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Future Hair Doc

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Everything posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. Minoxidil is a vasodilator and has no bearing on hormones. I've never come across a case with minoxidil induced loss of libido.
  2. Based on these photos, it appears you can definitely get a hair transplant. Are you on any medications? It would be good to be on meds to stabilize your hair loss. You should consult with the recommended surgeons on here: https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp?sr=HRN
  3. Yes, this can definitely be the case. This image will be helpful:
  4. The hairs will all have their own growth cycles that they'll be going through so it varies.
  5. Happy to help. I also suggest you consult with @Dr Blake Bloxham. He's been putting out amazing work and is highly recommended on here too. Are you staying local? You've got great options locally.
  6. It's good you're already on oral finasteride and topical minoxidil. It appears you've stabilized your hair loss. Does alopecia run in your family and if so, how bad is it? Which surgeons have you consulted with? Here are the recommended surgeons. Since you're in NJ, you've got a few great choices from that list that are nearby. https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-transplant-surgeons.asp?sr=HRN
  7. Have you tried topical finasteride/dutasteride? I've sent you a PM as well.
  8. Which surgeon? Use the extra time to save up money and do more research if your research hasn't been extensive.
  9. Looking great and you've still got a LOT more growing/thickening to look forward to. Thanks for sharing and please keep us posted on your results. @Dr. Vladimir Panineis an awesome surgeon
  10. This publication might be useful in your case: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6764051/ The present study has indicated that after complete excision of the mammary gland, finasteride treatment might not affect the recurrence of gynecomastia; however, additional prospective studies are needed. Surgeons may recommend continuation of finasteride in patients who wish to take it after mastectomy for gynecomastia. Obviously, talk to your doctor about this.
  11. I second @Dr Blake Bloxham. He does amazing work and is an ethical surgeon. You should definitely consult with him.
  12. Wow, simply stunning results. Thank you for sharing. This perfectly encapsulates the important of doing your homework and just how skilled H&W are.
  13. Thanks for sharing and your results look amazing so far. It's only going to get better. And yes, @Dr. Vladimir Panineis a superstar surgeon and gentleman.
  14. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, meaning that it increases blood flow. It provides a more conducive environment for hair growth. It should help mitigate against shedding, along with finasteride.
  15. General consensus is resuming minoxidil after about 2 weeks post-op. Using both minoxidil and finasteride will lower the chances of shock loss and will result in better growth of the transplanted follicles as well (the rate of growth will be better).
  16. Topical finasteride will obviously have less systemic absorption/bioavailability and consequently less chances of side effects. Oral will be more effective than topical due to these issues as well. I can't find any studies that demonstrate what concentration of topical finasteride is similar to oral in terms of efficacy. That would definitely be an interesting study. I found 1 study that shows that topical minoxidil 5% is superior to topical minoxidil 10% (the study design is flawed, imo): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31403367/ I found 1 study that shows topical minoxidil 5% is superior to topical minoxidil 2% https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12196747/ I'm not sure there will be a significant difference in the efficacy of 5% versus 6%.
  17. @Dr. Vladimir Panineis a top surgeon as well for FUE. He's based in Chicago and he's been putting out amazing results for 25+ years.
  18. For something as serious as this, NEVER deal with people who have poor communication. It is unprofessional, shows a lack of maturity, and it shows that the patient is not their priority.
  19. @Dr Blake Bloxhamdoes AMAZING FUT work. I highly recommend him and he's consistently putting out awesome results. He's got a very informative Youtube channel. If you consult with him, tell him I said hi. He's an upstanding guy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC--zjdaJBprxvp9qO3HQbog
  20. I recommend not touching it. You've got a great head of hair. I would add minoxidil to your regimen.
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