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Everything posted by SD1984

  1. @harin How many grafts were they actually able to take from your donor? Do you have a pic you could share of your donor today? thank you
  2. Greatest donor of all time? Lol Work looks great. Excited for your results. Seems like a high number of grafts for the area implanted, but I guess he/you wanted to go for the most dense result possible given the density of the rest of your hair (back and sides)
  3. @DrTBarghouthiThat is a great result (the one from the thread). May I ask where the system is from and what the specs were? I'm assuming it was a bit of a light density system? Thanks.
  4. Even if the hairline has been transplanted, has anyone ever tried this or have experience with it? I'm pretty sure this is a thing in hollywood that some big time actors have done. Jon Hamm, Matthew Mcconaughey, Ted Danson and Brendan Fraser to name a few.
  5. Living in fear is not a healthy thing. Being vaccinated is a virtual guarantee that you won't fall seriously ill even if you do happen to pick up Covid. All the evidence has proven that. Time to start moving on with our lives. Get vaccinated if you're not already.
  6. By "thin" if you mean ever so slightly, then yes. Nobody will have the same density of hair they did at 75 that they did at 25. But seeing donor/transplanted hair "thin" to a drastic point to where it looks like absolute sh-t? I stand by my opinion that that's quite rare.
  7. One of the cleanest and best looking donor post ops/few weeks post ops I've ever seen. 4200 in one day though? Seems like a lot. Also does Asmed always use the same team of technicians?
  8. I agree. If all those hairs from the post-op pic grew, the result would have been amazing. A good amount did not grow. I think we all need to start acknolwedging the fact that if a transplant looks suspect at the 6 month mark, it's really like a 95% chance it won't be a good result. Too many people on here give false hope saying "give it time". I've seen VERY few cases where things don't look exactly "right" at 6 months and then it turns out great.
  9. It's pretty simple imo. If your donor is weak as hell by the time you're in your late 20's/30's and you have a family of NW7's, DON'T get a hair transplant. It will just end up looking like crap down the road if not right away. If you have great donor and understand the circumstances of not taking Fin and can plan for 1-2 more surgeries down the road, or maybe having one surgery and can live with using fibers and dermatch forever, then ok, maybe go for it.
  10. @Parasol I read your entire thread there. So I'm trying to figure out what exactly happened. It seems like your entire front end/hairline area was transplanted back around 10 years ago over the course of two FUT's. Ok. Then 10 years later it looks like the transplanted hair thinned out? If that is the case I must say that is quite rare based on all I've ever seen or read about. Very unfortunate, but most people probably wouldn't have that drastic of a change in transplanted hair. I'm going to guess that your donor wasn't exactly super dense or great to begin with, and you should have never got off fin. If a person's donor hair is somewhat thin to begin with then I'd say there is a greater risk of more thinning down the road.
  11. It looks perfectly fine to me but yes it could have been denser. I'd say it was around 75% growth. I wonder what went wrong.
  12. What is the usual reasoning behind these semi failure transplants? Is it surgeon errors, bad post op care by the patient, or just bad growth luck by the patient? a combo of some if not all?
  13. Does anyone have a reccomendation as far as a real sit up pillow goes? Or do most of you just put two pillows to the side of you, sit up behind one pillow and call it a night. I don't know how I'd ever do it. I don't even have a cushioned headboard.
  14. 1000% a hair transplant (plus Fin to maintain)
  15. Hair fibers / dermatch / great hairspray I've also read that he's likely on Propecia
  16. I'm never a big fan of implanting hairs in areas where there is still a decent amount of hair that is still semi thick (i.e. your forelock/midscalp). To me I just wouldn't feel comfortable with the possibility of shock loss on what should be considered golden hairs on your head. That being said, so far it looks like everything has gone as good as it could have. I wish you the best.
  17. I've been using Rogaine foam 5% on my crown for the last several years. Pretty sure its done nothing short of MAYBE maintaining some ground back there. Initially it gave me a pretty big shed then never really seemed to recover. Never used it in the front out of fear the foam could thin it out like it did the crown. Bc of the hype (and my inability to take Fin due to sides), i'm considering Oral minox. I'm wondering though does oral minox cause a shed?
  18. Maybe @Melvin-Moderatorknows? I know he personally reached out to Dr. Ferreira about this thread.
  19. In his case Bc of such drastic loss at a young age, I agree. Extremely high chance of the rare donor thinning, as well as hump drops.
  20. According to all I've read, it's mostly docs who work on your head at HLC with some technician assistance. @1needhair When did HLC quote you 2.5 euro per graft? According to the costs section on their site they are now at 2.7
  21. This clinic is often viewed as one of the very best in all of Turkey, standing alone with only a few others where I have never seen a bad hairline yet. They have tons of great reviews and great results all over the internet. I am curious though, to those who have good knowledge or even first hand experience there, what was it like? Is there an actual doctor out of the few there who is more well known? I know that none of them are currently on the IAHRS list. But then again, hardly any Turkish docs are. I am considering them at the moment. Thanks in advance.
  22. No I think it's just something that can happen sometimes. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Dr. Ferreira is an amazing surgeon. Even if there was an issue with the result he said that he would offer a touch up free of charge !
  23. Good chance him and the doctor made an agreement to not post about it again. Something like that. Hope it turned out ok for him.
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