone would be happy with might not be what you would be happy with. You should seek out a Doctor that you are comfortable with and who has a track record for consistent results. Every clinic and Doctor will have an unhappy patient so there is an element of risk involved with every surgery but the better the track record the less the risk of course. You cannot know who the technicians are so you should ask the questions of what part of the surgery will the Doctor perform if the techs doing more of the work is a concern for you.
  2. It is the Doctors name people will refer to but it is a team effort. When I follow up with patients who have just had surgery they nearly always say how hard the technicians work. The technicians will cut and dissect the strip and place the grafts it is a very labour intensive part of the surgery and both Dr Hasson and Dr Wong have a team of 10-11 staff each Doctor doing this. This can involve long hours on a daily basis. A good tech is worth their weight in gold. Many of these techs have been with the Doctors for a long time and deserve a huge amount of credit they may be unsung heroes on the forums but they are appreciated by the clinic and Doctors they work for or certainly should be.
  3. I have seen many very natural results and some very obvious transplants over the years from a number of Doctors. The skill of the Doctor makes a huge difference as to the naturalness of the result. My advice would be to meet some patients in person. Either contact people directly on forums like this that have had surgery with the Doctors that you are interested or contact the clinic and ask if they have patients that you can meet in person. Asking what people think is not really going to help you need to see with your own eyes. Try to if possible meet someone with similar hair characteristics/level of loss such as you.
  4. As postdoc says a cooling off period of 7-14 days is only applicable if verbal contract over the phone or it was signed in your own home, the latter was put into effect in the UK to stop door to door salesmen preying on the vunerable. You can try to cancel the transaction with cc company by saying it was done under pressure. You could try to contact AHS studios and appeal to their better nature by asking directly for a refund. I can't imagine this one if going to be worth fighting with a lawyer as I am sure it has been challenged before. I was duped by this company many years ago when I fell for their strand by strand technique to the tune of ?1000 which was a real lot of money back in 1995. Good luck and keep us updated in how you get on.
  5. I use clay I personally find it can add definition and allow for styling without making the hairs clump together too much. I tried many products, clay, gum, wax etc before settling on works best for me but it comes down to personal preference. This is the time to enjoy it though!
  6. Some clinics that do FUE like to bandage up the patients donor area immediately post op so wearing a baseball cap would be out. I would say that if the baseball cap is clean you will be fine to wear one.
  7. Have you had FUE or FUT? If the hat is clean then I see no reason why not to wear a baseball cap as long as it is not tight. You don't want the rim of the hat rubbing against the grafted area. Most of our patients leave the clinic after surgery with a clean baseball cap. You should clear up with your clinic what they suggest you should do, 24 hours is a lot different to 72 hours. I would call them up and explain your situation.
  8. Thanks to all for the comments. The patient has the option of returning to address areas of concern but at this stage will wait to see further improvements in his crown before doing so. Fisherman- the length of the strip was 30cm, Dr Hasson takes a variable width of strip dependent on the laxity and requirement of the patient, it is also taken in sections at a time. Most patients tend to have better laxity at the sides of their scalp and becomes tighter through the mastoid area and looser again at the back of the scalp.
  9. A professional Hasson & Wong Patient Advisor will be in the following city for free hair restoration consultations. San Francisco December 17th to 19th Book an appointment by calling 1-800-859-2266, or emailing us at info@hassonandwong.com
  10. This patient recently stopped by the clinic to have Dr. Hasson take a look at his progress. He is in his early to mid 30's from Vancouver and was thinning in the front half with very little hair left in the crown. Had been taking Propecia prior to surgery and was hoping to address both the front and crown in one session. Dr. Hasson used 5303 grafts to rebuild the frontal zone with adequate density and give as much coverage to the other areas as possible. The graft breakdown is as follows: (1522- 1's), (3389 -2's), (362 - 3-4's). This result is about 14 months post-op. It is not uncommon for the crown to lag behind the front as far as the final result is concerned but in this case it came a little later than usual. Even at slightly over a year post-op, Dr. Hasson feels some maturing of the hair in the crown will continue over the next few months. The patient expressed his gratitude and commented the surgery has had a very positive effect on him and he is very pleased with his result.
  11. I also took a look at your photos and can see some growth albeit quite thin but that is expected at 4 months some patients are just getting going. It is far too early to start getting worried. As Gillenator says try not to focus on things at this stage or you will drive yourself crazy I know just how much easier that is to say than actually do but try not to worry.
  12. Hi Dany, You look on track I would say. It's tough the two month mark for anyone but I think it is even harder when you have a wide strip scar at the back to conceal. Hang in there buddy and things will start to get easier for you.
  13. As KO says at 23 you need to stabilise your loss, whilst it won't do much for the frontal area I doubt, you will be a much better candidate for surgery. If you can hold the mid scalp and the crown for the next year with medication then it will be less of a risk restoring the frontal third of your scalp. Speak to your Doctor about getting hold of a prescription if you have concerns.
