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Everything posted by SD1984

  1. Looks like a clean job and nice and dense up front. Are you on finasteride?
  2. Mind if I ask how much a monthly prescription is? Is it a pain to get it or just a matter of filling out a few questions? I was prescribed a generic fin from "Amber Pharmaceutical". I'm assuming this is all the same stuff really?
  3. @Shifty Was all of this with propecia or generic Fin? Thanks.
  4. I researched and studied hair systems for the better part of the last 3 years and I can say a few things with certainty, especially after trying one myself one day, some of which have already been stated in this thread: -it is true IMO that you have to be on a certain level personality wise (balls of steel confidence as one said) to truly pull off wearing a system. I don't care how amazing they can look today (which they can) and I don't care how many YouTubers are out there (with a few thousand followers only mind you) explaining how great they can be. The harsh reality is that hairpieces still have a very negative stigma attached to them and yes, 80% of people if not more will laugh or at least think weird of you behind your back after they ever found out you are wearing. It's just that simple. If you are very unsure about wearing or have even the slightest bit of general anxiety you are really going to have an uphill battle because they are, at least initially, going to be a solid amount of work and a huge undertaking for one to deal with, both physically and emotionally/mentally. -Yes, most of these YouTubers do have money coming in somehow and will never flat out bash hair systems or tell you how awful they CAN be, which is the case for a lot of guys imo. That being said, some of them are great and can be very helpful, especially Curtis at MHE. -Speaking of which, it also takes a very "creative" and "handy" type of guy to pull off a system. Glue, tape, cotton balls, adhesive remover, etc. You name it, you'll have to deal with it, and trust me from trying one myself, it just ain't fun, and I even consider myself to be handy/creative. -If you're going out in the hot sun in the summer, whether it be to a beach or to a friends backyard BBQ you may as well always wear a hat. The bond has a 50/50 chance I'd say of breaking down in serious heat and you don't want any of that glue or even a lift showing. This alone was one of the things that just made me say F it as if I had a hair system full time I would only want to worry about it when it came to the bathroom maintenance. Truth is, you'll always be kinda worried about the hairline, at least if you rock an exposed hairline which is typically a go to look for most men in 2021. Don't get me wrong I don't think the system would "own" me or "run my life", but the bottom line is that it would be something always in the back of my mind. I would put my fibers and hairspray in everyday and while that was hell, at least when I left the house I never thought about it again (unless I was somehow someway caught in a downpour). The system would actually be much worse than fibers ever were, for me at least, and I'd imagine many other men. -I used to think a HT was the last resort for balding men. I've since changed my stance in that hair systems are the last resort. -For me personally the only way I could ever see myself wearing a system full time one day is if it was my real hairline (transplant possibly) and having a low density system behind it. Would that be hell to pull off as far as maintenance goes? Absolutely. But at least I would be able to go out and live life without worrying about dirt on my hairline front and center for people to see, or whatever else may go wrong up front.
  5. My 3500 prediction was donor only and even that might be pushing it a tad. Beard you can definitely get some more though so that's good news if it came to it.
  6. A shame. Very weak donor and a NW7 in the making. Best you could get is 3500 grafts max imo to recreate a decent frontal region and hairline and call it a day. You'd have to live with a bald midscalp and crown though Joe Biden style.
  7. I hear ya. Maybe it's just me, but it just seems like a HELL of a lot of side effect stories from guys. And sure this is the internet where people naturally come to vent or complain, but trust me when I tell you, from someone who's been reading every forum and watching every YouTube video possible for the last 10+ years, it's a pretty significant amount of men. I look at your situation and others and just think wtf, weak erections?? What guy on Earth wants to be dealing with that?? Or messing with their hormones in general? It's a real shame bc I know this is the ONE drug that is truly very successful in treating hair loss, yet naturally it comes with one of the most negative stigmas imaginable.
