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Future Hair Doc

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Everything posted by Future Hair Doc

  1. As always, amazing results! The patient must be over the moon. Is the patient wanting to do anything about the patch in the front? It really distracts from the great hairline.
  2. I'd love to know. If topical finasteride is effective (as multiple studies have shown), then topical dutasteride should be even more effective. I'm surprised there haven't been studies on topical dutasteride. I also have only seen topical dutasteride by itself and not compounded with minoxidil (I see numerous finasteride/minoxidil combo topical solutions in the market though). Great post Melvin.
  3. Yes, topical dutasteride can be used daily (once a day). I would use the minoxidil only once a day too.
  4. Typically corticosteroids are used to combat inflammation depending on how severe the inflammation is. You should definitely see your doctor about this ASAP and talk to your surgeon.
  5. Ideally you should have stayed on finasteride and minoxidil. Why'd you stop?
  6. Please share pics as Melvin mentioned. I think the lack of finasteride did you in. Can you try a topical solution of dutasteride/minoxidil?
  7. There have been studies published in respected, peer reviewed journals that demonstrate the efficacy of topical finasteride and dutasteride. I personally use a topical finasteride/minoxidil combo and it's been working well for me. You need to be on it for about 1 year to realize the benefits. The risks of side effects are much less since it's not systemically absorbed. Of course, the oral formulation will be more effective since its systemically absorbed.
  8. Thanks for sharing. Are there any dutasteride/minoxidil combo topical sprays available for purchase?
  9. Alcohol impairs wound healing so I'd hold off on it for about 1 month: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2903966/#:~:text=In summary%2C acute ethanol exposure,balance at the wound site.
  10. Too early to make a comment at this point. Just be patient, which is hard to do.
  11. Save up your money for Eugenix...they have been consistently putting out stellar results. These surgeons in India are also recommended: https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/surgeon-list/IND/India
  12. Yes, I use a topical solution of finasteride/minoxidil and am hoping to find a reliable source for topical dutasteride/minoxidil (dutasteride is more effective than finasteride).
  13. Great post Rishi and I agree, this community is the best. Can you please share more photos of your donor area? I usually tell my patients to stabilize their hair loss with oral finasteride and either oral minoxidil or topical minoxidil. See how your hair loss progresses for about 6 months to 1 year on these meds. If you're having side effects from the oral formulation, then hop on topical dutasteride. Based on those photos you've shared, I think you'll need about 2,500 grafts to fortify the frontal aspect of your scalp. Please feel free to reach out to my anytime here or via private message. All the best buddy.
  14. I'm very sorry to read about your experience. Like you, I wish I had known about this community before I had my surgeries as well. The steroids should help with the swelling and fibrosis. I'm not sure how long it'll take for you to heal completely. I suggest you get in touch with a dermatologist. @Dr. Vladimir Panineis a board certified dermatologist and elite hair transplant surgeon. Give him a ring. His consultations are free.
  15. First, it's good that you've identified this early on. Are you on finasteride and minoxidil? So who might I take after? What's the possibilty that I will be balder than them? Why did it start this early for me? Hair loss is unpredictable since it's multifactorial and different males within a family can have it at different onset in terms of age. There's a term in genetics called penetrance and that can help explain why someone may have MPB earlier on than their father. Beyond genetics, there are issues with stress, hormones (like cortisol), neurotransmitters, TSH, etc. I would consult with your physician and get a TSH and cortisol checked. Ask your doctor about finasteride and minoxidil as well. As always, feel free to ask me questions and you're welcome to private message me as well.
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