  14. It is quite normal for the practice of charging for a consultation not every clinic will do this but many will make a charge. If you consult with most professionals in the medical/surgical field they will make a charge for their time. If you are at the stage of researching many Doctors perhaps you should go down the route of the online consult first until you have narrowed your choice.
  15. Loags, Your result so far looks great I am really pleased for you and your photos and documentation deserves an A star, well done and look forward to following your progress. Nice to be sporting a younger hairstyle I bet! I am sure when you look into the mirror the overall transformation is huge.
  16. Thanks Janna but mid December is going to be tricky for me.
  17. Photos can be very misleading so you should get some more assessments in person. From the photos it does look below average especially at the sides, there are clinics that would operate for sure but I think you need to be seen in person by a few more to get a better overall picture.
  18. Rock out Voxman!!! Hair is looking great and I like your band and style of music.
  19. I can't see your photo but a scabby scalp with lots of dried blood is a fairly accurate description of what you can expect to see after 1 day.
  20. Been around for 9 years and never heard of them. They must be new as they have no photos on their website despite saying they are market leaders. He may be a great hair surgeon but unless he has a body of work to show that is just speculation. As 1966 says research, research and research. Lots of good options available by recommended surgeons on this site.
  21. Hi, I appreciate you are new to the forum and what better way than to ask questions but this particular question causing so much debate and has been argued to death. Just scroll down this section of the forum 6-7 pages and you can find around 5 or 6 similar threads. Here is the one that has the most posts http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176801-fue-vs-fut-why-do-people-prefer-fue-over-fut-more-more.html My two pence is that there are so many factors involved as to which is better but many females opt for FUT as they are not interested in shaving their hair very short. You should ask the clinic in question why they recommended FUE. If you are uncertain you should get some other opinions from different clinics as to what is best. Take some clear photos of your Aunt from all angles of her head and submit them to clinics that are recommended on this site on the Consult a physician page here Hair Transplant Network - Find Hair Transplant Clinics and Doctors Only after doing this with various clinics will you have a better understanding of what would be best for her. All the best.
  22. Thanks very much hadenough I thought the consistent photos month by month was an interesting way to view the improvements I just need to do an update now. Janna- To be fair I only had one pass and was not around for a 6 week touch up.
  23. I can't speak for online dating before my surgery in 2006 but I can comment that when I tried online dating from around 2008 until 2011 on and off that hair is very important to woman and how you style your hair matters. That said every woman is different and for all the woman who like a grown out messy style just as many will like a buzz cut. When my hair gets longer it starts to get wavy and some woman really liked that I had a photo in my profile with my hair that way. One girl actually told me to my face on a date she was really disappointed my hair was cut short and wasn't wavy. My wife now who I met online likes my hair longer and when it is wavy. My advice take some honest shots that look like you do in person the number of dates I went on where they didn't resemble their photos was incredible. Remember online dating is very much a numbers game, many woman will not be serious and are there for attention/chat only if you don't take it too seriously or personally you will enjoy yourself.
  24. Cueball, Thanks I am meeting with some local previous patients and hoping to have a pint with them. Janna- I would like it more if it was still visible! I honestly thought it was amazing for the first 4 months but it dropped out and was barely visible around 6-7 months. I might consider doing it again as it did make a really nice improvement in my crown for a while.
  25. Thank to all those that have provided their input on this thread. Constructive comments positive, negative or indifferent are welcome that is the purpose of a forum and people are entitled to their opinions. We do not expect or demand everyone to like every result we put up. Patient expectations in terms of the results and the documentation has heightened over the years since I started my research on this forum 9 years ago that is for certain. Cryingoutloud is a good guy who has high standards which is fine. I do agree that some better hairline shots should have been included in this presentation. It is the most important aspect of a transformation for the vast majority of patients. With regards to the comments about combing the guys hairline back and taking some video I took on board these comments and thought that perhaps we had fallen behind the times in our presentation so I checked every other clinics result in the first 6 pages of this section of the forum. I only found three clinics that had shown results through actual video footage (not just a combination of still shots) Dr Lindsey, Dr Arocha and H&W through Dr Wong's other result thread. Add to that only a handful of clinics were taking a comb to the after results to pull back and expose the hairline. It is therefore unfair to criticize one clinic for not doing something the vast majority of clinics are not doing. We have lead the way with our HD videos, large high res images from consistent angles. We cannot be perfect every time in matching those angles but we do try. Follow up patients such as this gentlemen kindly allow us to take some after photos for the benefit of the clinic as a thank you to us because they are happy with the work it usually comes about after a follow up consultation with the Doctor. They are doing us a favour not the other way around and they are sometimes pushed for time or we are. Certain shots get forgotten and there is no time to shot a proper video. Not every patient wants their hair combed through as they may be returning to work. It may sound like excuses but it is a fact of working in a busy clinic and I think the vast majority of clinics don't shoot video because of the time it takes to actually edit the video into something watchable. I appreciate this is frustrating to some of those researching and we would all like to see better documentation of the results but looking around I still see us as one of the top clinics in terms of our documentation overall. That said threads like this serve a purpose to make us improve what we do when documenting results and if possible we will get this patient back to provide the missing shots.
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