  8. Hope you get better. How any man touches this drug I'll still never understand.
  9. Any top doctor in the US you are going to be paying at the very least a whopping $6 a graft. Bring it to NYC with guys like Bernstein or Dorin and you're looking at around $8 a graft. To my knowledge Rahal is still a top guy in the field, yes. Is money an issue for you? Bc if so there are a few great docs overseas who specialize in FUE these days. Bruno Ferreira in Portugal is an up and coming doc who goes great work, Dr. Freitas in Spain, and the same can be said about Dr. Bicer in Turkey. Then there are the regulars in guys like Demirsoy and Pekiner who are at the top of their class when it comes to FUE HT's.
  10. It should be made known that his skin color plays a pretty big role in this too. This type of hair loss on a white would need at least 1000 more grafts imo to achieve something passable. The guy in the video also has very strong lateral humps. If those weren't there he'd need a good 750 more grafts on each side imo.
  11. Well if you are saying it is indeed that bad when grown out and super patchy then I understand. Would you happen to have a pic of it grown out before and afer for perspective?
  12. Amazing. Gives me hope. That fourth beard graft surgery was completely unnecessary though imo
  13. No offense but I don't really understand what the problem is. Your hairline looks pretty damn good there. If it's growing out thin just shoot some hair fibers into it and you'll be good to go. You will never achieve heavy density through a transplant.
  14. Looks amazing. Love the soft approach at the hairline that he pulled off. Were the hairs taken from the nape or above the ears or was your donor hair kind of thin to begin with? Thanks.
  15. I don't understand how anyone goes over 2000 grafts recommendation for you. You have a very solid head of hair and just need a little work up front. 1500 or so by my estimation. Unless you are looking to go into the crown too which I don't think would be advisable as still a good amount of hair (albeit thin) in there and you'd probably have a good amount of it shocked during the procedure.
  16. Thanks. Do you know if a lot of hairs from the nape area were used from the frontal part of the hairline or was your donor hair rather thin to begin with (low microns)
  17. Thanks Melvin. Where did you get your hairline done?
  18. Hello all. I am in the process of setting up what would be my first ever HT for a hairline reconstruction. My biggest fear with HT's, even with a good surgeon in charge, is the obvious - the hairline. Add on the fact that my hair is super dark brown AND that my donor hair is actually very dense and likely has high microns, and I just have this paranoid thought that the day will come where I look into the mirror and see what we all fear the most, a mediocre or even poor hairline with a pluggy appearance. I suppose hair can be taken more from around the nape or ears, but there is still always a chance things don't turn out quite well. While yes I know I sound a bit paranoid, it is also good to understand the possible risks with HT's. My question is what does everyone think about bleaching ones hairline as a possible solution to this potential problem. This of course would create a much softer appearance up front as the hairs would become lighter. Only drawback is you'd probably have to maintain this once a week.
  19. So much for redness only lasting "a couple of weeks" as they say. Seems like everyone I see on here has redness for many months.
  20. Only time will tell about the donor. In a few months you'll see. Could there be shock loss happening in it? Yes. But that would grow back. As far as recipient, 1250 was a perfect amount of grafts for such a small area, but the problem is it looks like there really weren't many hairs overall as the "preview phase" leads me to beleive you won't have a very dense result. I'm going to assume not many multi hair grafts in the final count? It is the surgeons responsibility to harvest a good amount of those for density purposes after they harvest the necessary amount of singles too of course.
  21. Looks like amazing work. Our donors look very similar. Rather weak looking. I'm curious did he tell you what your donor capacity is? I'm assuming it wasn't much more than what you got extracted from it if you already had to go to the beard after just 2400 grafts.
  22. Truth is most men, at least for the average western white male, look best with an exposed hairline. I remember there was a recent article, maybe it was GQ, on the top 10 most popular hairstyles for men and literally every single one of them had an exposed hairline. Me personally, I simply don't look that great with a combed down/fringe look. And while sure the average person doesn't stare at a persons hair during conversation, my point was there likely will come that day where something is ever so slightly off with your system/hairline which WOULD in turn draw the attention of someone. Will they call you out on it? Probably not. But if they do, the wearer better have an excuse ready to go.
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